Ho-kay, So:
The goggles came in today, yay! They're an ugly welding-goggle green, but I'll spray paint them and they'll be pretty. I'm thinking black with a gold rim? Anyone want to suggest other colors? Oh yah, we can make this very Haute Couture. I'll paint them tonight, laser out the lenses tomorrow and the first pair should be done and ready to post pics of by tomorrow night!
@Mohrenberg and Trevor, thanks for the kind words! I actually hadn't really thought about selling these en masse as it were, but that would actually be a great idea. I crunched some numbers last night:
I *think* I can get 17 pairs of goggles out of the 12x12 sheet. If that's true, I could sell these goggles for $25 bucks a pair and still come out a tad above what I paid for the goggles, lenses, and spray paint. So, that's actually pretty damn good, I think. At least compared to what I paid for my last pair of goggles with this rating. By the way, the rating for these goggles will be as follows:
OD 5+ (190-375 nm)
OD 4+ (375-532 nm)
OD 5+ (10,600 nm)
I'm could also make them for other wavelengths, but I'm not sure if the price would stay the same. I can check if anyone is interested.)
Does anyone else think this might be a good alternative for newbies who otherwise might not invest in the proper laser safety eye wear? I know a few people who's eyes I am still very concerned for.
@willpine, Thanks for the info, sadly, I couldn't find anything either. If you figure out what shop was doing it, I'd be interested in checking that out!