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The "Purple pHaze" 3W of Purple

Amazing how bright it is. So the prisms for the 445 had the same beam specs as the 638 with the corrective lenses. I'd love to make a pointer size with this setup but should I really use prisms?

Amazing how bright it is. So the prisms for the 445 had the same beam specs as the 638 with the corrective lenses. I'd love to make a pointer size with this setup but should I really use prisms?

VG...Yea....It is real bright !!!!!!! A real Purple needle !!!!

On my initial experiments...I tried to use Cylindrical lenses to correct the 9mm 445 beam. This did not work well ! So....this is why I choose Anamorphic prism's to correct the Blue.

And...the P-73 or Oclaro 63193 absolutely demands Cylindrical Lenses to correct. So...we are stuck with that.

Now...even if both Red and Blue were correctable by Cylinderical lenses...then we have another problem. The distance between the Cylindricals will be different for the Blue vs. the Red....so...another roadblock ....which would demand two (2) sets of Cylindricals.

I think I can understand your thinking...as in... if only one (1) set of corrective optics would correct both beams. This would reduce the space needed for the optics. So...combine...then correct the beams to shrink this design down to a more manageable size.

So....the bottom line is that I believe two (2) sets of optics will be required...One set for the Red...and one set for the Blue.

But...There is hope !! We have many options !!

The Purple pHaze is only a Proof Of Concept !... and the design could be shrunk down to a much smaller footprint. Smaller Cylindrical lenses could be used....as was done on the Dragon's Head design. Custom diode mounts could be incorporated. Two (2) 18650 or 25500 could be used vs. the current LiPo Pack. I will give the idea some thought....but....for now...I have several experimental builds planned B4 I go off on another tangent....Like the Cyan Cannon and the Royal Blue Ramjet project.

And...If I were to make the optic train smaller, reduce the dimensions of the mount....and go with ....say....two (2) 18650 cells for power....I would go all the way....and put the works into something like the Purple pHaze II - RayGun pic attached...I mean....what the heck !!!...Kind'a Flash Gordon flying Torpedo, with gauges and a handle/trigger thing....Steampunk all the way !! If someone pointed a contraption like that at me....Yikes....I'd be gett'in outta the way !!!

The RB Ramjet will be a Optically corrected -NUBM07E 465nm LD....built into a Maglite S2CO16 2C host. I will start a new thread on this shortly.


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And yet another modification B4 the build is assembled !

I was not satisfied with the size of the Pass Red / Reflect Blue Dichroic mirror I originally used. The size was just slightly too small....at 10mm x 20mm. Not all the Red beam fit on the Dichro !

So....I was compelled to changed it out to a 13mm x 25mm from One Stop Laser Shop. ( Made a trade with Polished Ball.....Thanx ! ) The Yellow rectangle is the Dichroic Mirror.

Reflectivity is at 98% for the Blue beam and 96% Transmissivity for the Red beam. This is a very respectable performance....for a very good price !!

See Contact One Stop Laser Shop

Details....Details.....Delays.....Delays !!!;);) See pics


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This has got to be the best way to view purple. CD you make your own parts?

Well...For now,,,,Today 8.8.2015....I think it is the way to view the Purple color....with the greatest apparent brightness. Tomorrow may bring us yet another new diode...:o

Combining the beams is a precision task...but...with the use of Flexmounts...and at least one (1) bounce mirror....the task is made much simplier !!...And, I will only use Flexmounts !! Period !! They are inexpensive and superior to most other mounts. Of course, one can employ a MM1....which is also a breeze to adjust....larger and a lot more $$. Flexmount's run about $20.....MM1's...IIRC....about $ 80 ea....I choose the Flexmount !!

When I have time....I will do a thread on just beam-on-beam alignment/combination ! One must have the right set-up...go very slow....and have great patience !! Optics are fun !

