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FrozenGate by Avery

What is the different between 532nm and 520nm?

Mar 24, 2016
I am looking for a green laser pointer. I see 532nm and 520nm is out there both are advertised as a green laser. Just wonder what is the differnt betwwen two and which one is better. Thanks

-the wavelength is different..
-the electron volt is different.
-the frequency is different.
- the 520nm is slightly bluer than 532nm.
-the 520nm is direct diode while 532nm is dpss.
- 520nm is more stable.
-the 520nm is harder to damage.
-the wavelength is different..
-the electron volt is different.
-the frequency is different.
- the 520nm is slightly bluer than 532nm.
-the 520nm is direct diode while 532nm is dpss.
- 520nm is more stable.
-the 520nm is harder to damage.

hehe answers the full question
did not leave anything out :beer:
The 532 is a laser and the 520 is a flashlight.
LOL, but seriously if it's a multi mode then do not expect a 532 style round beam, The MM 520 directs make rapidly diverging rectangles, but you get used to them and they don't look that bad, well there's the artifacts and the splash, but you can make a lens flare hider and clean some of that up I'm sure, just like the 445 lasers, basically a 520 in a say, NDG7475 is a bright green version of a M-140
If you want something that is durable go with 520nm or 515nm.
Beam is wider. Dot isn't perfectly round.
Color is very similar to a traffic light green that is not LED.

532nm is more of a bright lime green. It is fragile, it will break if dropped.
Beam is very very thin and the dot is very small and round.
Color is very similar to a LED green traffic light.
520nm is also less temperature sensitive. When I'm star pointing in very cold weather, I've got to let my 532nm warm up, but my buddy with a 520nm has no problems.
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I would have said "12 nanometers" :)

(word laser isn't even in the question!)
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The 532 is a laser and the 520 is a flashlight.
LOL, but seriously if it's a multi mode then do not expect a 532 style round beam, The MM 520 directs make rapidly diverging rectangles, but you get used to them and they don't look that bad, well there's the artifacts and the splash, but you can make a lens flare hider and clean some of that up I'm sure, just like the 445 lasers, basically a 520 in a say, NDG7475 is a bright green version of a M-140

Thanks. So which one will you guys recommended? Cos I am going to have either one soon.
Thanks. So which one will you guys recommended? Cos I am going to have either one soon.

Really, the only deciding factor should be which color you like best. Quality 532 laser won't take too long to warm up. 520 and 532 are almost similar except for 532 appearing a little more greenish-yellow. :)

Really, the only deciding factor should be which color you like best. Quality 532 laser won't take too long to warm up. 520 and 532 are almost similar except for 532 appearing a little more greenish-yellow. :)


That's like saying 12 year old scotch and MD 20/20 are almost the same, they are both wet and get you drunk.

There is also divergence and BEAM QUALITY, there are some single mode direct 511-520nm diodes out, NDG4216is a single mode, Multi Mode 520's will make a line in the sky, not a dot my friend, some people may not care, but others may think the 520 is broken unless they know what to expect. :)
Thanks. So which one will you guys recommended? Cos I am going to have either one soon.
What is your budget? <$300 and you won't be able to afford most 520nm lasers out there. $300-500 and I'd say get a 520 nm. >$500 I'd say to get a high powered 532nm from jetlasers.
if you bid on 532 pen lasers(w/ free ship) you may win one for $3
it will very likely be overspec ( as much as 75 mW)but offered as 5 mW
since it is the policy of greedbay and PoopPal to want nothing to do with lasers (Handheld) over 5mW.

520 needs no IR filer
it will look less bright than a 532 of the same mW.
aixiz.com has a 515 20 mW module for $85.

532 is only 88 % as bright as a 555nm ( so far none exist, afaik)
so a 520 would be less bright to our eyes than a 532.
Beam profile can also make a laser look brighter as a thin beam will be concentrated.
IF you go with a 445 blue you need 1000mW to match just 50 mW of 532.:beer::beer:
