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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

Was just scammed by someone on another forum.

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Its so easy to make money off these phish that they deserve to lose it

I'm not wired like that. An honest person never deserves to be scammed and a scammer never deserves to profit.
I do agree a person needs to be aware of the environment they are operating in. Certain environments aren't for everyone.

Yes a fool and his money are soon parted. But a fool doesn't need any help parting with their money, they will do so on their own.

I'm far from naive . There are a lot of people on this forum I trust. I do business with them all the time.
Some environments you need automatic weapons. Some you don't.
Being able to tell the difference is far from naive.
I didnt say you were. You missed my point. One shouldnt put themselves in that type of environment to start with. And when someone choses to do it anyway they should not be surprised if they shoot them self in the foot while they are there.

I agree. It's turned into a crazy dog eat dog world. I can remember when doors weren't locked and if you broke down on the side of the road the person stopping was stopping to help.
Not anymore. Finding a trustworthy person is like a breath of fresh air.
I know this and I still want to believe in people, give them the benefit of the doubt, until they give me the reason not to. Sometimes I`m screwed. Sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised. Sometimes I'm pleasantly screwed. :)
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