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FrozenGate by Avery

Updated: The Wavelength Thread


LPF Site Supporter
Jun 12, 2015
I've been working on a comprehensive list of various visible wavelengths.
Mainly because I was interested to find out visually how much of the visible spectrum has been covered. In particular by diodes.

I did search the forum and found that there was a thread that existed already. So I just want to take a moment to reference the original thread on this topic. I was going to post on that thread, but my post would just get lost upon the pages rather easily.

Some excellent work was done by doubleone44 already. Feel free to take a look.


This is mainly a major update as he isn't really active much anymore to keep the thread maintained.

For now I have included:

  • Diode (Mainly all CW and room temperature, but with a few exceptions.)
  • DPSS (Have focused on recorded research and commercial lines, as there are far too many combinations that could exist in this category.)
  • OPSL (Commercial lines, similar story with DPSS's if fully explored.)
  • Solid States
  • Gas
  • Metal Vapour

I was going to include dye lasers, but they are widely tunable and can cover a large portion of visible spectrum anyway. I might as well colour that combined spectrum in all together otherwise. :p

I plan to make this thread more comprehensive over time. The idea I have is that one day a member can have a specific wavelength in mind, and then come here to find out about it and answer some keys questions such as:

What mediums are available in that wavelength?

  • Diode (including semiconductor chemistry)
  • DPSS (Syntax: Laser Harmonic (SHG etc); [Wavelength to 1dp.]; (Laser crystal ; NLO crystal) [Wavelength Process]
  • OPSL (Follows similar syntax to DPSS)
  • Solid State (includes wavelength to 1dp and medium)
  • Gas (includes wavelength to 1dp and medium)
  • Metal Vapour (includes wavelength to 1dp and medium)

What is the commercial availability like?

  • DIY/Research Only (only seen in research articles, or in homemade attempts)
  • Request/Order based (Not accessible without contacts)
  • Limited availability (Sparse amount of sources available)
  • Widely available (Readily available)

What power levels are available?

  • Low (Only seen <5mW)
  • Moderate (Anything between 5-200mW)
  • High (Available at >200mW)

How much does that wavelength cost?

As the major population of LPF is US situated. I will base the price range on USD. I am using the cheapest available way of getting hold of that medium at that wavelength. Obviously, if you are after a higher quality/higher power unit then it will easily make it into another price range. I will also not list exact prices as these change based on several factors mainly due to availability or suppliers catching on to our interest.

  • Inexpensive (<$50)
  • Affordable ($50-$200)
  • Costly ($200-500)
  • Expensive ($500+)

How available is this wavelength?

  • Wide Availability
  • Limited Availability
  • Request/Order Only
  • DIY/Research Only

If the availability is limited or request based, I will list the most suitable sources of where you can get hold of them. If widely available, then there is no need for me to list a source, as a simple search of Google will help you find them. ;)


Also for a more comprehensive list of diodes available, please direct yourself to jnrpop's thread. --> List of Diodes

Due to the excellent work done by jnrpop, there is no need for me to list every diode. Instead I will list noteworthy options.


Wavelength Guide

Here are some quick viewing pics for your reference.





And now for a detailed list. If you see anything missing. Please feel free to share and help gather information.
I have tried to gather as much as I can in my spare time. There will be plenty missing still, as I do somewhat have a life. :D

