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Updated: The Wavelength Thread

It’s because the list was copied straight from excel. The forum doesn’t take any formatting information with the raw text. Instead I’ll have to add the code to the excel table so it copies in automatically. It just means I have to individually edit each line, and then the whole table can just keep being edited and repasted into the forum.
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Appreciate having resources such as this. Thanks for taking the time to build it out! Rep-a-roos when I can :D
Wow you got the WL colors in:) It really makes such a difference to get the idea of the shift of colors...Thanks for the tedious work:beer::beer:
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Yep, all done. :p
I’ve also trialled out some information for some of the wavelengths. I’m still working on making the thread easy to view and understand without being a pain to maintain.
I saw and fantastic hard work. Labeling from low to high power stages and extended info;):beer:
Thanks Peter. :beer:
If there are any suggestions or any lasers I’ve missed feel free to let me know. :)
Fantastic compilation Curtis.
A great resource for the LPF community.
Thank you for putting it together and updating this mate.


Fantastic thread, +rep!

A few things:
-I don't think I've ever heard of an NDB7875 below 440nm. If they truly exist I'd be willing to pay a premium for a binned sample.
-473-480nm diodes have been available in the past but have disappeared. I'm pretty sure you can still get one if you're willing to spend a lot.
-AFAIK the 492-496nm diodes are in the same disappeared category.
-502-509nm inexpensive diodes are available.
-685nm cheap diodes show up on ebay from time to time.
-I'd like to see the 375nm diodes listed, maybe they'll be available at an affordable price eventually.
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Thank you Andrew and Atomicrox!
I’m still updating the thread a few wavelengths at a time, so a lot of basic information will still be missing. The NDB7875 on the spec sheet states 435-455nm range but I agree. I don’t think I’ve seen any low wavelength ones. But to be honest, with such a common wavelength how many would of thought to check via spectrometer? I’ll do some research on the forum to see if someone has.
The 473’s have disappeared unfortunately, if anyone knows a source for them then it will be appreciated.
I thought we were alright on the 495’s as iirc dtr still sells them. I’ll check that out too. I can list the 375’s but they won’t be shown on the spectrum images. As my range is 380-700nm. Thanks for the suggestions and the rep. :beer:
Holy $hit. That's $2604.00 for a diode that was selling here for $60.00 when they were available. I kept a high wavelength one at 477nm. I already have 473nm in a DPSS lab laser.
I agree with GSS, those added wavelength colors are a nice touch, great job, Curtis!

@Paul, how many of those $2604 473nm bad boys are you going to pick up? :D:crackup:
I figured on buying 50 and selling them for $60.00 each. How much money will I make? I's not so good at math.
Yeah, the day will never come when I spend $2600 for a laser diode. I don't care how unusual or rare it is. My experience with all things electronic are they all decrease in value as time goes on. I can remember when a television cost most people a months pay. The Sharp diodes have not only been a welcomed surprise, but also a lesson in what these things are actually worth.
