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FrozenGate by Avery

where can i buy a complete Laserhost for 2x16340 battery?


Dec 19, 2019
Hello guys,
i deceided i want to build my own lasers now instead of buying complete ones. Thing is they are very overprized in EU and US and if you buy in China, you can get some pretty good deals but its hard to find anything more powerful than 1500mw blue lasers...

So what i have in mind is a laser casing that allows me tu pull out the diode+driver+lens and just fit in another package, so i can interchange the colour. I tried to disassamble 2 of my lasers, so i can use the host for another, more powerful package, but i just cant figuere out how to gt out the diode without making damage.

i do habe the 1500mw very popular blue laser in a black host, it goes under different names "X6, Shadow Laser", it looks very similar to the Thor Laser from US.
And then i have a cheaper 100mw green laser for 20 eu, its the one thats supposed to look kind of cool, silver, like a gatling gun, with a dozen of Aluminum rods. I would have loved to use that Host, but i see no chance to get the diode out of it, there is just nothing you can get a grip on for pliers or a screwdiver whatsoever. If someone thinks hes a expert and there might be a chance, i can make a picture of it.

Well, now for my search for hosts, remember i want an all-in-one host, so i only have to put the package in and srew the lens on...unfortunately i cant find much..there are some 60 dollar overprized silver casings from one of the western totally overprized shops, and there are some cheaper ones from Ali-Express for 10-15 bucks, but they only hold 1x 16340 or 18650 battery. I need a host for 2x battery, i want to use laser diodes between 2-5 watts. Anybody has an idea?

well, now that i think about it, i dont even really know if you need 2x battery...whats the most output power you can/should combine with a single 18650 battery?
For myself it is a matter of preference to use two batteries in series, some laser diode wavelenths/colors need higher voltage than one battery can provide, but there are boost drivers which will increase the voltage from a single battery enough to run the higher voltage diodes.

Check out survival laser for some hosts, maybe better to check with LPF member Lifetime17, Rich produces some nice hosts using normal flashlight bodies with a machined head on them for a DTR laser diode module to easily mount into, just insert one of those prewired modules with a battery and you can have coherent light. There are other members who can help you too.

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thank you...im just looking through driverboards on ebay and it seems they all need 12V input..at least the stronger ones, that im looking for? Well maybe im gonna build my own host, its not that difficult after all. looks like im gonna need 3 batteries.
Most of the laser diode drivers work well at 4.2 or 8.4 VDC (some less, a few more, but 4.2 or 8.4 are common). One or two fully charged li-ion batteries produce that range of voltage. Many drivers can take up to 12 volts, some even higher voltage, but they don't need that high of an input to run most of the laser diodes and drivers we use.

I have a host LIfetime17 built for me which uses two of those 16340 batteries for a 1.5 watt output 405 nm (really closer to 410 nm at that power) violet diode.
yes but i want something strong, atm im staring at the 4,75 Watt from Nichia :)
Lifetime17 can make a host for that kind of power too. I'm just a repeat customer of his, there are others here who build nice stuff too. OK, I'm out, others can help more.


Edit: I'm back, if you do buy a host from Rich, I will kick in 25 dollars towards it. Be aware 1000 mw of 525 nm green is close to four times brighter to the eye than 4500 mw of 450 nm blue. If you want more power for burning get the higher power blue, if you want a more powerful appearing laser beam, get the green.

Note: The diodes at this power level for either blue or green have fairly high divergence, compared to a DPSS laser. If you want a beam which stays tight for longer distances, get a host which can use a beam expander on it, no less than 3.0 X. That amount of expansion is a good balance between a normal beam and the much fatter beam, for example, of a 10X expander, so for many is preferred.

With the NUGM03 525 nm green diode, the Sanwu 3.3 X beam expander will reduce the divergence of that diode to that of many DPSS lasers. That amount of expansion would also help for your 4.5 watt blue, although I am not sure not as much as being higher power, I expect it has a wider emitter strip which causes higher divergence than the NUGM03 green diode.

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yes but i want something strong, atm im staring at the 4,75 Watt from Nichia :)
I can help with you host with a larger heat sink for the 03 diode . it will hold 2X18650 batteries in series . and they are prewired to drop in a DTR 2mm copper module. This host is available now 2x18350 . also a C8 is a great choice for the NUBM03 diode plenty of heat sinking . This should also hold 2x16340’s7260E036-7097-43CC-842C-FEB402574848.jpeg
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If this guy doesn't take me up on my offer within 24 hours, someone else who wants it PM me. PM me now, for that matter, if he doesn't, the discount is yours. First come first serve.
thank you for your offer, friend, but i made up my mind now and im gonna build my own casing. I managed to build far more complex stuff than that and got all the tools i need...it would atually be a shame if i ordered someone else to do it...1st im only gonna order the diode+driver and if everything works properly ill start building a nice little house :)
