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FrozenGate by Avery

The let out your aggression thread

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Well well, I have just noticed that 5 (or 6, depending on how you look at it) of these worthless "Amagad choose for me" threads are started by the SAME GUY, "Don't Laze Me Bro".

This little punk has now made me have to vent 3 times.. MODS PLEASE!


I hate Monday's seems like the more "older" I get the more time it takes for me to
get over them...This past Monday took me till today to get over.

Sorry about your mate there Brewster I figure that the little women needs to take a vac. send her on her way and then spoil her when she gets back.

If that doesn't work trade her in for 2 /20's or a kick a** new camaro.:)
7 year itch is a bitch. I had mine. I let her go (yes it was hard) but in 2 months she realized what she lost and came back. I was lucky, but that's all you can do.

EDIT: Getting her hooked on heroine works too...:beer:
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i'm tired of tech junkies usless "schitck" as he puts it. all he does is go off topic and put people down. this is a laser forum not a "schitck" forum. whew. i feel better.
Man..this n00b Chip really grinds my gears. 50% of the time he doesn't know what he is talking about. The other 50% he just echoes others opinions, an advice.

I mean WTF..he doesn't even give credit to those he rips off. Typical troll trying to fit into something that is obviously over his head. It must be the poor upbringing. Hell what do you want from a trailer park floozies son?
His mom carried more loads than UPS for crying out loud.

When she walked by the local dogs they all winked at her.

She dressed like a whore for Halloween and they all asked "Were is your costume?"

His mom had her bellybutton pierced so she could hang an air freshener.

The only difference between his mom and a cow is when you pull her tits she doesn't shit on the floor.

What's the difference between his mom and a fridge? A fridge doesn't fart when you take your meat out.

What do hockey players and his mom in common? They both change pads after their third period.

Hey I like this thread!!!
I can guarantee you this tj, bj or what ever your name is or what you do. You won't find one member here that will say one bad thing about me. you are frequently the topic in a lot of peoples pm's. who do i rip off. not elektrofreak, i give him props all the time, not meatball, here is a thread giving him all credit http://laserpointerforums.com/f44/show-tell-tec-power-supply-41643.html . furthermore you are a joke. i'm not gonna talk about your mom cuz i don't know the guy! also you are the troll tj/bj. I give solid advice and contribute to this forum everyday. I have 2 stickies for christ's sake. what do you have, besides a weight problem and a hairy palm? and yeah this thread really is good thanks!!! and as to it being over my head, check my reps people seem to think i help. un-like you i work for a living, I don't sit on my fat ass and "rule" internet land! :crackup::crackup::crackup: you are such a joke you have been banned here before. If i was ever banned somewhere i would be too ashamed to come back, you obviously have no self pride.
Dude you have 2 friends and 74 points LOL.

Anyway..why would you get mad over a big mouth like me LOL. You are just making me laugh harder LMAO.

Thanks man...:crackup:

Edit: I just +Repped you for the laugh. Thanks again..:crackup:
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LoL with your rep I now have 80 points so put that in your pie whole.

p.s. i +1'ed you back :beer:
Dude you have 2 friends and 74 points LOL.

Anyway..why would you get mad over a big mouth like me LOL. You are just making me laugh harder LMAO.

Thanks man...:crackup:

Edit: I just +Repped you for the laugh. Thanks again..:crackup:

*Jumps in*

I'm sorry but chip contributes regularly and follows netiquette as I see it.

The friend system in LPF is barely used if not completely unused. The rep system is also kind of useless now so I see no reason to troll him.

If you want to troll somebody here troll me and leave other members alone.

LoL with your rep I now have 80 points so put that in your pie whole.

p.s. i +1'ed you back

You should stop too, chip, don't feed the troll or else you will become one.

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Excuse me but this is the propper thread and if you had not noticed we both knew we were kidding. What are you the defender of the forum? Mind your business, no one was talking to you. Now you are the troll.

Niko..the super troll. All bow to his will.

What flame war? If we both know we are just busting chops then there is no flame. We gave each other +rep DUH. WTF? On top of it all this thread was meant to vent. And IF it was a war, then it was obviously over, so I don't see anyone's point of sticking their nose in. Looks more like troll behavior to me, and I would know. I'm king of the trolls. :na:
What flame war? If we both know we are just busting chops then there is no flame. We gave each other +rep DUH. WTF? On top of it all this thread was meant to vent. And IF it was a war, then it was obviously over, so I don't see anyone's point of sticking their nose in. Looks more like troll behavior to me, and I would know. I'm king of the trolls. :na:

lol you just got troll'd
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