There are so many factors that contributed to the Artic fiasco, that these new lasers don't have.
You can make all the arguments you want about the Arctic. The simple matter is that they lied about them from the beginning and they did not meet a single advertised specification other than the battery type they took.
They are generally speaking no where near the 1w advertised power, they were no where near the 1.2 divergence, the "free" glasses are way below spec, advertised as OD5+ when in reality they were around an OD2. They claim the delays were all about safety, then you find out about the biggest safety risk yet (the glasses), not to mention they were not even in production at the time you ordered your "in stock" laser. You were told they were shipping when in reality they hadn't shipped a single unit yet. In many cases specific orders were told they were already shipped when they simply had not been yet.
Wicked Lasers has demonstrated a clear willingness to blatantly lie to their customer base in order to make money. I don't see how this changes with a different laser from the same company.
You can argue all you want about how the media coverage brought in an unexpected number of orders. But the truth of the matter is it made no difference. They weren't setup to send out a single unit any more than they were the mass number of units that were ordered. They did not even have any manufactured yet, but still had it listed as in stock. For that matter they didn't even have it fully designed yet.
Even after they finally finished the design and actually started production they couldn't even ship them in the proper order. We had people who had placed there order months ago still waiting while people who had placed them only a few days ago were getting deliveries.
And should I mention the fact that even after you got your order shipped you had a 50/50 chance you wouldnt' even get everything you ordered. People were complaining all over the place about extra items like lense kits, optics, etc... not being included with their orders.
I could keep going on and on, but the short version is they did not do a single thing correctly in regards to the arctic other than to refund my order. I see absolutely no reason to ever do business with this company again, there is simply no reason to have to put up these kinds of practices when there are so many other companies out there who are willing and able to do it all better such as Dragon Lasers, or Jet Lasers.