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FrozenGate by Avery

U.S. Navy developers new anti-drone laser

Since this is now public knowledge and is going to be deployed next year, makes me wonder what the gov has in the works that we don't know about? :thinking:
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Scary stuff.

What type of laser are we talking about ? Chemical or solid-state ? And whats the output of this beast ?
1) Wouldn't making the drones highly reflective defeat the laser?:tinfoil:
that's a interesting question, although i think when in the kW range of output it doesn't really matter if its reflective or not
Yes but, the drone they took out was black and we all know lasers propensity for things that absorb all wavelengths. We also know the more wavelengths reflected the less effective the laser becomes.

Edit: Or, something like that...

Edit#2 They want to fire it at manned boats. Isn't there some rule of war against using lasers against personnel? But, that's probably like the ban on using the .50 against soft targets, "I was shooting the helicopter, the men got in the way."

Edit #3: Wow Thom1960, they do have a bigger one but can an FEL really be called a laser since it doesn't actually amplify light, it just seems to create a coherent beam at the desired wavelength out of thin air.
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Edit #3: Wow Thom1960, they do have a bigger one but can an FEL really be called a laser since it doesn't actually amplify light, it just seems to create a coherent beam at the desired wavelength out of thin air.

I thought about it too .. but since everyone calls FEL well .. free electron LASER .. lets just go with the crowd. On the output side it's laser as any other.
I wonder what the FDA has to say about these lasers?

The NAVY still needs a certificate of variance, and the X-laser anti-drone weapon will only work against chinese made drones :-)
i wonder if WL helped develop this laser :crackup::crackup::crackup:

in all seriousness, lasers can be very useful and as someone mentioned above, i wonder what is in the works that we dont know about :thinking:
Next time someone asks me why I need such a high powered laser, I'll tell em, "well I'd like to be able to SHOOT DOWN DRONES, but its just melting black plastic for now."
best part of the video is when they say "it just cost 40 million dollars "
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