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FrozenGate by Avery

Tiniest 515 / 520 Green I've Ever Seen - Help Identify?

Aug 22, 2013
Before I start here's the deal. my buddy is a huge. HUGE doctor who fan. I told him about one of the builds here with the $400 sonic screwdriver host a few years back. Well, that was out of his price range But he loved the idea of the laser in it! He said that of the reboot seires the 11th was his favorite and after looking it up I found out that of course it's a green...

Well I youtubed it and Kipkay has already modded one of these... Of course. Here's the thing though, I'm not going to get into his crap, his lack of safety, or start a flame war. And I'm not going to support his videos by sending hundrends or more vewers his way. So I took screen shots. I want to know if you've ever seen this tiny green diode, and if so, where? What is it?

It's tiny. Like the cheap "Little diode that could"

Here's the other side:

And in the final shots, it looks 515 or 520 to me, and there's no way its big enough for DPSS so 532 is out of the question. What is this, where did he get it, and where can I get one for my buddy?



My guess is that it is Actually a small 532nm module used in pico projectors. By using a small diode chip for the pump and combo crystal set for small size they are able to make it small. Email aixiz, they may have something.
A seller on eBay used to sell tiny 520nm modules that looked like that. I just did a quick eBay search and couldn't find any like that though.
It looks more like 532nm but you can never truly tell just from a picture. However, it doesn't have that bluish green look that 520nm and 515nm lasers have but more of a bright more yellowish green seen in 532nm's.
It could certainly be 532nm. Have you seen Snake Creek's 532nm DPSS modules?

However, it doesn't look like one of Snake Creek's. I think it could be a 5.6mm 520nm laser diode plus this:
5pcs 8x13mm 5 6mm to 18 Laser Diode Mini Housing | eBay
There is also a 6mm mount for 5.6mm diodes. I have some of them. It's almost impossible to believe, but the mount truly is just 0.4mm wider than the diode.

Edit: It's probably actually a 3.8mm diode, in a small housing. Have you tried just asking him?
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I spent a few hours last night looking for this module and have not found one that looks like it but I have some inquires in to china manufactures that could make it in 30+mw for around 30 $ us so we shall see
I spent a few hours last night looking for this module and have not found one that looks like it but I have some inquires in to china manufactures that could make it in 30+mw for around 30 $ us so we shall see

Huh? Isn't every direct green diode on the market right now more than $30, just on its own? How would a complete module cost less than its parts?
I am seeing if they can make a 6mm module like they do with 650nm and get the power at 5mw-30mw i have seen some mini modules in the 20 mw range but they are not as small as that one pictured that looks like a 6mm module.. and the price on the mini i have found is any where between fifteen and fifty
I am seeing if they can make a 6mm module like they do with 650nm and get the power at 5mw-30mw i have seen some mini modules in the 20 mw range but they are not as small as that one pictured that looks like a 6mm module.. and the price on the mini i have found is any where between fifteen and fifty

Not my point.

If the cheapest 515/520 diode is more than $30, how can someone make you a 515/520nm module, of any size or power, and charge you $30 or less?
