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Trump Trial

It's optics.... Hunter Biden will not suffer a bit, it's a distraction from the gross miscarriage of justice we saw used against Trump..... 34 misdemeanors all for the same thing, all past the statute of limitations, Trump was denied his right to be told what the charges were..... they made this crap up as then went...... they turned the misdemeanors into felonies saying his book keeping wording was to commit another crime of..... election interference..... now that's rich, that's just the pot calling the kettle black x 10

Trumps " convictions " will be overturned, but the damage the deep state dems hope to do IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE !

It's optics.... Hunter Biden will not suffer a bit, it's a distraction from the gross miscarriage of justice we saw used against Trump..... 34 misdemeanors all for the same thing, all past the statute of limitations, Trump was denied his right to be told what the charges were..... they made this crap up as then went...... they turned the misdemeanors into felonies saying his book keeping wording was to commit another crime of..... election interference..... now that's rich, that's just the pot calling the kettle black x 10

Trumps " convictions " will be overturned, but the damage the deep state dems hope to do IS ELECTION INTERFERENCE !

Spoken like a person didn't spend any time watching this unfold. NY state law already made using this a felony by virtue of using this in furtherance of another crime. It's sort of like when you enter a persons home with the intent of stealing something that becomes a felony.
The 1st crime ( which isn't a crime ) is listing an NDA payment as " legal expense " in order to commit the 2nd crime of ( hiding his romp with Ms. Stormy ) which they say the hiding of is election interference....... this is beyond paper thin, this is a joke, it's all past the statute of limitations....... The biased judge should have recused himself...... this trial was election interference and it was past the statute of limitations and Trump was not informed of what the supposed crimes were, that's a violation of his rights....... plus the jury was biased and some of them said so.... this will be overturned.

I don't have to watch someone break into a house, bloody the owner, then slip in his blood and sue for " falling down " to understand what is going on.
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The 1st crime ( which isn't a crime ) is listing an NDA payment as " legal expense " in order to commit the 2nd crime of ( hiding his romp with Ms. Stormy ) which they say the hiding of is election interference....... this is beyond paper thin, this is a joke, it's all past the statute of limitations....... The biased judge should have recused himself...... this trial was election interference and it was past the statute of limitations and Trump was not informed of what the supposed crimes were, that's a violation of his rights....... plus the jury was biased and some of them said so.... this will be overturned.

I don't have to watch someone break into a house, bloody the owner, then slip in his blood and sue for " falling down " to understand what is going on.

The jury wasn't biased toward anyone in particular. And each side was able to challenge each juror before they even got to peremptory challenges. Everyone got to challenge anyone they didn't want on that jury. Look, it's like if one enters someone's home, uninvited, but does so by mistake, thinking it was their own home...no felony. Entering with the intent of stealing something makes it a burglary. And THAT IS a felony.
Yes they were and Trump asked for a venue change as 95% of people in that district voted for Biden and 2 jurors flat out said they hated Trump.

Also the judge was biased, the judge donated to Biden, some progressive initiative and an org. called " Stop Trump " yet judge Merchan refused to recuse himself when asked to and Merchan wasn't even in the pool of judges from which one was supposed to be randomly picked from, but besides that there are many reasons for a mistrial and I expect Trumps convictions will be overturned in appellate court, but the reason for this miscarriage of justice is the optics, they want to make Trump look bad, so people like you can repeat again and again Trumps a convict, Trumps a convict to interfere with the election and keep Trump off the campaign trail.

The way jury selection works is each side takes turns questioning jurors and then they take turns picking people they don't want on the jury.... but in the end Trump had jurors from a 95% Biden supporter pool and Trump was refused a venue change..... also there's the matter of the jury instruction..... this is also a mistrial based on the jury instruction which was biased and highly questionable.
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Yes they were and Trump asked for a venue change as 95% of people in that district voted for Biden and 2 jurors flat out said they hated Trump.

Also the judge was biased, the judge donated to Biden, some progressive initiative and an org. called " Stop Trump " yet judge Merchan refused to recuse himself when asked to and Merchan wasn't even in the pool of judges from which one was supposed to be randomly picked from, but besides that there are many reasons for a mistrial and I expect Trumps convictions will be overturned in appellate court, but the reason for this miscarriage of justice is the optics, they want to make Trump look bad, so people like you can repeat again and again Trumps a convict, Trumps a convict to interfere with the election and keep Trump off the campaign trail.

The way jury selection works is each side takes turns questioning jurors and then they take turns picking people they don't want on the jury.... but in the end Trump had jurors from a 95% Biden supporter pool and Trump was refused a venue change..... also theres the matter of the jury instruction..... this is a mistrial based on the jury instruction..... mistrial.

