When that happens when it's not even wet, it doesn't point to too much horsepower... rather, not enough driver...
Yeah, you know I'm a NASCAR fan and I watch those guys spin out all the time and I think, "that guy can't drive!" Jimmy Johnson for example, sure he's won five championships. But I've seen him apply a little too much throttle when the car wasn't quite as straight as he thought and go around in circles. I always think, "not enough driver!"
Of course there are those who think that if you haven't overdriven your car once or twice, you probably think you are good because you've never even been close to the limit - but in reality you aren't driving your car anywhere near its capability. I mean, some people think that but I would never say that to anyone.
In my situation I was doing about 65mph on the interstate and frustrated with a driver going slow in the left lane. I was in third gear and hit the gas a little too hard just a hair before I was straight enough to get away with it.
It was a cold day which complicates things, more HP than usual and a lot less grip than usual. I drove all the way through it and ended up rolling straight in the correct direction on the right side pavement over the yellow line (emergency pull over area?) and just let the clutch back out and kept going.
I've pretty much been driving performance cars since I started driving. Corvettes since 1999 and Z06's from 2002-2010 and now my current car.
I've never had a "wreck" but I have had some near misses and minor off-road excursions.
Im not a professional race car driver to be sure, but I feel confident in my abilities.