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What music does LPF listen to?

What music do you listen to

  • Rock

    Votes: 63 41.7%
  • Rap

    Votes: 27 17.9%
  • Country

    Votes: 12 7.9%
  • Dubstep / techno / rave

    Votes: 65 43.0%
  • metal

    Votes: 55 36.4%
  • hip hop

    Votes: 30 19.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 53 35.1%

  • Total voters

May 14, 2013
It is a crime against humanity that classical music is not included on this list. :)

You can include classical music here, post a video or a link.

This one isn't classical but it is a modern tribute to a great man. "Rock Me Amadeus" is a 1985 song by Austrian musician Falco.



LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Well it has been 18 days since Prince passed on and no one has said anything yet, I guess you are mostly all too young to remember him or think much of him, he was one of the most prolific artists of our time releasing one album a year for 39 years and supposedly has a huge amount of unrecorded music.


I remember watching the movie purple rain.
I always enjoy hearing raspberry beret in the summer time, I can see that sweet young girl in my minds eye, makes me feel old dammit, lol.

Do you remember these

We can go back a little further to the start of high school for me.
I had a 69 chevelle with a transplant 402....dammit those were good times when we had no worries.

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May 14, 2013
I remember watching the movie purple rain.
I always enjoy hearing raspberry beret in the summer time, I can see that sweet young girl in my minds eye, makes me feel old dammit, lol.

Do you remember these

I certainly do remember those. I can't believe something from 1984 or 1985 is enough to make you feel old. I was named Alan after the astronaut Alan Shepard, I was alive durring the Cuban missile crises, I remember watching the last Gemini mission on TV, years later I got to see and sit in one of the Gemini capsules that was recovered and saved and put on display somewhere. I watched men walk on the moon, I watched the Vietnam war on TV and lived in fear until it ended, millions died, for what? I could go on. Now I feel old, my health is failing fast much sooner than it should and I am in pain all the time and can't even stand or walk for much over a minute. I may not have much time left but when the time comes I won't mind getting the hell out of here. The earth was a beautiful place at one time, but we have ruined it, we have polluted it, it is no longer a beautiful place.

Anyway enough of that, I don't know why I am telling you this. My brother is 10 years older than me and my sister 7 years older. So they were listening to music years before I was, but I remember many of the first songs we were listening to, back then they had vinyl albums and 45 singles. We had a Magnavox console about 2/3rd the size of a frigerator if you turned one on its side, all it did was play records.:crackup: There was lots of good music back then, here is one from 1964:



LPF Site Supporter
Jul 10, 2015
Billy Squire was all the rage when I got my first car, I had a deep purple cassette with the same 4 songs on each side that I played on my way to work after school every day, I worked in a high end tire shop and drove customer cars after installing tires to see they were balanced, we had about a 3/4 mile vacant industrial road behind the shop and I gave those cars the beans.

Motley Crue was big when my 12 year old brother died and then Van Halen 1984 after that.

I later owned a small towing company and many cars and superbikes, I recycled a lot of junk cars and loved hot rodding, then that donate your car to charity scam ate my lunch and I slowly gave up my need for speed to stay out of trouble as I loved target shooting and collecting guns.

That free feeling country I grew up in where cops knew the Constitution and people always talked about it as the bottom line is fading fast.

I did not understand why people loved old music but now I do, it transports us back in time for a moment to a better place.

Rush released a song a while back summing up his feelings on the time gone by, Rush made a lot of music over the years.

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Dec 10, 2013
well I'm currently listening to the soundtrack from the video game Limbo, the music is done by Playdead. Other than that I listen to, well lots. A fair amount of it before my time, funnily enough.
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Sep 5, 2013
Listened to these guys a few years ago as a kid. French-African music so it might be hard to understand if you don't understand French, actually impossible :D

Dec 10, 2013
One of the things I pride myself on is how eclectic I am.

I'll never forget the moment I went to the till (register) at HMV with a Pantera CD in one hand and a TFF CD in the other. I think the clerk needed a reboot after that. The following screenshot of my "everything goes" playlist only gives a glimpse of the far ends of my musical tastes... I hate to boast but I'd say hands down I'm one of the most eclectic people I've met in terms of music tastes... I welcome a challenge:


EDIT: Yes, there is some classical in that playlist, although not a lot - and one of the ONLY genres I don't listen to is Opera.
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Sep 20, 2013
trencheel303, seems like your tastes run anywhere but British. Didn't see any Beck, Clapton or Page. They are three of my favorites.
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