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FrozenGate by Avery

WHY so many 'necro posts' lately.

Heck, Chris, every day is necro day, go ahead and bring back some of those "golden oldies". ;)
I tried just yesterday to do a search for Pr:YLF. I know there are old threads but the search complains too short a search. Soo I contemplate a new post but resist after watching the a$$ kicking I’ve seen. Maybe we need a section just for such posts. This way if you respond to a post say over one year the response shows in the post cemetery.
Here's one best brought back from the time machine where the photo's are captured as a PDF:

Jander6442 Dual 411 nm PBS cube combined pointer:

I know you like this one, you did the last time I necro'd it.

How can you not like a thread like that, I sure miss members like Jander, he always had top notch builds with great photos to go along with them.
