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FrozenGate by Avery

Verde Volcano Jr., a 520nm 1500 mW 8 Lenses System Handheld Laser

Aug 25, 2010
Dear forum, how are You?
I haven't forgot You, I could never do it :giggle:
Simply I was busy to build a special handheld laser, and this time I have overstepped myself.
The result has exceeded all my expectations ... in a few words, I created something simply perfect!
Now, before you drool up to the last drop of saliva :ROFLMAO:, some infos about this ambitious project.
This time I have build every metal part of this laser: the main body, the turret and the lens holder,
and I have modified other parts like the Sanwu Spike battery compartment.
I learned how to use lathes and CNCs, at least for what I need to build.
This 13-months project was really a pain in the ass, especially the optic parts: beam elevation, beam
axis and collimation were the main concerns of this project.
An unusual bizzarre corrective optics combination was also used to guarantee a tiny beam to avoid
beam truncation due to the input beam diameter limitation of the 10x variable magnification Linus
beam expander.
A very nice suprise was that I obtained an awesome output power of more than 1500 mW after
three corrective optics and a Linos beam expander that mount other 4 lenses inside!
Probably the high efficient blackbuck driver set at 2.4A with three cells configuration has could
squeeze from the diode every tiny drop of green juice :p
The massive heatsink system (20mm copper heatsink plus a generous brass turret plus a lot of
body aluminum) permit to have an extended duty cycle: after two minutes the turret is sligthly
warm and the body is completely cold, so 3/4 minutes may be the sweet spot.
In the worst case the probe will interrupt the current to preserve the diode.

Well, here is, step by step, the whole odyssey:

The shiny polished aluminum host:




I had to create a through hole to make the internal hole for the negative path, afterwards I screwed a grain
to plug the unnecessary hole:

The brass turret:

The 520nm diode pressed into a 20mm copper module:

Turret mounted:

Blackbuck driver set at 2.4A:

In the past I suffered a bad short between the tin spots and the aluminum
host, so I have insulated the spots with two small pieces of insulating tape:

Driver glued with Arctic Alumina thermal adhesive:

Flaminpyro's pill firmly inserted:

Since the negative contact around the pill was weak and imperfect, I preferred
to create a solid path making an hole with a screw in the host and tightening
well the faston where I have soldered the negative wire:

Positive and negative wires soldered:

Driver switch cables shortened and soldered. Third unused cable insulated:

And now the first issue: the beam elevation was wrong, so I created a perfectly
flat thin foil of brass to elevate the beam to the correct height:

Putting Arctic MX4 thermal compound to maximize heat transfer:
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Placing again the turret and locking it, soldering the remaining cables,
shaping them to obtain a clean and tidy appearance:




Probe glued:

The brass corrective optics holder:

The holder in place:

Corrective optics mounted:

Second issue encountered: the fast axis after the last corrective optic was
too large and so heavy truncated first by the output hole and then from the first
lens of the Linos beam expander, so I found a special lens combination made by
two 6x cylindrical lenses and one 3x cylindrical lens placed in the opposite direction.
In that way I obtained a very narrow beam:

A three-parts stainless steel battery holder from Sanwu's Spike Host:

The handheld name engraved on the first brass ring:

The frequency and the power engraved on the second ring.
Since I expected a lower output power, I engraved 1400 mW instead 1500 mW:

Inserting the battery tube inside the main part with perfect fit.
Locking the two parts with the set screw:

Adapting and firmly inserting the Sanwu Spike ring:

Inserting the best 26650 cells on the market freshly charged:

Turning on the laser. The light dispersion around the lenses was so little that I
was able to take a perfect shot without using any filter:

The perfect squared dot shape after the corrective optics at 10 meters:

Inserting the acrylic canopy with a perfect fit:

Mounting a brand new 10x variable magnification Linos beam expander:
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The monster finished between my last three creations:

The beams:


The 2 mins performance. Wow, 1500+ mW after so many lenses and a very stable output power:

Take a look how much narrow is the output beam that I obtained in this build:

At 10 meters distance the beam maintain all its power:

And now, also this odyssey is ended. Without any doubt, I have built the best greenie ever.

As usually, I must to thanks:
- My guru CDBeam777 for teaching me the basics;
- Badboybilly for the body shape idea;
- X-Wossee for the Blackbuck driver;
- DTR for the 520nm diode pressed into a 20mm copper heatsink;
- OPT Laser for the corrective optics;
- Sanwu for the battery compartment and for the brass rings engraving;
- Linos for the beam expander;
- KeepPower for the cells;
- Flaminpyro for the pill ...

... and all my Laserpointerforum friends!

You will still hear about me, it's a promise! :cool:
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Minamoto, you've outdone yourself ....again; what a fantastic piece of work, the attention to detail is outstanding throughout this project.
This Verde Volcano Jr. build is laserp0rn at its best! :cool:

Thank you for sharing this beauty with us! :)
Awesome build (y)
I'm sure the beam looks so amazing live and looking back down the beam in either direction from a long distance has to be fun.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next one. :D
A very nice result!
Have you measured the divergence without the expander? And with it. What are the results if you have?
In case you don't know, measurements should be done at least 30 meters away from the apperture , and say 5 meter increments after that distance. However, if you have a Rayleigh Length greater that 30 meters then you'll need to determine at what distance that is then start your measurements from that point.
Just Amazing !!! A Work of Art !!!!! The Student has indeed surpassed the Teacher. I really enjoy the clear canopy....then again....I am a Showoff !!! And....I prefer to see my handiwork !!! ….and yours !!!!!!!!!!!!

You have come full circle now !!! From a thought in your head....to a design on CAD.....to a perfectly executed plan in the Machine Shop....to tedious and miniature electrical connections....to countless hours to achieve perfect optical alignment !!!.....And the final result....a proud maker with world class results.

SO....the Earth as more than circumnavigated the Sun.....over a year this build has gone....ON....and on....and on !!!!! From a twinkle in your eye....to a proud moment of First Light. You know how difficult it is stay the course....to keep going...and going...and going !!! You know how each build....this complex and challenging is !!! How many little surprises..... just appear....Not really anticipated....but....demand a solution....or ALL that has gone on before.....will bear NO fruit !!!

You now know the Sweet Taste of Victory.....!!!

You now ALSO know....it is a slight taste of Bittersweet !!!! .....for that which you have worked so hard for.....that which has demanded many, many ....er....inspired solutions....extreme attention to detail....and a massive degree of patience to fulfill....is....ALAS....come to an end !!! SIGH !!!

Take heart......we have many, many more mountains to climb !!!

I expect further Great Things from You !!!!!!!!!!!!

….OH.....and let me add....It takes a great deal of organization and effort to document such an Epic Build. This journey....you share....for FREE......Completely FREE.....so that others may share in your trip....your path.....your challenges and satisfactions....with us. Your excitement and Spirit of Dedication.....are realized by your creation.....a build as close to perfection as one can hope for.....as we live now here on Earth !!!!!

As admirable as this build is.....and it is !!!....what is equally....ADMIRABLE....is the sharing with other LPF members. I know you do this.....not to boast...but in a humble framework of joy and giving !!!

As bright and tight this beam points its finger out into deep space.....your focus on sharing with us....is equally....a very appreciated gift !!!

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