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The MagicSticks Custom Hosts - PICS & INFO

Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

So I guess your original guesstimate of 10 hosts has been proven way off. I'd aim more at 25-50 ;) I'd be in for two later on for sure! In the 2x 18650 size (I like the beatness of the size, and I will keep the two in a set so they must be clones.) I will want one with red anodizing and another with blue, perhaps with some sort of funky patter, but red and blue being the main colors on them.
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Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Oh my god this is driving me insane. I want one sooooo bad!:rolleyes:

And yeah, I'm going to get 2. Mark me down but I still don't know what size or color yet.
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Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Sign me up for one (2x18650)!

(First post!)
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Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Nice job. I like it..

If i could request any changes it would likely be
1. Machine a metal cover for the clicky
2. Extend the length of the heat sink
3. Go with direct press

Let me know when they go on sale
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Nice job. I like it..

If i could request any changes it would likely be
1. Machine a metal cover for the clicky
2. Extend the length of the heat sink
3. Go with direct press

Let me know when they go on sale

I am SURE this is a retarded question but can someone please explain to me what direct press means? Also, if this doesn't have direct press, what does it have?
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

I am SURE this is a retarded question but can someone please explain to me what direct press means? Also, if this doesn't have direct press, what does it have?
Pressing the diode itself into the heatsink instead of putting it in a module and putting the module into the heatsink.

But hey, only my second post*, I could be wrong :P
*lurking since early feb though
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

So I guess your original guesstimate of 10 hosts has been proven way off. I'd aim more at 25-50 ;) I'd be in for two later on for sure! In the 2x 18650 size (I like the beatness of the size, and I will keep the two in a set so they must be clones.) I will want one with red anodizing and another with blue, perhaps with some sort of funky patter, but red and blue being the main colors on them.
Totally agree on the guesstimate error.. its always better to have more people it will ultimately lower the production cost for each unit... And some taste u got there, i am not sure about the freakish pattern's havent found a guy for anodizing yet, but there is some wait to get some more metal into the production line, desperate need of the hour.. will get some more money by next week when my paycheck arrives..

Sign me up for one (2x18650)!

(First post!)
Sure thing, :wave: welcome to the forum, Please dont forget to introduce yourself to other members in the Welcome section.. Enjoy your stay!!

Nice job. I like it..

If i could request any changes it would likely be
1. Machine a metal cover for the clicky
2. Extend the length of the heat sink
3. Go with direct press

Let me know when they go on sale
Thanks for the suggestions.. I was already considering to extend the heatsink from 52mm to 65mm and 12mm diameter to 16mm in the lower part down below from where the module starts, this will give enough headroom for 3x Drivers :whistle: Direct press is not necessary with a heatsink like that still considering it and figuring out the possible outcomes in my mind from the last couple of days..
Will let you know for sure !!

I am SURE this is a retarded question but can someone please explain to me what direct press means? Also, if this doesn't have direct press, what does it have?

Direct press eliminates the need for aixiz module, you have to press the diode directly into the host's top part/heatsink.. This is the efficient and more practical design..
P.S: Its not a laser :S its only a aluminium host machined to fit components of laser assembly..
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Yeah I know it's just a host... Who said it was a full laser?
Also, I don't think direct press would be better because then I would need a special tool to put the diode in and I don't think that is a very efficient way of doing things.
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

I like my taste too :P My mind works in patterns, and if there aren't any, it makes them. I have a plan for different sets, such as a "forerunner" set. Which will be 2 of our most original hosts (not sure yet) with 2 original blu-ray and red diodes, and fake rust applied to the host. Then the Royalty set. With 6 Ehgemus hosts, 2 styles and 3 duplicates of both, one will be a bit more complex, and a bit more bulky. 3 will be gold plated, 3 mirror polished. The mirror will be a 12X, an LPC826, and a Green module at 150mW. The gold (the beefier one), an H1600 diode, a mit 500mW diode, and a green at 300mW+ I have tons of sets in mind. Combiner sets of labbies with magenta, cyan, and yellow, these MagicSticks, etc, etc.

Also, no hurries mate, I can't make a purchase for a while anyway, so no worries :p
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

I won't be able to decide what I would want mine to look like until pictures of each different one are posted lol
About the battery choice, are 18650s the most popular battery used by other hosts? I want to be able to interchange them with other builds I may do in the future.
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

I like the host as you presented it. The features are more of a wish list based on the host and potential. The direct press head would be the primary only because it can dramatically improve the performance of a laser, in any host.
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

If we were to go direct press, wouldn't we need a special tool to press our diodes into the heatsinks?
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Just a diode press. Depends on the heatsink set up if you would need a special diode press tool.
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Anything cylindrical that fits the diode back and has an opening to let the pins thru will work as a press. Ive heard of people using old antennas, .22 cartridges, aixiz module backs (modified) among other things
Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Oh and it would be better like that because then there would be no need for the Aixiz. Then the money left over from no Aixiz would practically pay for the press, right?

EDIT: beat me to it :)
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Re: MagicStick - The new 2012 custom host

Dang, these look good put me down for two.
