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FrozenGate by Avery

what LPM is the real deal?


New member
Sep 1, 2019
hi, i'm looking to get into lasers, and for my own safety i'd like to be able to tell how much power a laser is outputting (yes, i have real goggles from survivallasers) how much money would i need to spend for the cheapest possible LPM that isn't fake? i would like within maybe 5mw accuracy. please drown me in links.


The cheapest LPM that is legit would be the LaserBee AX. It's $140 plus an LPF member discount, it's brand new frеshly calibrated, and can read up to a little over 3W.

Link: https://www.laserbeelpm.com/laserbee-ax.html

LaserBee is comparable to Survival Laser's EaglePair as it's the go-to best overall hobbyist/entry level LPM for many members here. And, they have better/more expensive models too if you need something more inclusive.
you mean a 5mW right?
mw is microwatt-
not even sure you can see a 5mw laser dot..
i suggest after you make more posts--place in BS&T a WTB (want to buy)
and MYB a member will sell you one of theirs.. I start there when buying anything laser,,, if you are still looking a month from now PM me and I will sell you one of mine.

len in Tx
you mean a 5mW right?
mw is microwatt-
not even sure you can see a 5mw laser dot..
i suggest after you make more posts--place in BS&T a WTB (want to buy)
and MYB a member will sell you one of theirs.. I start there when buying anything laser,,, if you are still looking a month from now PM me and I will sell you one of mine.

len in Tx

You are wrong, while mw is not correct it is understood to be mW. However microwatt is µW not mw.

hi, i'm looking to get into lasers, and for my own safety i'd like to be able to tell how much power a laser is outputting (yes, i have real goggles from survivallasers) how much money would i need to spend for the cheapest possible LPM that isn't fake? i would like within maybe 5mw accuracy. please drown me in links.

The cheapest LPM that is legit is the hyperion, however they are hard to get ahold of these days. Another option is a used LPM from a member here but those are rare and far in between. Another option is to send your laser to someone (such as myself) to test it for you, just cover shipping costs ~$4 each way. So you would need to LPM 10-15 laser before it makes sense to buy your own. If you want to buy your own anyways the easiest to get, but most expensive option is laserbee.

Edit: Also your accuracy requirement should be in % not mW as ±5mW is highly dependent on the power being tested. My Ophir has an accuracy of ±3% but it has a range of 40mW to 150W, so at 100mW it is ±3mW, but at 100W it is ±3,000mW. Big difference. Really anything ±10% or better should be acceptable for hobbyist use which consists of seeing how dangerous a laser is 900mW to 1000mW is pretty much the same for that. And seeing which lasers are more powerful than other lasers which is a relative measurement not absolute so accuracy isn't super important here just repeatability which will be much worse for the laser especially battery driven ones than it will be for laser power meters.

If you need me to explain anything further please ask. I may have gone on a bit of a spiel because my it's literally my job, I calibrate electronic equipment,but not laser power meters unfortunately :(
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If I buy another LPM it will be an A10

If I buy another LPM it will be an A10

I've been seriously looking at the A10 RTA
go to ebay and look for Starlight Photonics as a seller he has a lot of calibrated lpms I have one from him. He also a member of lpf and if you tell him your a memeber he will give you a discount
Thanks for the heads up...
Just had a look..
LPM without head.... about $300-$500
Heads (nit sure if they match the LPM you
may choose.... about $300-$700.

Has some other nice Laser related stuff as

