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What are your Spending Habits?

What are your spending habits like?

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Aug 25, 2010
I am curious as to how often and how much the average LPF member spends their money on lasers. Within the past month or two I have gone through a spending spree and spent a bit too much on lasers. Here is my recent list of laser related expenditures:

400.00 | CNI PGL-III-C 800mW 532nm
200.00 | CNI PGL-III-C 100mW 671nm
320.00 | Jetlasers Pro PL-E 30mW 473nm
600.00 | Assorted Diodes and Drivers
115.00 | MS-SSW Host from Sinner
$1,635 | Total Spent

I was about to spend another 700 dollars on a 589 and another 515 on a Projector but then my car had issues and I pumped the breaks. I still might get the projector if I can spare the money.

So what are your spending habits like? I tend to buy in little bursts of a lot, and then go dormant because I am so poor afterwards.


The best answer; too much too often. It is in bursts though for the most part. Very little on lasers but pretty much entirely on tech of some kind. If I don't spend then I don't do, and I cannot stand being idle.
bits at a time new batteries one week ,charger better ones next week ,one laser the week after that,glasses etc so i have steady stream of stuff coming .Today i had 10 16340 batteries 1800ma arrive if they do 1300ma i will be happy. Have just ordered 18650 x 4 today 4000ma
With 16340's I wouldn't expect more than 800-900mAh. But who knows.
I have a made-up condition known as wallet bullimia. :p

Save up for a bunch of pro photo gear, drop a whole pile of money, rinse, repeat. ;)

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I've been trapped in the first option (in bursts) for some time, trying to reduce it to steadily a lot (which I voted for:na:) and if I one day manage to kick myself lower to steadily a little, I'd celebrate this occasion with buying another laser:shhh:

In other words, my spending habits are simply terrible...need some serious "resist-to-buy-another-laser" therapy treatment!
I hardly spend anything...
I have to keep saving because my gf lives 10,000km away... and my income is only 70% of minimum wage -.-' (wellfare check because i have borderline)
And since i can't get a job because i don't have experience because i can't get a job... i am stuck with 70%

So i can't afford to spend alot
Honestly the blue laser i'm going to buy soon is the first expensive thing i buy for myself since ages...
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i usually just spend in bursts that are infrequent, im only a student studying and have no income,
although im not broke by any means simply because a relative left some money to me,

last spending spree i spent over 400 on stuff from ebay and fasttech and am planning to spend another >200 on my 2 watt 445 build :)

although my parents are completely against me spending my money on lasers because "quote" "Its a waste of money and you should save it for when your at uni" i hate it when they say that but their probably right :)
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I steadily spend a lot. Though whether it's on my self, or for stuff to sell (to make it self sustaining) determines everything :p
For me it is usually bursts. There usually aren't that many things that I want, but they are often quite expensive, so it's a large chunk when I do buy one.
May: $145
June: $158
July: $152

I try to cut myself off at 150 but still thats too much!
These happen in burst though, usually 1-3 purchases right after I get paid!
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For the next few months ill be spending pretty steadily and doing a ton of new laser host searching. Sick of the standard C6 and 501b so im buying atleast $30 a month worth of flashlights to inspect and review to see if its a possible laser host. If you guys have anything particular you want me to check into then let me know! Be more than happy to do this and on the bright side, anything that falls short of my expectations will most likely be a giveaway item so that means possibilty of many giveaways to come or the next new laser host standard!
May: $616.16
June: $1561.58
July: $756.44

I think I have a problem....
Where do you get all this money?! Haha.

Don't get me wrong, if I could spend that much, save for college, buy gas, and still survive I would. Mcdonalds just doesn't pay enough. Unfortunately when you live in a rural area you spend a lot on gas. Cost me more than $250 a month.
I spend in bursts.

I'll buy NOTHING for months on end, then just have a blow out.

It usually happens when I need something small... I'll go to a online shop looking for a driver say, and end up with hosts, diodes, modules, drivers, lenses and cat food in my basket.

I don't even have a cat.