λInfoAvailabilityPowerCostSourcesAdditional Notes
380.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4116 (370-380nm)
381.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Solid State [381.0] (Nd3+:ZBLAN Fiber)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
382.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
383.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
384.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
385.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
386.0 nm
387.0 nm
388.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- DPSS 4HG [388.0] (Yb/Er-Fiber ; LBO) [2(747)]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
389.0 nm
390.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
391.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
392.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
393.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
394.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
395.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
396.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
397.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
398.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
399.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlibabaNDU4316E (390-400nm)
400.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm); NDU4316E (390-400nm)
401.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
402.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
403.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
404.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [404.0] (Semiconductor ; ?) [2(808)]DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
405.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
406.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
407.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBaySLD3232VF (400-410nm)
-------- Gas [406.7] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
408.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); SLD3232VF (400-410nm)
409.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); SLD3232VF (400-410nm)
410.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); SLD3232VF (400-410nm)
411.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm)
412.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm)
-------- DPSS SFG [411.5] (Nd:YVO4 ; LTA) [1064+671]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Solid State [412.0] (Nd3+:ZBLAN Fiber)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensive
413.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm)
-------- Gas [413.1] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
414.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); NDVA316T(414-420nm)
415.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); NDVA316T(414-420nm)
-------- Gas [415.4] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
416.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayBDR-209DBK (408-416nm); NDVA316T(414-420nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [416.2] (Sr+)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 2 lines)
417.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsNDVA316T(414-420nm)
418.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsNDVA316T(414-420nm)
419.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsNDVA316T(414-420nm)
420.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm); NDVA316T(414-420nm)
421.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm)
422.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm)
423.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm)
424.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm)
425.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN Lasers/AlibabaTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments. ; NDV4A16E (420-425nm)
426.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
427.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
428.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
-------- Gas [428.0] (N2)Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveLumonics
429.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
430.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
-------- DPSS SFG [430.0] (Nd:YAG+Pr:YLF ; ?) [639.5+1319]Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveUltraLasersExpect $6000+ for low power.
431.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
-------- Metal Vapour [430.5] (Sr+)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 2 lines)
432.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
-------- Gas [431.9] (HeKr)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
433.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
-------- DPSS SHG [432.5] (Semiconductor ; KNbO3) [2(865)]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
434.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveTopGaN LasersTopGaN offers 420-460nm diodes in 5nm increments
435.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [434.5] (Nd:YAG ; BiBO) [2(869)]Request/Order OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDM Photonics/BeamQExpect ~$3000 for low power.
-------- DPSS SHG [435.0] (Semiconductor ; ?) [2(870)]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
436.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm)
437.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm)
438.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm)
439.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm)
-------- Gas [438.8] (HeKr)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
440.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [440.0] (Nd:GdVO4 ; ?) [2(880)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveCNIRequest from CNI.
441.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm)
442.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm)
-------- Gas [441.6] (HeCd)DIY/Research Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensivePhotonic SolutionsRequest from Photonic Solutions. DIY Construction (Up to 2 lines)
443.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm)
444.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm)
445.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
446.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
447.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [446.8] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- DPSS 3HG [447.3] (Nd:YVO4 ; KTP/LBO) [3(1342)]Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQExpect ~$1000 for moderate power.
448.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
449.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
450.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); A140/M140 (440-450nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [449.5] (Nd:YAG ; LBO) [2(899)]DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
451.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
452.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
453.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
454.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
455.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7875 (435-455nm); NUBM44 (445-455nm)
-------- Gas [454.6] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
456.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
457.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [457.0] (Nd:YVO4 ; LBO) [2(914)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect ~$2000 for moderate power.
458.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
-------- Gas [457.9] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
-------- OPSL SHG [458.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(916)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Gas [458.4] (HeKr)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
459.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
460.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
-------- OPSL SHG [460.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(920)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [460.4] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
461.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm)
462.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [461.9] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
463.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
