@ Crashpc
The understanding. How can somebody answer my question, If it looks like "Hi WhoA IGot pWnCruel Las whICh Does CruelHolesIn MyAaas HelpMe Or I do one intoYours" ???
Why whA'tS stRange Of in That PhraSe of Your's ? (J/K

I guess I did many mistakes In my text here, but tried not do - with some online vocabulary helping to save my ass...
Please, don't feel bad for some bad comments, especially about grammatical errors, this happens almost anywhere, on the internet .....
Luckily for someone (me too

), this is not a grammar-paranoid forum ..... oh, ok, ok, also here, there are some grammar-policemans

that sometimes overreact a bit, but trust me, this forum, compared to some of the ones i've visited (and left, disgusted) in the past, is a sweet cake ..... and i'm not talking about "sms" or "leet" maniacs, just about peoples that, like me, have English as "not mother language", or self learned, and sometimes (sometimes, a lot

) made grammatical mistakes .....
Here, you can occasionally find someone that, time by time, reprise or correct you, but i've seen places where peoples was insulted from users AND mods for "not speaking pure-blood English", or banned for 2 days cause they forgot to use caps for all start of the phrases, terminate them with a point, use "I" instead "i", or cause involuntarily they quoted more than the 4 lines permitted from the rules ..... (things that, basically, are pure and simple idiocy, for a ban, imho ..... but, after all, the world is filled of idiots of any type, so, is not strange that there's also forums dedicated and reserved for them, on the internet
