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The Today Show this morning...

Ya, the news is blowing up this morning. In addition to the two news choppers there were apparently 11 laser strikes on commercial flights last night as well (CNN).

This kind of publicity does not bode well for our hobby. I suggest everyone buy everything Jordan has in his shop as quickly as they can, while they still can.
He got arrested, and guess what? Just like in COD when funny stuff happens.

"Hahahaha, what a moron" :D

As long as people like this get caught there is little reason to ban lasers, as the abusers get prosecuted solving the problem.

Most of these incidents actually involve low power laser pointers, not the stuff most of us are working with.

Any type of ban would be hard to enforce in any case, sicne the diodes are often part of consumer products like dvd/bluray players or video projectors, and the optics are often suitable for low power applications (<1 mw lasers) making it difficult to ban the import of either component.

What would remain is to ban posession of a powerful laser pointer in public - which would be a bit of a hassle while transporting one, but would not stop the hobby at all.

I remember something similar in the netherlands with FM transmitters around 1990: selling them was against regulation, as long as they were functional. Solution to this was selling 'kits' where you'd have to clear one solder joint or add in one jumper to make them actually transmit. Those kits are still around today i think ;)
I don't think this problem is going away, we have or have had 13 year olds on this forum and they can get their hands on a powerful class 4 laser, of course it's a good thing if they find their way to this forum, hopefully everyone here is responsible with their lasers, or at least quickly learn to be. It's probably mostly uneducated people that know little about lasers that get their hands on one and maybe don't understand what they are doing.

Here is a related story about something we already knew without a university having to do a study.

Laser strikes on pilots may not cause permanent eye damage, study finds - Calgary - CBC News

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The prostitute scribes of our media are as much to blame for the state of our nation as anyone.

Our leader has given Iran 150 BILLION dollars and released known terrorist much by royal pen and phone.

We have been set upon the path to nuclear Armageddon and the morning news .......sigh.......I would like to give them credit for warning people, I would like to think this is being hyped to deter people, but they over sensationalize everything, it's like the weather guy covering the storm struggling to stay standing when the guy in his shorts walks by pointing at him and laughing in the camera.

Then there is what they are not allowed to show us.
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The prostitute scribes of our media are as much to blame for the state of our nation as anyone.

On talk radio they are sometimes referred to as presstitutes.

Our leader has given Iran 150 BILLION dollars and released known terrorist much by royal pen and phone.

That's what they call international diplomacy. Heads of state are required to engage in this type of activity.

We have been set upon the path to nuclear Armageddon and the morning news .......sigh.......I would like to give them credit for warning people, I would like to think this is being hyped to deter people, but they over sensationalize everything, it's like the weather guy covering the storm struggling to stay standing when the guy in his shorts walks by pointing at him and laughing in the camera.

There is a deliberate attempt by some of our media to not report and to distract us from the real news.

Then there is what they are not allowed to show us.

You can get some of this by watching news from at least several different countries, there are English language channels from quite a few countries now. Other alternative media sources are good too, just don't watch only American TV news.

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