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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

What are the chances?

Well...Live and learn. I don't know how I did not see that!
Thank you.
BTW, I PMd you regarding your builds. I could not believe it when I saw the fan in the base of the Home Despot flashlight. I had seen very small fans at Microcenter where I buy computer supplies...but the one you have...can't tell how small.

I want to build something with I think it is the 445 9m...I heard it yields a line instead of a dot...but I like the power ! :-)

I saw this build called Groove...I think that is the name of the driver...but he uses grooves in which he put glow powder which is epoxied...initially I thought it pretty cool...but it does detract from the stealth aspect lol

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Edit... You'd think by now I'd know to go to the last page of the replies in a thread. :o
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