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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

It takes time to overturn unconstitutional State laws, but we have been doing it.

No, you're not manipulating the scotus or packing the court.

Furthermore Harris and Walz...... I don't see it, they are far too radical, way to far left, downright socialist.

:LOL:That is hilarious! The SCOTUS will not try to stop legislation as they will know that another four seats will be coming if they do.

So, you extremist liberals want to change everything, all our long standing norms and traditions, tax us more and tell us how to live and you are willing to change all the rules we have played by for a lifetime and use force against us if we don't comply.......
Spin it anyway you want. It is because you decided to run Trump again that made all this possible. PLEASE run him again in 2028.

Also, I kind of like the coach versus the couch.
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Well how about that, I expected you to say .... we just want some common sense bla bla bla and for peoples needs to be met and equity, fairness as we see it.

It's all BS, we know your end game, you want helpless workers who can't take a stand against whatever you are pushing this day and you want to decide what people get for their work, you want the 30 year old with a degree in ethics who smokes dope and plays video games all day to get a paycheck, the same paycheck the heart surgeon gets and the same paycheck a dishwasher gets.

You spin and twist words, you say you want to re-imagine this and that, the problem is you liberals changing the rules, if dems manage to ever add 4 seats to the scotus, you will have gone too far, because we have spent a lifetime playing by the rules and now you want to change them, yank the rug out from under us...... this would be a bridge too far and it's why you can't win.
Well how about that, I expected you to say .... we just want some common sense bla bla bla and for peoples needs to be met and equity, fairness as we see it.

It's all BS, we know your end game, you want helpless workers who can't take a stand against whatever you are pushing this day and you want to decide what people get for their work, you want the 30 year old with a degree in ethics who smokes dope and plays video games all day to get a paycheck, the same paycheck the heart surgeon gets and the same paycheck a dishwasher gets.

You spin and twist words, you say you want to re-imagine this and that, the problem is you liberals changing the rules, if dems manage to ever add 4 seats to the scotus, you will have gone too far, because we have spent a lifetime playing by the rules and now you want to change them, yank the rug out from under us...... this would be a bridge too far and it's why you can't win.

Biden and Harris have been more pro-union than anyone in history. I expect the unions to thrive after Harris is sworn in. Walz did pass legalized recreational marijuana. He also passed free lunch and breakfasts for all school kids in Minesota. Trump call this the radical left. Thank you Donald Trump.
Ahh, now you have switched back to the soft hand, a min ago it was " fk you for running Trump "..... my point is no matter who is running and no matter who wins, neither side has any business changing the system we have lived by for all our lifetime, no packing the court.

That said I think changing roe v wade after 50 years was wrong.... but abortion isn't actually banned, they just let the States decide on their own common sense ethical restrictions....... sound familiar ?

Like I have always said, Freedom has to be for everyone, but our control monger politicians just can't resist passing more and more laws and exploiting hate, fear and outright lies to be in control, we should demand more from all our elected reps and we should all want more Freedom, less laws, less restrictions. but this means being honest.

For example, I can't remember the time before I was birthed and recall/memory is what we are, without recall our consciousness is at a very basic level so even if a fetus has some basic level of consciousness at say 6mos, it likely does not suffer but a fleeting moment if even that when aborted.

Another honesty is we are not likely t be victims of a mass shooting, but none the less violating Constitutional rights is not the answer, how about ending the political hate and then the Vegas shooter wouldn't have targeted conservatives at a concert.
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Ahh, now you have switched back to the soft hand, a min ago it was " fk you for running Trump "..... my point is no matter who is running and no matter who wins, neither side has any business changing the system we have lived by for all our lifetime, no packing the court.

That said I think changing roe v wade after 50 years was wrong.... but abortion isn't actually banned, they just let the States decide on their own common sense ethical restrictions....... sound familiar ?

Not only do the states where abortions are outright banned and there is no exception for rape or incest, but these same states want to ban people from leaving their states to get one. You guys are the worst. It will be great to get an abortion rule for all states making it impossible to ban them.
Leaving it to the states is such a crock of crap. I say, why stop there? Why not leave it up to each county or even leave it up to each municipality? Hell, why not go further? Leave it up to each family and their doctor. Or go even further and leave it up to each individual woman? Oh wait....
Wow, 14 States do have a total abortion ban...... that's wrong in my opinion, I am in favor of women's rights, all peoples rights, but if dems ever pack the court to fix roe v wade, they will also pass unconstitutional gun control and we the people won't have legal recourse, things will get messy.... that's my opinion.
We don't need radicals elected to our highest office, we need balanced people who would respect something that's been in place for 50 years, for 248 years and respect for our Constitution.

Why are our choices always so fked ?

Sometimes I feel like the entire political circus is a big dog and pony show, we are kept divided, seems intentional, meanwhile we have less and less Freedom as time goes by, more and more laws.

Funny that we are letting in a lot of immigrants, some say we want the manpower and here recently we also are reversing a 50 year abortion case....... just a co-incidence I suppose.
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We don't need radicals elected to our highest office, we need balanced people who would respect something that's been in place for 50 years, for 248 years and respect for our Constitution.

Why are our choices always so fked ?

Yours are because you decided to run Trump and Vance. I like our chances.
I didn't decide to run Trump/Vance any more than you decided to run Harris/whazitshis name

We are forced to choose a side and pretend we ran these people, cover for them, spin for them, it's ridiculous.

We should have better quality people to choose from....... my God are there no decent people in this country ?

A President should have a better demeanor than any of these people..... and why is it the vice always seems like a more Presidential figure than the actual person running ??

Ok paul, keep putting a brave face on it, I think Trump still has a better chance, but Harris could win and I think abortion is the only reason for it, if not for the abortion issue I don't think Harris would have a snowballs chance in hell.
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I didn't decide to run Trump/Vance any more than you decided to run Harris/whazitshis name

We are forced to choose a side and pretend we ran these people, cover for them, spin for them, it's ridiculous.

We should have better quality people to choose from....... my God are there no decent people in this country ?

A President should have a better demeanor than any of these people..... and why is it the vice always seems like a more Presidential figure than the actual person running ??

You did decide to run Trump. I actually like our candidates.
Well I like Trump and Vance and I don't like Harris or Walzs.

I don't see either party winning a trifecta this time with everyone so divided, but we shall see.

As for dems pushing unconstitutional laws now or in the future, you will get a fight, how big a fight depends on how hard you push..... again my opinion.