There was the ability of both side to challenge challenge jurors for cause before peremptory challenges. What you think of Juan Merchan is irrelevant. He sought the counsel of an ethics committee prior to sitting there and was approved to do so. There was no reason to allow a change of venue as everyone had heard of this and you don't get to pick the venue you think will help the defendant. That is not what a change of venue does at all! You keep repeating what Trump and his Toadies have said. That is hilarious!
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Merchan should have recused himself, should not have even been there in the 1st place.
Merchan should have recused himself, should not have even been there in the 1st place.
Nonsense! As I already told you, Judge Juan Merchan asked an ethic committee if he should have recused himself and they unamiously said NO! Your ongoing ignorance of legal issues still shocks me. Though why, I cannot say.
Nonsense !

You may believe some of the spin, but you don't believe all of it, you know this was done to help Biden and flat out would not have been done otherwise, that makes it election interference, pure and simple and paul.... you know it, you just don't care.

The wording of bookkeeping entries does not equate to felony election interference, the mere concept is beyond absurd and the fact Trump is convicted of bookkeeping business law violations intended to further election interference while the whole trial is intended to interfere with his reelection is...... beyond ironic, beyond troublesome, it's seditious, tyrannical and needs to be investigated.
Nonsense !

You may believe some of the spin, but you don't believe all of it, you know this was done to help Biden and flat out would not have been done otherwise, that makes it election interference, pure and simple and paul.... you know it, you just don't care.

The wording of bookkeeping entries does not equate to felony election interference, the mere concept is beyond absurd and the fact Trump is convicted of bookkeeping business law violations intended to further election interference while the whole trial is intended to interfere with his reelection is...... beyond ironic, beyond troublesome, it's seditious, tyrannical and needs to be investigated.

Nonsense! None of this is spin. It's just the truth of the matter. I've tried endlessly to explain to you why this was a felony. Why you cannot except that is beyond my understanding.
I understand completely how the 34 charges are upgraded to felonies and I disagree completely with it and the biased court and biased jury's decisions. I expect it will be overturned not only because they lack credible evidence of an actual crime, but because the entire event was conducted without proper observance of Trumps rights and to interfere with Trump's reelection.
I understand completely how the 34 charges are upgraded to felonies and I disagree completely with it and the biased court and biased jury's decisions. I expect it will be overturned not only because they lack credible evidence of an actual crime, but because the entire event was conducted without proper observance of Trumps rights and to interfere with Trump's reelection.

Yeah, good luck with that. You and Trump are sure gonna need it. :ROFLMAO:
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Yeah, that's a shame. This prosecution according to the American people was just in poll after poll. Doubt this will go anywhere.

Meanwhile, opening arguments are over in the Hunter Biden trial and the prosecution is calling their first witness.
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It doesn't matter what they do with Hunter Biden, the court can find him guilty of his gun charge and give him a couple months in a country club jail where they bring hookers and blow in the back door to keep him happy then downgrade the ruling or expunge his record later.

I already know the plan is to say LOOK OVER HERE, LOOK OVER HERE ... see,see.... even Hunter Biden the presidents son is not above the law, see, see it's about the rule of law..... BULLSHIT, what's happening to Trump is NOT the rule of law, it's the fall of our nation, it's the deep state showing us how they can take down anyone for anything by creating something out of nothing and dangling Hunter Biden is a ruse.

Hunter Biden is not running for reelection or being tried for a book keeping misdemeanor state business law contorted into a felony on a flimsy concept with the only supposed evidence being Cohen's testimony, a hostile liar known to perjure himself in court made to compose anything they want him to say.
It doesn't matter what they do with Hunter Biden, the court can find him guilty of his gun charge and give him a couple months in a country club jail where they bring hookers and blow in the back door to keep him happy then downgrade the ruling or expunge his record later.

I already know the plan is to say LOOK OVER HERE, LOOK OVER HERE ... see,see.... even Hunter Biden the presidents son is not above the law, see, see it's about the rule of law..... BULLSHIT, what's happening to Trump is NOT the rule of law, it's the fall of our nation, it's the deep state showing us how they can take down anyone for anything by creating something out of nothing and dangling Hunter Biden is a ruse.

Hunter Biden is not running for reelection or being tried for a book keeping misdemeanor state business law contorted into a felony on a flimsy concept with the only supposed evidence being Cohen's testimony, a hostile liar known to perjure himself in court made to compose anything they want him to say.

No he's not running. But, the point is that no one is above the law. No one knows what will happen to Hunter Biden. You certainly don't. Donald Trump brought this all on himself. Twelve of his close associates have been convicted and now he has too.
