Also, EdmundScientific is NOT a science toy company. While they do have toys they make, and other consumer grade products (4inch Meade, telescopes, blacklights, tesla coils, etc), they also specialize in VERY HIGH QUALITY optical components (think B&W security cameras that cost $500, or 5mW red 650nm laser diodes that cost $300). Just look at their optics catalog online at
Online Catalog of Precision Optical Components | Edmund Optics
and specifically their laser protection goggles/glasses at
Laser Safety | Edmund Optics
Those goggles are each worth about $30 but Edmund is OVERPRICED and sells them for $362 for the normal ones, $209 for the slightly less protective ones, and over $500 for some IR blocking ones and over $600 for other IR blocking ones. NO LASER GOGGLES ACTUALLY ARE WORTH THAT MUCH!!!!!!!!!! It probably costs them $10 to $15 to manufacture one at a factory, and they'd make a profit still selling it at $30. But they are making OBSCENE PROFITS selling them at the HUNDREDS of dollars they are selling them at.
In other words, if you spend more than $30 on ANY laser protection goggles, you are WASTING YOUR MONEY.
An instructor at a community college I went to once called the company Edmund Scientifics, as "Edmund Ripoffics").