464.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [464.0] (Nd:CLNGG ; LBO) [2(928)]DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
465.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [464.8] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- DPSS SFG [464.9] (Nd:YVO4+Nd:YAG ; MgO: PPLN) [914+946]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
466.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Gas [465.8] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
467.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
468.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Gas [468.0] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
469.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (456-469nm); NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- DPSS SFG [469.3] (Nd:YAG ; LBO) [2(938.5)]DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
470.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended ; NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Gas [469.6] (HeKr)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
471.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended ; NUBM07E (462-473nm)
472.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBayNDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended ; NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [471.8] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
473.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordableDTR/eBaySharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended; NUBM07E (462-473nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [473.0] (Nd:YAG ; LBO/BBO/BiBO) [2(946)]Wide/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordable/CostlyCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon Lasers/eBay/JetLasersLaser modules can on rare occasions be found for <$200. Handhelds are not widely available. However the best place to get 473nm handhelds is JetLasers.
474.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQ/NichiaSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended.
-------- Metal Vapour [474.1] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
475.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQ/NichiaSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended.
476.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQ/NichiaSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm); NDB7675 (Normal: 456-469nm; Extreme: 456-476nm) Overdriven - Not recommended.
-------- Gas [476.2] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
-------- Metal Vapour [476.4] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
477.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQ/NichiaSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm)
-------- Gas [476.5] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
-------- Metal Vapour [476.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
478.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveBeamQ/NichiaSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared) ; NDA4116 (468-478nm)
479.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveLPFSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared)
480.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveLPFSharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared)
-------- DPSS ISHG (InGaAs) [2(960)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveLaserglow/UltraLasersExpect ~$3000+ for low power.
481.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveLPFOptical Feedback Tuned Sharp (473-480nm) (Diodes disappeared)
482.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveO-LikePLT5-488 (482-490nm)
-------- Solid State [482.0] (Pr: PAYAC)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensive
483.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveGoPhotonics/AlibabaPLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- Gas [482.5] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
484.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveGoPhotonics/AlibabaPLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [484.0] (Yb:YAG ; BiBO) [2(968)]DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [484.1] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [484.3] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
485.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveO-LikePLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [484.5] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
486.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); PLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- Gas [486.4] (NeXe)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 4 lines)
487.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); PLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
488.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); PLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- Gas [488.0] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerAffordable/CostlyeBayObtainable through Second hand single line Argons from auction sites like eBay. Sometimes low cost auctions pop up.
-------- DPSS SHG [488.0] (Semiconductor ; PPKTP) [2(976)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveLaserglow/BeamQ/eBayExpect ~$10000 for moderate power (New); Can occasionly pick up used Coherent Sapphire heads for $500+, but most need the purchase of expensive power supplies to operate.
-------- DPSS SFG [488.0] (Nd:YVO4+Nd:YLF ; ?) [914+1047]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- OPSL SHG [488.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(976)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
489.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); PLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
490.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); PLT5-488 (482-490nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [490.0] (Semiconductor ; ?) [2(980)]DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
491.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- DPSS SFG [491.1] (Nd:YVO4+Nd:GdVO4 ; BiBO) [912+1064]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect $3000+ for low power.
-------- Metal Vapour [491.1] (HeZn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
492.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04850B2G (486-492nm); GH04955A2G (492-495nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [492.4] (HeZn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
493.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04955A2G (492-495nm); NDS4216 (483-493nm)
494.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04955A2G (492-495nm)
495.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableDTR/eBayGH04955A2G (492-495nm)
496.0 nm Gas [495.6] (Xe)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 3 lines)
-------- DPSS SFG [496.1] (Nd:YVO4 ; LBO) [914+1085]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
497.0 nm Gas [496.5] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
498.0 nm DPSS SHG [497.5] (Semiconductor , ?) [2(995)]DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY (Lazeerer)
-------- Metal Vapour [497.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
499.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordable/CostlyLPFOptical Feedback Tuned SB217HL91 (501.7-502.8nm).
-------- Metal Vapour [498.7] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [499.3] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
500.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordable/CostlyLPFOptical Feedback Tuned SB217HL91 (501.7-502.8nm).
501.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordable/CostlyLPFOptical Feedback Tuned SB217HL91 (501.7-502.8nm).
-------- DPSS SFG [500.8] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [946+1064]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect $3000+ for low power.
502.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB1473N91 (502.4-503.5nm); SB1573N91 (502.0-503.8nm); SB217HL91 (501.7-502.8nm)
-------- Gas [501.7] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
-------- Metal Vapour [502.0] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
503.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB1473N91 (502.4-503.5nm); SB1573N91 (502.0-503.8nm); SB157EC91 (502.6-503.8nm); SB217HL91 (501.7-502.8nm)
504.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB1473N91 (502.4-503.5nm); SB1573N91 (502.0-503.8nm); SB157EC91 (502.6-503.8nm)
