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The amazon laser experiment

Feb 4, 2010
I was kind of curious what kind of insects would be attracted by night in the amazon jungle with different kinds of lasers @ different kinds of wavelengths ? :wave:

This was no experiment, but one night when I was shining a 3W 445nm laser outside it attracted a couple moths. I'm not sure if it was because of the wavelength or if it was just because of the sole fact that it was light.
I thought this thread was going to be about someone buying a bunch of cheap laser pointers from Amazon.com and doing a review!

That's what I thought too.

I was kind of curious what kind of insects would be attracted by night in the amazon jungle with different kinds of lasers @ different kinds of wavelengths ? :wave:

Are you down there in Brazil? I know we have at least one member there. If your not there are you going there? Not a good idea right now due to the Zika virus.

At least half a million or more people will travel there for the summer Olympics and will cause a global pandemic of the Zika virus, it is already in 60 countries and shouldn't be. I listened to a radio show with someone claiming that genetically modified mosquitos have been released that can live farther north and south than the tropical mosquito that normally carries the virus. This sounds like conspiracy theory but what if it's true?

This was no experiment, but one night when I was shining a 3W 445nm laser outside it attracted a couple moths. I'm not sure if it was because of the wavelength or if it was just because of the sole fact that it was light.

Yeah moths are horrible here in Oklahoma. I think the June bugs are worse.
I listened to a radio show with someone claiming that genetically modified mosquitos have been released that can live farther north and south than the tropical mosquito that normally carries the virus. This sounds like conspiracy theory but what if it's true?


Yikes! I know that Iceland is the only territory(apart from Antarctica) where mosquitoes can't survive, or at least, can't thrive. It's crazy how high temperatures have been rising lately. I am seeing many cities which, during the summer easily reach temperatures of 105 nowadays. Back where I used to live, some days can hit 110 which is insane! Try Ahvaz, Iran or Furnace Creek in the National Park of Death Valley and summers regularly hit 120 degrees!

I know some people don't believe in the Earth's warming, as it's happened in the past but the temperatures we are seeing are simply crazy! I mean, many cities are easily reaching close to, or above 100 Degrees now! :(

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Yikes! I know that Iceland is the only territory(apart from Antarctica) where mosquitoes can't survive, or at least, can't thrive. It's crazy how high temperatures have been rising lately. I am seeing many cities which, during the summer easily reach temperatures of 105 nowadays. Back where I used to live, some days can hit 110 which is insane! Try Ahvaz, Iran or Furnace Creek in the National Park of Death Valley and summers regularly hit 120 degrees!

I know some people don't believe in the Earth's warming, as it's happened in the past but the temperatures we are seeing are simply crazy! I mean, many cities are easily reaching close to, or above 100 Degrees now! :(


Gets to 120+ here in Afghanistan every summer.
