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FrozenGate by Avery

Was just scammed by someone on another forum.

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Oct 5, 2013
So I guess this is what I get for trying to restore my faith in people, I get fucked over. I have just been scammed by a member on bitcointalk for [btc]0.1652.

To many people that may not seem like a lot. But for that money I have to work 10 hours, 10 hours for someone who gets a kick taking advantage of people.

I was just trying to do honest business and I thought I could work with this guy. I even sent him more than I initially told him. I told him I would send half first, he sends the whole $100 thorough WU, then I pay him the other half after.

Instead, after he sent me "confirmation" that he sent payment, I decided to be nice and send the other half. I go out of my way to pick up money which isnt even waiting for me. I dont know what to do anymore.


I guess I just need to chalk this up as ANOTHER time being scammed.

I still don´t understand that people are able to do that. Maybe they blame others for being losers. Also got scammed during end of last year, lost $430. They got the guy last month (he also scammed others, getting $18.00 through it), but he hadn´t much of the money left on his account.

Better to only trust "online-people" only when you´re having a 100 % positive feeling AND buyer protection or something similar.
I still don´t understand that people are able to do that. Maybe they blame others for being losers. Also got scammed during end of last year, lost $430. They got the guy last month (he also scammed others, getting $18.00 through it), but he hadn´t much of the money left on his account.

Better to only trust "online-people" only when you´re having a 100 % positive feeling AND buyer protection or something similar.

What are the odds that your guy was German too?
What a P.O.S.!
@ FP, nope, definitely not going too far!
Thanks for the support guys. Another thing that really sucks though is that I still need the money. So if anyone here wants bitcoins for WU let me know.
That's the one thing that PayPal has going for it; buyer protection and ability to pull your funds back from a scammer (in most cases). Unfortunately cryptopayments are irreversible.
Wow. Sorry FP. Don't give up on humanity yet. There are still some good people in the world. They just seem to be getting fewer and farther between.
What goes around. Comes around.

Wish I could help you out with the bitcoins. I have a bitcoin account but I'm afraid to touch it at the present moment. Long story. :)
I think DTR takes bitcoins though ! Maybe we could work out a deal with him next time I order diodes. You could send him bitcoins to pay for my diodes and I could send you the money. That way there is a well respected member of the community as a buffer to protect us both. Just an idea. I don't know if he would go for it or not.
Best of luck though.
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is there no protection with bitcoin? Cant you contact some fraud service and report this guy? There is obviously a trace of IPs and what not and you have a confession?
No, there are no protections in either direction for any cryptocurrency. Every transaction, big or small, is permanent and completely untouchable. Only certain alt-coins in certain rare circumstances can have even a blip (51% attack) that can allow for errors or reversals in transactions. Aside from that (and Bit/Lite are immune to 51% attacks now) there's nothing you can do. If you accidentally send money to the wrong address, or you get frauded, it is gone, forever.

Cryptocurrency was designed as a means of electronically transferring funds in a way that no government, agency, company, or individual can trace. The first transactions were mostly for black market goods.
That basically says the security achilles heel of bitcoin is the exchange, which with bitcoin, it largely is. That's only because mining is mostly done now to keep the network up and process transactions rather can make new coins. In other cryptocoins where the exchange isn't the sole source of coin (just as it was in the early days of bitcoin, back when black market transactions were the majority) you would mine your own coins so there's no exchange involvement. In the early days many miners became micro-exchanges. So yes, you can trace the coins to the exchange and get the user data from the exchange, but you can't trace the users directly, or tell what the coins were used for.
Bitcoin's community is not reliable imo as the people on it know how to scam and get away with it. I would stay away from it if I were you or only buy from reliable people.

Sorry about your loss man
Yeah, the community is terrible, just look at /r/Bitcoin it's nothing but aggression, posturing, trolling, and blind greed. It's why I liked Doge, complete opposite community. Too bad doge's viability is declining rapidly.
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