505.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB217HN91 (505-505.3nm)
506.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB147EB91 (505.9-508.0nm)
507.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/eBaySB147EB91 (505.9-508.0nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [506.9] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
508.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/DTR/eBaySB147EC91 (507.9-509.8nm); SB147EB91 (505.9-508.0nm)
509.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensive/AffordableLPF/DTR/eBaySB147EC91 (507.9-509.8nm)
510.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveLPF/DTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); SB147EC91 (507.9-509.8nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [509.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
511.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [510.6] (Cu)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayCan be found second hand on eBay, but listings are sparse. Expect to pay $1000+.
512.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [512.0] (Yb:YAG ; LBO) [2(1024)]DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
513.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm)
-------- Gas [512.7] (HeKr)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
514.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm)
-------- OPSL SHG [514.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1028)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [514.2] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
515.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Gas [514.5] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
-------- DPSS SHG [515.0] (Yb:YAG ; LBO) [2(1030)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect ~$3000 for low power.
516.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
517.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
518.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [517.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
519.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
520.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
521.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Gas [520.8] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
522.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [521.6] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- DPSS 3HG [521.7] (Yb/Er-Fiber ; ?) [3(1565)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveLaserglowRequest from Laserglow.
523.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Solid State [522.5] (Pr:YLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Solid State [522.5] (Pr:LLF)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [522.7] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Solid State [523.0] (Pr:YLF)DIY/Research Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveAlkaad PhotonicsRequest from Alkaad Photonics (Comes as a DIY Kit)
-------- Solid State [523.0] (Pr: PAYAC)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensive
524.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [523.5] (Nd:YLF ; ?) [2(1047)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersExpect ~$1500+ for low power.
525.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [525.2] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [525.3] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
526.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [525.6] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
527.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [526.5] (Nd:YLF ; KDP) [2(1053)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersExpect ~$1500 for low power.
-------- Metal Vapour [527.1] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
528.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
529.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
-------- Gas [528.7] (Ar+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayMultiline Argons are available second hand on eBay. Some have surfaced for under $500, but expect >$500.
530.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayPL 515 (510-530nm); PL 520 (515-530nm)
531.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research Only/Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerCostly/ExpensiveThorLabsDJ532-40 (531-533nm) - Currently not listed at ThorLabs.
-------- Metal Vapour [530.5] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Gas [530.9] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
532.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research Only/Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerCostly/ExpensiveThorLabsDJ532-40 (531-533nm) - Currently not listed at ThorLabs.
-------- Gas [531.5] (NeXe)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 4 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [532.0] (Nd:YVO4/Nd:YAG ; KTP/LBO) [2(1064)]Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveCan be found almost anywhere.
-------- OPSL SHG [532.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1064)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
533.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research Only/Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerCostly/ExpensiveThorLabsDJ532-40 (531-533nm) - Currently not listed at ThorLabs.
534.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCommercial diodes are not available at this time.
-------- Metal Vapour [534.1] (Mn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Single line)
535.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCommercial diodes are not available at this time.
536.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCommercial diodes are not available at this time.
537.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCommercial diodes are not available at this time.
-------- DPSS SFG [537.2] (Nd:YVO4 ; BiBO) [1064+1085]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
538.0 nm Semiconductor (InGaN/GaN)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCommercial diodes are not available at this time.
539.0 nm
540.0 nm Gas [539.5] (Xe)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 3 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [540.0] (Yb:CaNb2O6 ; PPKTP) [2(1080)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveCNIRequest from CNI.
541.0 nm Metal Vapour [540.7] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [541.0] (Yb:CaNb2O6 ; PPKTP) [2(1082)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveCNIWavelength variation of 540nm DPSS.
542.0 nm DPSS SHG [542.0] (Nd:YVO4 ; ?) [2(1084)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersWavelength variation of 543nm DPSS.
543.0 nm DPSS SHG [542.5] (Nd:YVO4 ; ?) [2(1085)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersExpect ~$2000 for moderate power.
-------- DPSS SHG [543.0] (Nd:YVO4 ; ?) [2(1086)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersWavelength variation of 543nm DPSS.
544.0 nm Gas [543.5] (HeNe)Limited AvailabilityLow PowerAffordable/CostlyeBay/ThorLabsCan be found second hand on eBay for under $200. New condition expect ~$1000+
545.0 nm DPSS SFD [545.0] (Nd:GdCOB) [2(1090)]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [545.0] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
546.0 nm DPSS SHG [545.5] (Yb-Fiber ; KTP) [2(1091)]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
547.0 nm
548.0 nm Metal Vapour [547.9] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
549.0 nm DPSS SFG [549.2] (Nd:YAP ; LBO) [930+1341]DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
550.0 nm DPSS SHG [550.0] (Yb-Fiber ; KTP) [2(1100)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/LaserglowRequest from CNI/Laserglow
551.0 nm Solid State [551.0] (Er3+:YLiF4+Yb3)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
552.0 nm DPSS SHG [552.0] (Yb-Fiber ; LBO) [2(1104)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasersExpect ~$3000 for moderate power.
-------- OPSL SHG [552.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1104)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [552.3] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
553.0 nm DPSS SHG [552.5] (Yb-Fiber ; LBO) [2(1105)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasersWavelength variation of 552nm DPSS.
554.0 nm
