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FrozenGate by Avery

The Chartreuse Coruscation

Nice drawing, looking forward too seeing some yellow from this project, I bet if you built three or four of these you would have buyers, I'd have to find a sleeve to cover that acrylic tube though, don't like light in my face, but you already know that with the last build :)

Well...I have enough remaining Aluminum Tube from the CC build to do at least one (1) shroud in ....er....ah....Non-Transparent Aluminum HAHAHAHAHA

Long Day !!! Lotsa " OADD "....Optical Adjustment Dilly Dilly HAHAHAHAHA

Getting closer....but not close enough yet to correct the HL63283 to my satisfaction !!

These Multimode Reds have always been a bitch !!!...and I am using a good X-Y Translation Table for fine positioning !!! Sheeeez !!

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I saw a photo of your X-Y table, nice setup you have there. I also like the ability to look inside, but if the aluminum sleeve were used to slide against it (e: the acrylic) you know what would happen quickly.
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Well...fit 10 lbs of Sh$T....in a 10 lbs bag !! IF a double set of Cylindrical's are demanded...it will fit with this V15 redesign. A millimeter here...a millimeter there !!

A lot of work goes into CAD drawings....to verify all components can fit in a given constraint !! But......That is the only way to do it....just moving the pcs around !!

See attached pic.



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It is looking great. I can't wait to see the finished product, either. But, I know I will have to. :o
That can be fixed by adjusting one of the two initial collimating lenses. At least I don't see why not.

Hmmm....Hmmmm...First thanx for thinking about my problem!!
Your Optical Knowledge Base is likely the most respected at LPF/PL !!!

So.....No worries !!! Of course the FP can be varied by the Colli lens adjustment....SOooo....Just Dilly, Dilly with this Colli....and surly a single set of Cylindrical Lenses can be used....and....since the FP will be equalized...I assume beam propagation entering the Beam Expander.....remains corrected....and Chromatic Aberration via the BE will be negligible !!

Thanx for joining and teaching !

Well....I have decided to stick with the Oclarro 63193 LD vs the HL63283 LD. Simply....the divergence is less..and....there are less aberration's around the Far Field beam geometry. We... give up a little raw power.....but we gain with a superior beam quality.

See the Red and Green beam side by side pic.
For the Green @ 520nm...NDG7475 LD with a G2 Colli and corrected by a set of 6X Cylindrical's
For the Red @ 635nm...Oclarro 63193 with a EFL2mm Colli and corrected by a set of 6X Cylindrical's.

More importantly....it appears as though we obtain a matched divergence geometry's !!!
This matching of divergence equates to a very desirable " Beam-on-Beam " condition!!

Hopefully..when the two beams are combined....the Red Beam geometry will not eclipse the Green Beam geometry....and the Green Beam geometry will not eclipse the Red Beam geometry.
So....as you can see....the Oclarro 63193 will be the Red Light engine !!!....and the NDG475 will be the Green Light engine.

Another change will be to use the SkyRay 12X Cree as the Host. See the Link...

Original plan was to use the Maglite 2D as the Host....but...I have switched to the SkyRay.

This SR host has a greater OD....and less length. See the attached pics. I need the greater ID for components....and find the shorter length more desirable also.

I have a solution for securely coupling the SR Host to the H-BE section. I will likely need to upgrade the I/O switch.....and will have to rework the 4 x 18650 LiPo cell battery compartment to deliver...8.4 VDC.....but these things are doable !!
I prefer the looks of the Sky Ray....and trust the ergonomics will not suffer.
See the attached pics. Enjoy the ride !! Yellow/Green....will be Mean !!



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I'm a little confused with this. Your optical bench is using two pairs of Cyl lenses, but you diagram shows only one set. Are you hoping that one set will work? I like what I've seen by the divergence of both beams and if you stick to what you've already built I think you have an excellent chance of matching them.
Paul...Yes....I ...I was doing a quick ...thrown together test....and I used two set's of C-Lenses.....both 6X. The distance between the lenses....for both sets....is the same....so....I am assuming....one set will serve to correct both beam paths !!

I am very pleased that it appears we have a " Matched Set " How low is my Bar of Expectation !! HAHAHA....Ya gotta take it....where ya can get t !!!:beer:

Anyway.....my next step will be to do a proper Test Bed set up. I am waiting on the Dichro Optics.

Haha...the Red and Green colour's are like a Christmas Tree.....:tinfoil::tinfoil:

999 posts !!! OOOooooo

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Hmm. I think you might have a problem if the path distance to one set of C lenses is different for either diode. Trying to make that distance the same for both diodes could be problematic. IDK.
Hhhhhhmp....Well....we will see...I can always switch'em around....with a different Dichro...Bounce the Red/Pass the Green.....or.....Bounce the Green/Pass the Red.....

Think I need to order both Dichro Planar optics....and use per testing !!

As the design currently stands....the Red beam travels about 20mm more than the Green prior to the single set of C-Lenses.

As they say....The Devil is always in the Details !!

Man, ain't that the truth. :crackup:

Congratulations on your 1000th post. :gj:
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Man, ain't that the truth. :crackup:

Congratulations on your 1000th post. :gj:

Thanx....As with everything....sure took me awhile to get to 1000 posts .... Do I get a prize...or sumpt'in ??:evil::evil::evil::evil:

Ya know....a " Secret Decoder Ring "....and when I decode the message......probably sez..." You there...Spend More Money on Lasers " :crackup::crackup::angel:

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It makes you qualified to PM Avery and ask for veteran status. Though you may have already gotten that because of how long you've been here. It comes with a key to the executive washroom and the ability to see threads in the vet's section. ;)

No, it sez buy more Ovaltine. :crackup:
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