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FrozenGate by Avery

what should the new Kryton be??

that looks pretty freakin sweet ;D i pretty much want it :D yet i'm still content will a C/9mm mount barrel :P

C-mounts are cheaper then 9mm package. Now the real question is which one is better. (as far as beam specs)

635nm (9mm package) is about $1/mW

635nm (C-Mount package) is about $.65/mW
The labby looks nice, I would only buy one if it was portable though. (could hold a driver and 18650 or whatever battery)
Kenom said:
This is an example of what the labby would look like.




Now, I've toyed with the idea of having these anodized black as well and am of a mixed feeling.
1. anodizing is a barrier for air flow to allow for wicking of heat from the surface.
2. additional cost
3. only aesthetics being the main purpose
4. black is better at thermal transfer but is it offset by the barrier created by anodizing.

There's no doubt that the black green labby modules look slick. however given they will mostly be put inside of scanners and spyrographs there's not much to see once it's all closed up.

Oh and the threads for the lens on this module is 16mm deep so that if your wanting to go for a c-mount, you can adjust the focus way out there. Elsewise it will be completely recessed for bluray or reds.

My thanks again to the wonderful rendering job done by Scog!!!
Being that it's a custom design anyway, don't you think that vertical fins are better? (air flows up, not horizontal) Breaking the concept of what's usual is your specialty right?
ya know now that you mention it, nobody else makes modules like this with fins going in that direction. There essentially is no difference as long as you've got sufficient air flow going over the fins. Certainly would solve one of the issues the manufacturer was saying he would have with making them. Make for a cheaper module and cheaper in the long run for the customer.
Jimmymcjimthejim said:
The labby looks nice, I would only buy one if it was portable though. (could hold a driver and 18650 or whatever battery)

Well, thats not exactly the point of a labby ;D
If the back of the heat sink offers enough space inside, then that would just be another DIY hack to a "meant to be" labby. Otherwise this space could (would?) be utilized, for example, for a TEC and a fan, or something.
I'd like to see a lab style C-mount that has a mains power plug, and also can run off some D batteries with a tube that attaches to the heatsink. It'd be like a Hercules, except with square 'sink.