555.0 nm DPSS SHG [555.0] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [2(1110)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNIWavelength variation of 556nm DPSS.
556.0 nm DPSS SHG [556.0] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [2(1112)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect ~$2500 for low power.
557.0 nm Metal Vapour [556.7] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
558.0 nm Metal Vapour [557.6] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [558.0] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [2(1116)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCrystaLaserRequest from CrystaLaser
559.0 nm DPSS SFG [558.6] (Nd:YAG ; BBO) [1064+1176]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [559.1] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
560.0 nm
561.0 nm OPSL SHG [561.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1122)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- DPSS SHG [561.3] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [2(1122.5)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect $2000+ for low power.
562.0 nm Metal Vapour [562.3] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
563.0 nm Metal Vapour [562.6] (HeI/NeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeI], Up to 7 lines [NeI])
564.0 nm
565.0 nm DPSS SFD [565.0] (?) [2(1130)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerInexpensiveOPT LasersEmail: fb@optlaser.com ; Contact Freeman for unit.
566.0 nm
567.0 nm Metal Vapour [566.6] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [567.0] (HeHg)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 2 lines)
568.0 nm Metal Vapour [567.8] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- OPSL SHG [568.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1136)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Gas [568.2] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
569.0 nm
570.0 nm Metal Vapour [569.7] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
571.0 nm Metal Vapour [570.8] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
572.0 nm
573.0 nm Gas [572.9] (NeXe)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 4 lines)
574.0 nm Metal Vapour [574.2] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
575.0 nm Metal Vapour [574.7] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- DPSS SFD [575.0] (?) [2(1150)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerInexpensiveOPT LasersEmail: fb@optlaser.com ; Contact Freeman for unit.
576.0 nm Metal Vapour [575.6] (HeTe/NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeTe] and 19 lines [NeTe])
-------- Metal Vapour [576.1] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
577.0 nm Metal Vapour [576.5] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [577.0] (Semiconductor ; PPLN) [2(1154)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/UltraLasersExpect ~$4000 for low power.
-------- OPSL SHG [577.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1154)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
578.0 nm Metal Vapour [578.2] (Cu)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayCan be found second hand on eBay, but listings are sparse. Expect to pay $1000+.
579.0 nm
580.0 nm DPSS SHG [580.0] (Yb-Fiber ; MgO: PPLN) [2(1160)]DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
581.0 nm
582.0 nm
583.0 nm
584.0 nm DPSS SFG [584.1] (Nd:YLF ; LBO) [1047+1321]DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [584.3] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
585.0 nm Metal Vapour [585.1] (HeTe/NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeTe] and 19 lines [NeTe])
586.0 nm
587.0 nm Metal Vapour [586.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
588.0 nm
589.0 nm DPSS SFG [588.9] (Nd:YAG ; LBO) [1064+1319]Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon LasersOne of the few exotic wavelengths that is cheaper in handhelds, than labs. But still won't be cheap to obtain.
-------- Metal Vapour [589.4] (HeZn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
590.0 nm
591.0 nm
592.0 nm
593.0 nm
594.0 nm DPSS SFG [593.5] (Nd:YVO4 ; LBO) [1064+1342]Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerCostly/ExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon Lasers/eBayHave started getting harder to come by due to the 589's, but CNI still offers pointers. Also eBay will throw out some incredible opportunities to own this wavelength from time to time.
-------- Metal Vapour [593.6] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
-------- Gas [594.1] (HeNe)Limited AvailabilityLow PowerCostly/ExpensiveeBayCan be found second hand on eBay for around $500+ although bargains have been had. New condition expect ~$2000.
595.0 nm
596.0 nm Gas [595.6] (Xe)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 3 lines)
597.0 nm Metal Vapour [597.3] (HeTe/NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeTe] and 19 lines [NeTe])
598.0 nm Metal Vapour [597.5] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
599.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
600.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
601.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
602.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [601.5] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [602.1] (HeZn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
603.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
604.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Solid State [604.1] (Pr:YLF)Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/Akaad PhotonicsExpect ~$5000 for low power.
605.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensive
-------- Gas [604.6] (HeNe)Limited AvailabilityLow PowerExpensiveeBay/ThorLabsCan be found on occasion on eBay via multiline HeNe's. New condition expect $5000+.
-------- Solid State [605.0] (Pr: PAYAC)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
606.0 nm Metal Vapour [605.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [605.9] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
607.0 nm Metal Vapour [606.6] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Solid State [606.9] (Pr:YLF)Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/Akaad Photonics/KvantExpect ~$2500 for moderate power.
-------- Solid State [607.0] (Pr:LLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
608.0 nm Metal Vapour [608.2] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
609.0 nm
610.0 nm Gas [609.5] (NeXe)DIY/Research OnlyUnknownExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 4 lines)
-------- Solid State [610.0] (Pr:KYF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Metal Vapour [610.2] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [610.2] (HeZn)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 5 lines)
611.0 nm
612.0 nm Gas [611.9] (HeNe)Limited AvailabilityLow PowerExpensiveeBay/ThorLabsCan be found on occasion on eBay via multiline HeNe's. New condition expect $5000+.
-------- DPSS SHG [612.0] (Semiconductor ; BBO) [2(1224)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCNIRequest from CNI.
613.0 nm Metal Vapour [612.7] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
614.0 nm
615.0 nm Metal Vapour [615.0] (HeHg)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 2 lines)
-------- DPSS SHG [615.0] (Semiconductor ; PPLN) [2(1230)]DIY/Research Only/Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveNovalux NECSELNo longer stocked. May come across on eBay but would be rare and expensive.
616.0 nm
617.0 nm
618.0 nm
619.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
620.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
621.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
622.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
623.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
-------- Metal Vapour [623.1] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
624.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC LasersLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C.
625.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveRPMC Lasers/GoPhotonicsLDX-2106-622 (619-625nm) - Operates at 5 deg C. ; VPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [624.5] (HeTe/NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeTe] and 19 lines [NeTe])
626.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
