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What driver to use for bdr-209?


New member
Dec 16, 2019
Went on ebay and found a bdr-209 405nm diode with heatsink and housing.
The diode max current is 500mA , but the driver has a potentiometer that goes from 0-800mA ,is this a big problem? Can I leave the potentiometer in the middle setting?

you can use LM317 for best easy for setting currrent! you can search google "driver LM317 for laser diode" you will find drawing of these builds
you can get current 500mA with R = 1250/I = 1250 / 500 = 2.5 ohm
you need source from 2 x lithium 3.7V ( charge full - 4.2V) or 1 x 9V battery
I use lm317 all the time for single mode and multi mode laser diodes, works very good, that said the BDR-209 can be sensitive around 500ma, why not use a Sharp GH0406AA2G you can get near 2W and it looks good with a G8 lens in the sky.

LM317 works the same as LM338 only the 338 will do up to 5A

NOTE: You need enough voltage for your laser diode + 2 more volts for the driver so diodes that need 6V or more need 3 battery in series. Some LM317 are " low dropout " and can need only 0.5V extra.

You divide the constant 1.2 - 1.25 by your resistors ohms to find the current.

A 2.5 ohm resistor means, 1.2 divided by 2.5 = 0.48 ( 480ma ) or 1.25 divided by 2.5 is 0.5 ( 500 ma ) so using a 2.5 ohm resistor will give you 480-500ma

Remember to configure as a current regulator and not a voltage regulator.

6 x 1 ohm in SERIES = 6 ohms and 1.2 divided by 6 = 0.2A ( 200ma )
5 x 1 ohm in SERIES = 5 ohms and 1.2 divided by 5 = 0.24A ( 240ma )
4 x 1 ohm in SERIES = 4 ohms and 1.2 divided by 4 = 0.3A ( 300ma )
3 x 1 ohm in SERIES = 3 ohms and 1.2 divided by 3 = 0.4A ( 400ma )
2 x 1 ohm in SERIES = 2 ohms and 1.2 divided by 2 = 0.6A ( 600ma )
A single 1 ohm is 1 ohm = 1 ohm and 1.2 divided by 1 = 1.2A
2 x 1 ohm in PARALLEL = 0.5 ohms and 1.2 divided by 0.5 = 2.4A
3 x 1 ohm in PARALLEL = 0.33 ohms and 1.2 divided by 0.33 = 3.6A
4 x 1 ohm in PARALLEL = 0.25 ohms and 1.2 divided by 0.25 = 4.8A

I explained how it works here > https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/blue-laser-74w-nubm35-portabl.109785/post-1615029

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you can use LM317 for best easy for setting currrent! you can search google "driver LM317 for laser diode" you will find drawing of these builds
you can get current 500mA with R = 1250/I = 1250 / 500 = 2.5 ohm
you need source from 2 x lithium 3.7V ( charge full - 4.2V) or 1 x 9V battery
A regular 9 volt battery won't last very long @ half an amp. Just sayin'.....
What housing is best for laser pointer ? Can I use a cheap flashlight as housing?
And what batteries to use for sharp gh0637aa2g?
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