Remember that Sharp commercial? Or was it sony?
It's all in the "meers". Well, the optics, even.
What PontiacG5 is trying to say is that experience shows that most common green lasers are smaller at the aperture. Not sure why, have to play with more lasers, but I'm willing to bet that a beam expanding lens set would be used in higher-end modules, to cut down divergence, before collimating.
What Daguin is trying to say, I think, is that not only does sheer power affect the burning equation, so does power per area.
Now, what I'm adding, something about how since beam diameter is so small divergence goes to crap. Also, Bluray, Red, IR, all diodes, all focus the same, more or less.
This post was authored over the span of a few hours. My thoughts probably don't connect too well...