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FrozenGate by Avery

This guy or women, named El-taco


Dec 24, 2008
Hm.. does he ever stop ? he is the one being ignorant now.
I've stopped way back long ago, and he just wont stop. its like he has nothing else to do here.
I keep trying to build positive rep, and then here he comes and just takes what i have away.
Dude just leave me alone and go build a laser !

Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Seriously, you've neg repped him three times! What did you expect?
phoenix3200 said:
Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Seriously, you've neg repped him three times!  What did you expect?
Well hmm lets see how many times hes -repped me
So far 2 times on my new account and the old one umm... lets see 3 times.
L@z3r said:
[quote author=phoenix3200 link=1232900871/0#1 date=1232901017]Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Seriously, you've neg repped him three times!  What did you expect?
Well hmm lets see how many times hes -repped me
So far 2 times on my new account and the old one umm... lets see 3 times.[/quote]

It would appear that he has an issue with you that he doesn't feel has been resolved yet. Is there anything you can do (and are willing to do) to resolve the issue? If so, do it. If not, it appears this is something you will have to learn to live with.

You're right. Life isn't fair. It is thus for all.

Is it really that hard to ignore people? If it gives you this much trouble on the internet, I can barely imagine how hard it would be in real life.
iewed said:
Is it really that hard to ignore people? If it gives you this much trouble on the internet, I can barely imagine how hard it would be in real life.
yeah i have been ignoring him, until he starts messing with my reputation, and then i cant stand that i have not done anything wrong, and he just screws with me. I have no idea what he wants me to do to resolve his issues.
L@z3r said:
[quote author=phoenix3200 link=1232900871/0#1 date=1232901017]Would you like some cheese with your whine?

Seriously, you've neg repped him three times!  What did you expect?
[highlight]Well hmm lets see how many times hes -repped me
So far 2 times on my new account and the old one umm... lets see 3 times.[/highlight]


You have - repped him for
--= "trying to start problems with me for no reason - I am 100% sure that 90% of the people on the board have reason to start "problems with you"

--="You are a very, Very rude teenager. You need more manors towards other people" - If he is being rude, it is for a reason. I wonder what that could be? ::)

--="You Really need to keep your mouth shut k " - He was pointing out the flaws in the argument that you had changed

He has - repped you for a reason - the scamming of dave, etc, and he - repped you, not the account. You're other account has -35 rep, so why should you be able to start with a fresh rep page?

Also, this is the kind of treatment that you gave Jake21 a few weeks ago, so Karma works its magic I suppose.

If you can't ignore it, then leave. I'm sure most people wouldn't have a problem with it at all.
Wes.... opening a thread with a title like this... has opened you up for
even more -Reps from certain ::) members...
You need to learn to stop shooting yourself in the foot...
Stop throwing gasoline on the fire trying to put it out...
Maybe then you'll be able to keep your reps...
or like Dave said.... Fix the problem... with the other party 8-)

lasersbee said:
Wes.... opening a thread with a title like this... has opened you up for
even more -Reps from certain ::) members...
You need to learn to stop shooting yourself in the foot...
Stop throwing gasoline on the fire trying to put it out...
Maybe then you'll be able to keep your reps...
or like Dave said.... Fix the problem... with the other party 8-)

Wes requires that he be the center of attention.  His self esteem issues force him to seek attention.  Unfortunately even negative attention is attention.  As long as people are looking at him he is happy.  It doesn't matter if it is good attention or bad attention.  

Unfortunately, he has also discovered that it is much easier to gain attention through negative action than it is to gain attention through positive action.  To gain attention through positive action, he must work to produce some result that can be shared.  To gain negative attention all he has to do is be offensive.

Finally, it is imperative for people with such low self esteem to have their beliefs about themselves validated.  Since he believes himself to be worthless, he must act out in such a way that others tell him he is worthless.  To receive any other feedback would tell him that he is wrong about himself.  For a person with such issues, that, would be unacceptable.

As I stated elsewhere, he will continue to escalate his actions until he receives the ultimate validation of his worthlessness in a forum such as this.  He will eventually be banned again.  He will sit for a time basking in the reassurance that he is correct about his self worth.  After a time, he will become uncomfortable with being out of the limelight.  At that point, he will find his way back to us to repeat the cycle (again).

It is very tough to be a poor, mixed race, teenager, who is a "friend of Dorothy"  in the deep south of America.

daguin said:
[quote author=Niko link=1232900871/0#9 date=1232908199]Why don't you take this to your PMs?


No one can see it there



ROFL.... That's probably where it started..... ;D ;D ;D

I don't mind if they argue about it on the forums. As long as it's in their own threads of course, they don't go hijacking others.

It makes for an entertaining forum experience :)
Niko said:
Why don't you take this to your PMs?
Haha, yeah right.....
You should see his mouth in the Pm's i get from him. I try to be all curt and nice, and he just like" go stick something up your a@@, i know it will feel good" like he hasn't done it before to know it will feel good ? I just want him to get in his mind that he needs to leave me alone.
L@z3r said:
[quote author=Niko link=1232900871/0#9 date=1232908199]Why don't you take this to your PMs?
Haha, yeah right.....
You should see his mouth in the Pm's i get from him. I try to be all curt and nice, and he just like" go stick something up your a@@, i know it will feel good" like he hasn't done it before to know it will feel good ?  I just want him to get in his mind that he needs to leave me alone. [/quote]
the rest of us dont care... after the smart assed comments you made to me it just looks like your getting what you deserve...
L@z3r said:
[quote author=Niko link=1232900871/0#9 date=1232908199]Why don't you take this to your PMs?
Haha, yeah right.....
You should see his mouth in the Pm's i get from him. I try to be all curt and nice, and he just like" go stick something up your a@@, i know it will feel good" like he hasn't done it before to know it will feel good ?  I just want him to get in his mind that he needs to leave me alone. [/quote]

So you're againts homosexuals now?

You try to be all curt and nice? More like you are a passive agressive child who is too ignorrant to notice that the vast majority of the forum want him goneskies.