627.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
628.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [628.0] (Au)DIY/Research OnlyHigh PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Single line)
629.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
630.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
631.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveGoPhotonicsVPSL-0635-005-x-9-B (625-640nm)
632.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
633.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
-------- Gas [632.8] (HeNe)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableeBay/ThorLabsCan be found second hand for under $200. New condition expect ~$900.
634.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
635.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
636.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
637.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
-------- Solid State [637.0] (Pr: PAYAC)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
638.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
639.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
-------- OPSL SHG [639.0] (InGaAs ; ?) [2(1278)]Request/Order OnlyHigh PowerExpensive
-------- Solid State [639.4] (Pr:YLF)Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/Akaad PhotonicsExpect $3000+ for moderate power.
640.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
-------- Solid State [640.0] (Pr:YLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
-------- Solid State [640.0] (Pr:LLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
641.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
642.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
643.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayHL63193MG (632-643nm); ML501P73 (632-644nm)
644.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveDTR/eBayML501P73 (632-644nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [644.4] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
645.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveThorLabs/eBayHL6385DG (632-647nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
-------- Solid State [645.0] (Pr:KYF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
646.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveThorLabs/eBayHL6385DG (632-647nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
647.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveThorLabs/eBayHL6385DG (632-647nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
-------- Gas [647.1] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
648.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
649.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [649.0] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
650.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
651.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
652.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
653.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBayADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
654.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [653.5] (HeSe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 24 lines)
655.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); ML1810 (645-655nm)
656.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [656.0] (Nd:YLF ; BBO) [2(1312)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect $2500+ for low power.
657.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm)
658.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm)
659.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [658.5] (HeI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
-------- Metal Vapour [658.5] (HeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines)
660.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); ADL65052TL (645-660nm); HL6748MG (660-680nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [659.5] (Nd:YAG ; ?) [2(1319)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQExpect $2000+ for moderate power.
661.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); HL6748MG (660-680nm)
662.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); HL6748MG (660-680nm)
663.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); HL6748MG (660-680nm)
664.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Wide AvailabilityHigh PowerInexpensiveeBay/OdicForceLPC-840 (654-664nm); HL6748MG (660-680nm)
665.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [664.9] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
666.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [666.0] (Cr4:MgSiO4 ; BBO) [2(1332)]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCNI/LaserglowRequest from CNI/Laserglow
667.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
668.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [667.6] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
669.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
670.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
671.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
-------- DPSS SHG [671.0] (Nd:YVO4 ; LBO) [2(1342)]Request/Order Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveCNI/Laserglow/UltraLasers/BeamQ/Dragon Lasers/eBayExpect $800+ for low/moderate power. Can be found on eBay for good value.
672.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
673.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
674.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm)
675.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
676.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
-------- Gas [676.4] (Kr+)Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayRare to come across, but can be found on eBay but won't be cheap.
677.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
678.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
679.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
680.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerInexpensiveThorLabsHL6748MG (660-680nm); HL6750MG (675-695nm)
681.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
682.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
683.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
684.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
685.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
686.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
687.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
688.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
689.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [688.5] (NeTe)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 19 lines)
-------- DPSS SFG [689.3] (Nd:YAG ; KTP) [1319+1444]Request/Order OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveCNIRequest from CNI.
690.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
691.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
-------- Metal Vapour [690.5] (HeI/NeI/KrI)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveDIY Construction (Up to 16 lines [HeI], Up to 7 lines [NeI] and single line [KrI])
692.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
693.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
694.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm)
-------- Solid State [694.3] (Cr3+:Al2O3)DIY/Research Only/Limited AvailabilityHigh PowerExpensiveeBayCan be salvaged from second hand medical equipment but expect $3000+. DIY Construction (Single line).
695.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerAffordableThorLabsHL6750MG (675-695nm); HL7001MG (695-715nm)
696.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerCostlyThorLabsHL7001MG (695-715nm)
-------- Solid State [695.8] (Pr:YLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensive
697.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerCostlyThorLabsHL7001MG (695-715nm)
698.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerCostlyThorLabsHL7001MG (695-715nm)
-------- Solid State [697.8] (Pr:YLF)DIY/Research OnlyModerate PowerExpensiveAlkaad PhotonicsRequest from Alkaad Photonics (Comes as a DIY Kit)
-------- Solid State [698.0] (Pr: PAYAC)DIY/Research OnlyLow PowerExpensive
699.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerCostlyThorLabsHL7001MG (695-715nm)
700.0 nm Semiconductor (AlGaInP/GaAs/AlGaAs)Limited AvailabilityModerate PowerCostlyThorLabsHL7001MG (695-715nm)

