I finally have an excuse for leaving all the lights on
Actually, despite living in Canada, I haven't turned my heat on yet this winter (and it's March now, so I doubt this will change).
Not to derail the efficiency conversation, but it occurred to me that someone asked why I wanted / needed this circuit, and I didn't answer.
The truth is, I don't actually have a current use for the circuit. However, after a few years away from lights / lasers, I've been playing catch-up grabbing some of the new hosts out there. I've noticed a trend towards hosts that use momentary switches / tactile buttons. It's either a trend, or just a reflection of the type of hosts that have caught my attention recently. Either way, it seems like there is a growing body of hosts with buttons/switches that will be challenging to use as laser hosts, absent a circuit like this.
That was my objective - to get something out there, quickly, that can be dropped in-stream with existing drivers, to make this new wave of hosts that use low-current monetary switches, laser-friendly.
The circuit / board files will be made open source once I've verified that the design works (if anybody really wants them now, I'm happy to send you them by PM). That's the explanation - not super exciting I'm afraid.