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FrozenGate by Avery

[video]Heavy problems with RDTech's 445nm laser

£125 for a 1 watt blue...if it sounds to good to true, it normally is!

$45 or less for the diode and $23 for the driver. How much was the host?? Maybe $30. Not everyone sells their lasers to make a profit. Maybe RDTech only wanted to make his money back. Maybe like most of us he enjoys making them.
I personally enjoy making and assembling them more then playing with them.

The laser in question is even cheaper than £125, it is $125.
Or the exchange rate of the pound has gone throught the bottom.
OK, I am back from non internet cloud. I can not explain power issue and have reasy all posts regarding problems and possible repairs like using different batteries. It is a Lava Boost drive with 18650 battery (1). Odd thing is it only outputs 5mW according to him. As previously stated, I do not ship crap / dead lasers. I do not wish to be looked upon as a hack or thief. I only sold this unit to make up to cost. I have sold many more for much more. I explained to him I'd pay for return shipping. I can not explain why it lases at ALL (unless different batteries were installed) I used that laser for a while and has "zero" problems. So, when it gets back, hopefully soon, I'll put it on the bench and figure it out. I'll post and take photos of problems when necessary and what I believe to be the problem. That laser put out over 975mW with 3 axis glass 405nm lens and 18650 battery. I supplied NEW single charger. Theoretically, nothing should be wrong, we'll see ASAP.

Sorry again for any problems this may have caused you. I am truly sorry you have had bad luck with forum purchases. We'll fix it.
alright i hope you receive it soon and ship it back ASAP - fixed ofcource :)
thanks for the reply.

Problem is, i payed for extra shipping because i wanted it faster...now i need to ship it back. thats killing me.
the longer you have to wait, the more rewarding it gets :p
The best part about climbing mountain is not being at the top of the mountain, it's the trip to it.

Trip seems pretty shitty from where I'm standing.

RDTech seems very willing to make it right though. Thumbs up.
The best part about climbing mountain is not being at the top of the mountain, it's the trip to it.

Trip seems pretty shitty from where I'm standing.

RDTech seems very willing to make it right though. Thumbs up.
i climb mountains for reaching the top, making photos and videos. the trip is not really fun to me, i rather take the lift.
and yes its a shitty trip. i never had the fun of enjoying a quality and strong laser before.
i hope that time is over soon.
i climb mountains for reaching the top, making photos and videos. the trip is not really fun to me, i rather take the lift.
and yes its a shitty trip. i never had the fun of enjoying a quality and strong laser before.
i hope that time is over soon.
That's a metaphore [spelling?].

In any case, if you ask me, etching PCB and soldering driver and pressfitting and assembling your laser is as fun as, if not exceeds, actual usage of the laser.

Though, waiting for one to arrive instead of making it yourself ... probably not a good analogy here. Sorry.

Let's hope this is over fast.
Sh*t - I'm baffled. If the current dropped, the laser should lase a min of 50-70mW, There are too many factors to figure it out without seeing & testing it. - 1 - dropped, 2 overpowered with different batteries, bad contacts, blown driver board, NO way to accurately test laser output. (no test of current draw either with DMM on amps) This is a puzzler. If the diode burned up, it should not lase as good as the video showed on youtube, we'll have to wait and see. Mitch
Sh*t - I'm baffled. If the current dropped, the laser should lase a min of 50-70mW, There are too many factors to figure it out without seeing & testing it. - 1 - dropped, 2 overpowered with different batteries, bad contacts, blown driver board, NO way to accurately test laser output. (no test of current draw either with DMM on amps) This is a puzzler. If the diode burned up, it should not lase as good as the video showed on youtube, we'll have to wait and see. Mitch
Uhh correction, he DID measure the current draw, it was little over 0.5 amps.
Which is the most baffling fact here.

Perhaps Chuck Norris is getting jealous of all these blue lasers or something, causing some space-time warp anomalies.
Uhh correction, he DID measure the current draw, it was little over 0.5 amps.
Which is the most baffling fact here.

Perhaps Chuck Norris is getting jealous of all these blue lasers or something, causing some space-time warp anomalies.
Omg noobs. Its the quantum singularity that pushes the power current up. This is caused by the stargate flow with warp stabilisers, minus 4.

Read all the replys they contain some facts RDTech. I indeed measured the current flow... And its strange that usimg the smaller batteries got such a blow in power...and then use the 18650...and its <5mw again. Weird, even if i dont know all the electronic terms.

Did you test the laser before shipping? Not to ask for rudeness and to blame you, but i can hardly believe that such a secure package could have been damaged by the usps. I also shipped it back in same package as you shipped to me.
Now I am baffled even more. 500mA should lase. Not near 1W. Once again, I must see this oddity before commenting further. Battery not holding full charge? Protection circuit faulty on battery or bad contacts - lets wait for arrival..
Now I am baffled even more. 500mA should lase. Not near 1W. Once again, I must see this oddity before commenting further. Battery not holding full charge? Protection circuit faulty on battery or bad contacts - lets wait for arrival..

I tried 3 different 18650 batteries...but feel free to try out more. But why would 2 smaller batteries work, if the bigger one doesnt...then its not the contacts right?

I hope you can find and fix the cause....i wont be able to find 1w for 125 dollar again so fast,...
Today is a very likely day it will arrive if the usps works on saturday.
I hope it arrives because i want this to be done with.

Also, i have not received back the payment of the shipping yet....

Will keep you guys up to date.
And i hope rdtech does that as well.
so, it did not arrive yesterday i guess.
still have not received back shipping costs.

i will call TNT post about the wherebouts of my package monday. it should arrive monday or something has gone wrong.