Update - 12/10/2018

Xenforo was not allowing me to edit the list anymore so I have moved the data over to a more user-friendlier website.
To view the Wavelength Guide please visit my website: Wavelength Guide - Hobbyist Laser Encyclopedia

All data has been successfully migrated.

Note: The searchbar does not output any results as the crawlers haven't reached my site yet. Hopefully it will be up and running soon.

Update - 18/10/2018

Added colour conversions and luminous efficacy values to each individual wavelength.

Update - 19/10/2018

Added frequency (THz), photon energy (J and eV) and photon rate (@1W) values to common wavelengths. Slowly more wavelengths will be added.

Update - 27/10/2018

Reformatted existing frequency (THz), photon energy (J and eV) and photon rate (@1W) values. Also now those values have been successfully added to all wavelengths, not just common examples.

Update - 06/11/2018

The searchbar is now fully functional. It can be found at the bottom of every page and it should now be easier to navigate the website.

Update - 23/01/2021

Managed to get my table back into the forum with thanks to ArcticDude. I have made improvements to my website also. Removed ads, optomised behind the scenes to hopefully decrease page loading times and reduce data usage. I have removed a lot of google services for privacy reasons. So there is no search bar anymore. However my JavaScript wavelength search is working as intended.
Reformatted table and thread.

Update - 24/01/2021

Rescaled table to fit on desktops better. Mobile users will have to horizontally scroll still.
Last edited:

Thanks for making the thread a sticky. :beer:

Edit: Updated pics and list to fill 429-437nm gap with diodes.
Last edited:
Great work, Curtis, you've assembled a lot of info. here; this will really be a one stop, comprehensive, go-to thread when you get those key questions answered; thanks for sharing. :yh:
You’re welcome :)
I liked the old thread when I came across it.
I saw it had potential. It’s a shame the member that ran it became inactive.
