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FrozenGate by Avery

What is so bad about Ishow?

since this thread is hear i will ask my question. so my rgb is almost complete but what is my best option for creating my own beam shows. and ocassional text?
just for referrence, i went with elektro's sound card dac option. and i will be using windows xp. if more info is need don't hesitate to ask.

thanks moooocho
Spaghetti and LFI player will both let you create shows (LFI allows show creation on the fly, Spaghetti uses a time-line based system). For frame creation on the sound card DAC I recommend using ILD SOS from drlava (can be ordered from the same place as flexdrives, flexmods, etc) coupled with Inkscape (free vector drawing software). You draw/trace images in Inkscape, export them as .dxf files, and then use ILD SOS to convert the .dxf files to .ild files.
seeing as i cant rep you right now, just know i would rather owe you than cheat you out of it Pat... =)
If you are in the states, I now have the RIYA Lites available for $150, if you're interested, send me a PM.
