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FrozenGate by Avery

Tutorial - My 'Pocket Pal' Blu-ray Laser!


I've just started my build! :)
The heatsink and 803 in aixiz will probably arrive tomorrow. The flexdrive will probably arrive at saturday/monday.
Everything is ready to be installed!
How many ...mA should be the current of the MicroFlexDrive V4 for PHR-803T blue ray diode for this project?
I would really appreciate any reply.
I found a very similair host to the DX one in my dads garage.. It looks all the same :)

How did you get out the small metal ring which touches some solder points?
You have to pry it up in one spot, then grab it with some needle nose pliers. It gets bent up...

Then you flatten it back out and thim the edges as shown in the 1st post...

I have some of the VicLight hosts for sale. The blue ones. The price is mentioned in the 1st post of this thread...
Thanks, i did it, and it worked! :)

I don't have any items for desoldering, can i just brake of the LEDs?
You shoud be able to just break them off if you have to. Just don't bread the board!

And then you will use your DMM to find the correct solder points for negative and positive leads to your FlexDrive...
I dropped the torch off my huge hotel building about 4 times untill I could get it the washer out in one piece and then I put it in my one that I took apart and ripped the washer thing.

I then filed off the edges off the washer thing and took forever to finish my laser to find that I had a short and had the polarity wrong then got really annoyed had dinner and a coke then got back to building, then I finished it and it ROCKS!

Long story short Jayrobs heatsinks are UNBEATABLE!
;D Nice visual on the 'dropping it off a tall building'...

I like the part about having dinner and a coke. Glad you got it! :)
jayrob said:
;D Nice visual on the 'dropping it off a tall building'...

I like the part about having dinner and a coke. Glad you got it! :)

This host rocks but once you get it done you never want to open the head again when you do it all pops out and its really annoying having to get it all back together.
If anybody really likes this host, I am selling off my blue VicLight hosts. (see the first post in this thread)

Of course, there is an option to buy the host/heatsink combo...

It's just that since the Pocket Mini is more popular, I have not been using these anymore. But they are nice. Nice blue color too!
Hey Jayrob What kind of wire are you using? i ordered 25 gauge wire from radioshack it is extremely thick so if you can tell me where online i can order this wire i would highley apreciated
You can get wire from many eletronics, I use some 1mm wire I found in somthing, I forget the name though.
