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FrozenGate by Avery

Want to buy some gallium metal

Your welcom. Maybe later on I show some pics of mine ;).

I also have some mercury but that its not stiky at all.

Glad you enjoy it.

If you know any tip like this one for ferrofluid share it here please.

I bought some from Amazon one time. Seemed pure to me. Ended up loosing small amounts of it at a time until it didn't amount to much. Believe I had two grams.
This might be an old thread some may become miffed with as necro, but I find it interesting none the less. What is the practical use of Gallium?
This might be an old thread some may become miffed with as necro, but I find it interesting none the less. What is the practical use of Gallium?

It is heavily used in the manufacturing of semiconductors including laser diodes, what else I don't know, but a practical use for us, I have no idea.

It is heavily used in the manufacturing of semiconductors including laser diodes, what else I don't know, but a practical use for us, I have no idea.


It's also used in the manufacture of solar panels and as a non-toxic replacement for mercury.
I used it for fun. Metal that's non toxic that can melt in your hands.
Brought it to science class one time and showed the class. We made and filled a mold of a key with it, from candle wax.
Really cool stuff.
gallium is also used in very high temp thermometers, and places where a liquid needs to exist from near room temp all the way up to very high temps, since gallium has the widest liquid range of any element.

also, go to rotometals for gallium, they have amazing customer service, are US based, and have rather low prices.
