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FrozenGate by Avery
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  • hello

    FYI a 'host' that can take your two batts is the same as one that uses 18650s-
    I have one that I can do both --it is not as bright as it is with two batts,
    BUT I get 18650s almost free--they are inside laptop batt packs and PC shops give them away.

    more info shortly
    part 2
    YTUBE VIDS on "Harvest Li-ion batts from laptop batt packs'' sometimes only one or two are weak

    Sometimes all take a good charge.. & with iunlimited supply who cares if $$ ones last 2 hours or free ones the last 1 hour..
    It may be a good idea to add your country in your profile.. we ca help better if we know that.
    I like 'OdicForce' in UK afaik- well made parts- some are quite easy to assemble-

    best wishes & good luck with your project-
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