As for making parts....yes....I CAD and machine any part that I cannot buy !...or modify what I buy to meet my design. !!!
This is the best way to do an experimental build !!! Other methods could work....but are less efficient !!and might demand several prototypes...even to get to a working proof of concept !!

My next project....the Sky Blue Ramjet.....goes 180 degree opposite !!!
Almost all off the shelf.....but still....expanding the hobby using the new NUBM07E 465nm LD....with some optics on the front end for correction !!!

Oh....I have decided I am completely dedicated to the color: Fushia !!!!
More of a reddish purple....but still in the Purple family ! Just less blue.
It pains me to throttle the 445nm LD....slightly....but that is what gives us a Fushia color.

Just a matter of personal taste !!

Stay tuned....on the home stretch now...doing the final wiring.:eg::eg:
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Could you make something for me when I need it? I got a few ideas myself.

Sure....PM me....I luv to machine !! In my opinion....combining Lasers and machining....It is like mixing chocolate
and nuts....Perfect !!!And....to do almost any more advanced builds.....ya gotta have the tools...or access to the tools.....or purchase custom work. That is just the way it is ! Send me your ideas....then I can ....er..ah..."borrorw" them !!:eg::eg::eg:


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Sure....PM me....I luv to machine !! In my opinion....combining Lasers and machining....It is like mixing chocolate
and nuts....Perfect !!!And....to do almost any more advanced builds.....ya gotta have the tools...or access to the tools.....or purchase custom work. That is just the way it is ! Send me your ideas....then I can ....er..ah..."borrorw" them !!:eg::eg::eg:

Hey I appreciate it. I'll let you know when I save up a few bucks.
Hey I appreciate it. I'll let you know when I save up a few bucks.

VG....I am ready to roll !! I must warn you that I rely greatly on CAD work to plan things out.....SO....PM me with what U R trying to accomplish....I will be thinking of how to do it....Many roads....lead to Rome....( Old saying !)

OK....So.....B4 I start to wire this beast up.....I was concerned about the exposed optics. It took some time to get the position of the corrective optics..and epoxied into place just right....and now....the plan is to flip this unit ...upside down....to install the driver sub plate and the other components. The thought of rolling the unit around like a football....well....it worried me !!

So....I slapped a clear Acrylic cover plate....riding atop the optics....to protect them.....so ....I do not have to re-epoxy the optics !!! The cover is approx. 4mm thick. I replaced the 8-32 Allen head bolts with threaded Brass Rod stock....and used some knurled nuts to secure the bolts and the optic cover plate!

A small detail....that will possible save me from an " AH SHIT " moment later !!
See pics...Now...on to wiring !!!

OH...by the way....I am getting 2.6W....Out the front door.....after all the optics !!! So....slightly over 12% loss...for all optics !!!! I have not turned the 445 LD down. I am happy with the current color....for now !!!
it is a Nice Purple !! See Beam Shot at 25' ( 7.62M). Both the beams have basically the same geometry !! The divergence is very good at 1.1mRad.

To me... All looks good !! Kinda SteamPunk with the new cover !!


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Well...a little update....on this uber slow build sequence !!! and really....my last technical question....can I go to a LiPo cell pack....without issue ????? .....Yes...the nominal 7.4 VDC 4000 MhA pack is now powering the drivers and LD's See the pic. No Problem !!!

Angelos noted the use of the LiPo pack would be fine...and it is !!

Now...connect all the wires...and we are good to go !!

See the beam shot.....A Purple needle indeed !! This pic shows a real bright Purple beam...with the Lab lights on !!!....

Remember...this build is a Proof of Concept.....and someday....I will shoe horn this build concept into a really unique host !!
See PhP Ray Gun 3..... Off the wall builds....in a Steam Punk skin !!! And transfer the PhP temp and LiPo status gauges to boot !! That is a future hill to climb !!!

In closing....the color mixing display in the optics area....

Blue===> Purple <===Red....IMNSHO....looks good....of course....I am a fan of displaying the guts !!! Many may find this....er....ah....Bohemian !!!! Too bad.... !!!!!

