Hello, Hap!
I had a very similar issue with my PGL-III-C@561nm. After a few weeks it dimmed a lot. Well, as a bad solution I tried to knock it a few times, so then I received a 0.01mW pointer.
I don't know the exact reason of this happening, but there was a misalignment. A temperature change was causing it to mode hop more frequently, maybe because the crystals were changing its position a bit when I was cooling laser's radiator/head with water.
So I had it reassembled and realligned and now it works. But now I cannot use it because I am unable to align the resonator in a way so it would lase straight through the apperture's hole. In other words, the axis is broken and it lases "into itself" (the output cap s blocking the beam).
That is, you probably have the similar issue. The bigger problem is that PGL-III-C are far more easy to disassemble with a set of screws and minimal amoung of glue used.
Another problem might be in the diode. These modules are using multimode diodes as far as I know and I saw some visible multimodes not lasing "at full power" for some reason missing some of ther modes.
Yet, if you would like I can send you my spartan 473 because now I got another 473nm laser and I don't need this spartan anymore. I will do this for free because I had it disassembled, but it still lases and you can use it to try to align a 473nm laser and experiment with it, don't know... :yh: