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This has got to STOP

It's the world we live in. What can you do? From what I understand though she no longer works for that district.
Nah, if your read the update, it says they just moved her to another school.
"Though the statement from the New Jersey Board of Education says that Altenburg has been placed on administrative leave, Chaifetz says -- and the unnamed relative confirmed -- that Altenburg was transferred to another school in Cherry Hill and is still teaching."

She should have been fired on the spot and forced to do community service for her cowardly acts.
Totally agree with this father, however I also must keep in mind that Autistic children are
EXTREMELY challenging to work with. When staff are underpaid and under qualified, you can get some pretty nasty situations.
Yelling at any autistic child is a BIG no! This behaviour sets them off even more.
I once worked at a school in Korea ~2 years ago that had 3 Autistic students. It is an eye opener to see how other countries can or cannot deal with disabilities.
I thought there were some bad cases in Canada of abuse, I had no idea how wide spread abuse of disabled people was until I stepped foot in Korea/ Korean School situation.
Not only does it seem to be not taken seriously still, disabled are still seen as subhuman and therefore OFTEN treated no better than animals. They have no rights, and severely handicapped are often locked up
in institutes in simular conditions to that of a jail cell. - Now to be fair to Koreans, the attitude IS changing here abiet quickly. I HAVE met many Koreans who understand handicaps. Still, the Majority of society still doesn't get it yet.
I have seen how other countries deal with disabled, so I am speaking from experience when I make these statements.

Speaking of treating the disabled poorly
Watch the movie Dogani, a movie made in response to the case of a severe sexual abuse at disabled school in South Korea. This movie is sure to provoke a response!

Another film shows sexual abuse of the disabled in N. Jeolla area @ HanCinema :: The Korean Movie and Drama Database, discover the South Korean cinema and drama diversity
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wow... Thats truly messed up. I just dont see how any human could even get a hard on while forcing sex upon innocent people. You would think everyone would want their partner to enjoy the experience just as much as them. I think with people like that they just like dominating. That in itself is what turns them on, not really the sexual act.

Another thing that is messed up is the new law that might pass in Egypt... Its called the "Farewell Intercourse’ Law. Allowing husbands to have sex with their dead spouse for up to 6 hours after the wife has passed away.... WTF?!?! Your wife just died and all you care about is getting your jollies off?!
wow... Thats truly messed up. I just dont see how any human could even get a hard on while forcing sex upon innocent people. You would think everyone would want their partner to enjoy the experience just as much as them. I think with people like that they just like dominating. That in itself is what turns them on, not really the sexual act.

Another thing that is messed up is the new law that might pass in Egypt... Its called the "Farewell Intercourse’ Law. Allowing husbands to have sex with their dead spouse for up to 6 hours after the wife has passed away.... WTF?!?! Your wife just died and all you care about is getting your jollies off?!

I like your word "dominating" because that is, I think the core to many societal issues here in Korea. This is a society that was used to being treated like slaves at the hands of the Japanese during the occupational rule from 1910-1945, and then treated as slaves again by their own military dicatorships from 1950's to 1980's. The dictatorship era officially ended in 1993. LOTS of raw wounds.
I can understand that. You would think after being ruled for so long you would embrace the freedom you received and change the way society governs its system. Instead of pouncing on every chance you get to "pay back" your foes by dominating every situation you can.
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I can understand that. You would think after being ruled for so long you would embrace the freedom you received and change the way society governs its system. Instead of pouncing on every chance you get to "pay back" your foes by dominating every situation you can.

Freedom comes to people whom understand Egalitarianist ideals. Korean is FAR from being egalitarian.
In a society that is inherently classist and ageist, freedom comes as a superficial entity (elections). Here in Korea I am not supposed to challenge or debate with an older person, or a boss because that is still taboo. IT goes against the confucian value system. IF I question a decision by management, I can be fired, even-though that on paper it's "illegal" to fire without just cause. This would still happen here. Old slave culture is still alive and well.
In the middle east you have a much more polarized society and you may not challenge authority because authority is seen as an absolutism/ having (Extreme hierarchy) . Pretty much all Arab states are dictatorships. example: in Saudi-Arabia ALL, Teachers are seen as being EXTREME EXPERTS. A teacher cannot be seen to admit to a mistake in front of students, to do so undermines their authority and virtue in the classrooom... That is the way of the arab world. That is why western ideology will probably never be fully understood.
wow, i would get into a lot of trouble over there. I have a hard time treating anyone with respect if they undermine or question something i know is right. Ive been kicked off job sites for getting into it with lead supervisors. Once cause he tried making me not carry my tool pouch and walk my tools in hand from station to station. I was an electrician and had many tools. Another cause i called him out for trying to bribe us into running a sub-pump directly to panel, without any GFCI outlet to protect anyone. IDC who you are or how old you are, treat me like crap or do something wrong and i WILL call you out on it.
wow, i would get into a lot of trouble over there. I have a hard time treating anyone with respect if they undermine or question something i know is right. Ive been kicked off job sites for getting into it with lead supervisors. Once cause he tried making me not carry my tool pouch and walk my tools in hand from station to station. I was an electrician and had many tools. Another cause i called him out for trying to bribe us into running a sub-pump directly to panel, without any GFCI outlet to protect anyone. IDC who you are or how old you are, treat me like crap or do something wrong and i WILL call you out on it.

Well, it's nice you are safety conscious. You'd been electrocuted already in Korea. There are no safety standards for electrical work AT ALL! It's 240Vac single phase here at 30A out a single socket usually. We have untrained office staff repairing sockets all the time. Some actually catch fire because they shared connections on a single 50A service feed without a separate breaker switch. The sockets rated for 15A or 20A at best.
4 years ago July the adjacent school (highschool) was gutted from exactly this issue. overloaded wiring. Breaker was 80A, wires rated for 15A were loaded to 30A (2x rating). School office and downstairs floor were completely burned to nothing at 11pm.