Stay tuned for the final chapter of...." Down the Purple Brick Road " !! :na::na::na::thanks::thanks:


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Well...Some progress on the Purple pHaze build....now that the Ramjet project is behind me !

I changed over to brushed chrome dual handles. See the attached pic. The previous handles were Copper ... but just tarnished too much and too fast....being that is where the Copper metal makes hand contact !! I like the Copper handles a little more....but just could not tolerate the ugly brown color the Copper handles quickly turn into !

See the other attached pic....as I tackle the mess of wires....looks bad now....but will look good shortly !!

OH....and the lock mech seen here...


Now, that is cool !!!....It will not be in this build....but maybe the next !!!! Marcuspeh...Thanx 4 that !..:beer::beer:

Note...Added three (3) new pics....as the wiring continues....One connection at a time !!! The unit is now portable....But will not leave the lab until she is all together !!
Note...added another wiring pic....one connection at a time !! The three position Carling switch works as planned and is a safety feature !!

Full down - All off
Center - "Arming indicator" blinks Red - NO Laser On
Full Up - " Laser On indicator " solid Green and Laser turns On


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Well...The Purple pHaze build is DONE !! I am very satisfied with the outcome !! See the pics. Night beam shots now added .

I ended up adding black solid side shields to block the stray low power beams generated by the optics. The electronics/battery/driver compartment is packed !!

This build was also most satisfy because it started with the theory that combining a Red beam and a Blue beam would deliver a most luminous Purple beam...and it does ! The Purple pHaze is the Proof of Concept....and generates a most intense Purple beam !!

The build was also a lesson in many area for me; Optics, Electronics, Thermal management, and Copper machining all were involved. I am not sure of the total project hours involved....but the number is high !! The lessons learned will be applied to future build's ....specifically the Cyan Cannon....which will be somewhat of a combination of aspects found in the Purple pHaze and the Sky Blue Ramjet build's !!

All the electronics and power-up sequence work as planned. The main switch ( with the round Brass ball) is a three (3) position Carling switch....and goes from Off==> Armed ( Red flashing LED indicator)==> Laser ON ( Green solid LED indicator ) The two (2) rear toggle switches are I/O for the Red LD and the Blue LD...and act as an independent cut-off. This was added for future alignment purposes. The single side toggle switch is an I/O for the Temp and Voltage monitor meters.

Really....the Voltage meter tell you how much energy you have left ( Fuel tank gauge ) and the Temp gauge watches the temp of the CU base plate ( how hot your Photon engines are ). These two units are nice to have.....and I would really like to incorporate their function in any future build.....but.....a lot smaller presentation ! We will see !!

I would like to thank the many members that have supported this five (5) month build saga !! I am very sad to see it end....but....there seems to be no end to future projects....as I have three (3) builds stacked up for more Fun with Optics in the coming year !! With the advent of new laser diodes coming out....I am hopeful....we will have new builds...for years to come !!

In closing, I am most pleased with the unique color of the Purple pHaze beamage !! You really must see it in person to appreciate the color !! I challenge another member to duplicate this and improve on the design !! SOooo....as I typically say....Combiners...and Adaptors rule !!!


Note: Added two (2) nite beam shots. Camera has a hard time with Purple @ nite !!


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Nice piece of work, thank you for sharing, very valuable info for me, nice pix too!

Thanx for the kind words. As I said....this build has brought a great deal of satisfaction. I hope you enjoyed the ride...I did !!

Attached a few more pics... See under the hood....10 lbs 'o'shit.....in a 10 lbs bag !! and.......this beam in particular..... is a hard beam to photograph !!!...Must be shy !! Hahah :crackup: :thinking:


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I bought several 16X 405nm diodes cheap from a guy on ebay a few weeks ago, your project is giving me ideas!

Thanks for the photo's, nice battery capacity!
