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FrozenGate by Avery

The Chartreuse Coruscation

It makes you qualified to PM Avery and ask for veteran status. Though you may have already gotten that because of how long you've been here. It comes with a key to the executive washroom and the ability to see threads in the vet's section. ;)

No, it sez buy more Ovaltine. :crackup:

Yikes Paul.....The Key to the " Executive Crapper ".....WOW...... The Vet's section could be interesting !!

Hmmmm....Ovaltine....which is still on the market !!! Was first introduced in 1904....

I seriously doubt that more than a handful of us understand the reference....or the Humor.....Serious absence of " Bench Depth " these days !!.....Sigh !!!:cryyy:

Thanx Encap !!! I am a legend....in my own mind !!!! But...Who else documents builds like I do.... ????? It is my Pay Back to LPF.

....SOooooo....This is what can be done....and...This is how to do it :whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle: :tinfoil::tinfoil::tinfoil:

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Access to the executive washroom is one of the nicer benefits of the vet section, you'll like it. Ovaltine, I didn't know you could still buy that, sure had a lot of it as a kid. Yes, you do great documentation work, much appreciated. I wish we had more bench experimenters in the group, don't go anywhere!
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Thanx Chris....I do Not plan on going anywhere !!! I have at least four (4) more projects...in the Que !!!

I am however....doubling my prices for my epic build posts !!! HAHAHAHAHA !!

Beam Out !!
What every you make, make two and offer to me first :)

Thanx !!!:beer::beer::beer::beer:

Careful what u ask for !!!

I have really made some progress on the mechanical coupling of the SkyRay Host to the H-BE unit...Got that nailed....and now...I have figured out how to do a sllck conversion of the four (4) 18650 cell battery configuration.

I think all the four (4) 18650 style Flashlight host's....configure the batteries in parallel.....SO....All the + and all the - are gathered !!! So....they deliver 4.2 VDC !!

Well...We currently have no high current Boost drives....like 5 A....which runs on 4.2 VDC...unless I just do not know about one !!

SO....for now.... We must feed the drivers with 8.4 VDC.....which works out fine....Two 18650 Lipo for one driver/LD....and the remaining two 18650 Lipo
for the other driver/LD.

Anyway....I will post some pics next few days of the adaptations :angel::angel: If anyone wants to try this....this will show...one way to do things !!! Figuring out these mechanical adaptations is one of my favorite things to do !!

Yes....I don't get out much !!! Who cares !!

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I prefer two batteries anyway, with the high efficiency drivers we have, that just makes the battery supply take longer to run out of play juice. I'm hoping you do offer :)
Thanx Paul...I forgot about the Australist Boost ! ANYBODY try these drivers yet ???

Well...ALL my Combiner builds will use either four (4) 18650 or two (2) 26650 cells

I do have a new build in the planning stages....A EDC corrected N462....as small as possible....well...yikes....not as small as RAP corrected Pen unit....but...small enough to put in'yer pocket !! That demands a 5A Boost....Worsee has a prototype !!!! I hope to use it first !!

This EDC build will be named.... The " Super Car EDC ".....Who can identify why that name was choosen ????? Hmmmmm ????

2 Million Rep....Hmmmm ???? I think we should have annual awards....just to keep things interesting.

We could use a poll for voting....Nothing gained but bragging rights !!!!
I nominate myself for.....wait for it !!...." Member who uses the most " .... " symbols between phrases !!!:D:D:D

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You never fail to brighten my day, Bob. Yes, I believe you use the most punctuation than any member posting here. I cannot give you an answer to the "Super Car EDC" as it doesn't ring any bells for me. If it is going to be driven at 5 amps I fear it may have a very short duty cycle, unless EDC is a joke of some sort. :D
Thanx Paul....As you can deduce....My memory and time line go back a way !!!

So current crowd ....er....under 40 trips around Sol.....Let's take a trip....in the " Way Back Machine "....B4 real Special Effects....Before Star Wars...Star Trek....back...back we go...Back to the time of " The Outer Limits " ( The original....Not the tripe of the new series )....B4 Lost in Space....way back...

Back........and we land in 1961-62....now....granted.....I had yet to discover....er....ah....many things in that time....I was just a kid....full of Optimism....er...now....I am just...Full of IT !!

" Leave it to Beaver "....was just coming on the air...Ah yes...Claymation was just in its infancy.....And...THEN....came.... "Supercar".....

See this link.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzlRveC9sFA

Supercar was a SciFi-Cartoon-Puppet show...... It is Funny !!! Hailing back to a simpler time !!!!

Puppets...yes...puppets....like ...er....Punch and Judy in the 1600's
Frick'in Puppets....It was great....for it's time !!!

Now...Supercar Did it All ....Land...Sea....Air.....Space !!! This Car did it all....it was the " Cat's Ass "....and likely could wash the dishes too !! Just Wow !!!

I especially like the Fishtank scene..... "Supercar......Supercar....It's the marvel of it's age" hahahaha !!

SO....That is why I picked this name...." Supercar EDC ".....An EDC that has it ALL... ( although...on the large side)...One of the most powerful LD's we currently have...N462....A great diode to correct.....because the resulting beam....is TIGHT !!!..

I will use this host.....

So...Now you know !!! It will sport a single set of 6X optics........See the " Blue Ramjet " build in my sig !!! Basically....an EDC version of this !!

It just never ends !!!:evil::evil::evil:

Run time....ah....at least 20 min ??? My guess...but then...20 min =1200 seconds

SOoooo.... average " Point " time "APT"...my guess...about 10 seconds....so....1200/10 = 120 APT events.....seems good enough 4 me !!
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I was in elementary school back then and watched all the kid show offerings at that time. I have never seen super car before today. Looks a lot like Howdy Doody. That, I saw. Huh?! Maybe it was a local thing. Like Bozo the clown. I watched that, but it was a northeast TV show.
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Wow, CD, that name "Supercar" didn't ring any bells for me, but when I watched the video, I remember seeing show; thanks for bringing back some very old memories! :yh:

You say it was "The cats ass" ....now your talking. :crackup:
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I was in elementary school back then and watched all the kid show offerings at that time. I have never seen super car before today. Looks a lot like Howdy Doody. That, I saw. Huh?! Maybe it was a local thing. Like Bozo the clown. I watched that, but it was a northeast TV show.

Hmmmm....Dunno....I was in Cleveland....then again....we had that Wacco...Baraby....HE WAS GREAT !!!

I assume it was a national show...maybe not ??? It was great to !!!

Like Howdy Doody....on SciFi Steroids !!!

There were a lot of regional TV shows in the late 50s to early 60s. TV was often live and not recorded back then. I was in Kingston, MA and Bozo was a show that was live in Boston. You could get tickets to be in the audience back then, but I couldn't have gone as my parents weren't going to take me to Boston to see a local TV show being shot.

I'll bet that Super Car was a midwest TV show.
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