Democrats are pushing socialism and disarming citizens and changing the rules on the fly, they are spreading discontent in a divided nation, gun owners who are also some democrats, but many see " gun control " as punishment for supporting Trump and with all the dishonest shit we have seen people are angry, now being threatened that they will be made helpless victims of crime while antifa beats Trump supporters with chains and cops stand by, it's building up. Abortion is seen as an attack on religion, and religion is under attack as well. Liberals are fleeing ruined cities and changing the power balance in other states and this adds t the anger.
Meanwhile liberals are told it's all racism from the right and dangerous rednecks who are white's a lie, I go to the gun range and myself and others watch over new shooters to insure safety, some of the best people on this earth you meet at a shooting range from all races/genders/backgrounds often with their kids who are learning to hit the bulls eye, just good family people.
I don't expect a civil war yet but we are headed that way, that doesn't mean it will happen, but if people are to passive until things are too oppressive then things could boil over quickly at some point.
This is what's been happening with unconstitutional so called " gun control " .......... liberal cities have pushed unconstitutional restrictions, in Conn. after an " assault rifle " ban most owners simply did not comply and it's a stalemate of sorts. Lawsuits continue.
NY, Ca. NJ have passed restrictions that are unconstitutional and lawsuits continue.
Typically politicians do things slowly, but at the pushing of Bloomberg Virginia Gov. Northam is now positioned and has proposed going way too fast and people are now pushing back in a big way.
In Virginia Bloomberg used millions of his dollars to sway the state election giving the state house and senate majority to dems for the 1st time in decades and the proposed unconstitutional laws ( waiting for the 2020 session ) have most of the land mass of Virginia and 2.5 million gun owners promising civil disobedience as well as most the counties sheriffs refusing to enforce the yet to be signed proposed laws.
1st will be injunctions and months of lawsuits but already gov blackface Northam is talking about calling in the national guard as police in most of the counties which are now 2A sanctuary counties say they won't enforce the yet to be signed laws, this has become the new ground zero and 100 million US gun owners are watching and millions are ready to do whatever it takes to be free from this tyranny which has already taken root in liberal run states.
2.5 million Virginia gun owners and 7500 national guardsmen in Virginia would make for a start of a civil war but I don't think it will happen, it's just more fuel of the fire that's building up pressure in the tank of public disgust, BS impeachment, banning plastic straw while junkies crap in the streets, it's a mess but things swing one way then the other, the potential problem is when someone like Northam goes too far too fast and lots of people react, if a major city burns after a rally where antifa and patriots clash and hundreds die then it could be a start........just when does a protest go violent and when does that spread into a riot like in LA and the more people involved the more potential for it to spread, some low class areas of cities are just waiting for any excuse to riot, and you know politicians would hype what ever happens blaming the other side, they have gone off the rails with the rhetoric and it could snowball after a seemingly small thing where the pressure is too high for too long, but hopefully the pendulum swings and things balance out........but right now tens of thousands of Virginia gun owners are ready to fight, I mean really fight and a million more won't comply and the Governor is spoiling for a fight, maybe the legislature will opt to put on the brakes, if not the pressure will build and it's already very high, the problem is when too many people are angry and willing to act, there are half a million police officers in the US so an uprising of 5 million would be a problem, and what if 3/4 of the police themselves are on the side of the uprising.?
I don't expect any civil war, but we are headed that way, hopefully at some point we can say things have become less volatile, but that means a handful of politicians have to stop manipulating public anger/fear for their own power..............dam, we might be screwed.