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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I would also like to point our that there are aspects of Bidens behavior that I think violate the constitution and are fascist adjacent. His prosecution of whistlblowers even while claiming to value the freedom of the press. It was his fault that Edward Snowden had to flee to Russia. Biden called the other countries that Snowden was trying to go to and threatened them if they took him in. Biden also supports and arms Isreal which has become fascist as well and supports an ethnic cleansing.

So no, I am not a partisan hack and I apply my principles evenly

All nationalism is being called fascist by the left biased media we have. Why is that? We aren't anywhere near ultra - nationalism, some pride in your country and willingness to protect it and what it stands for is what's gotten us this far as a nation. Why is that now made out to be criminal thought?

That symbol you said was posted by Desantis' people has been used for ages. While the Nazis may have used it at one time it's also been used by many before and after, and isn't on the same level as a swastika. Of course anyone racist would be drawn more to conservatives simply because they are willing to stop the flood of illegals and reestablish rule of law in the USA. Less people of a foreign descent is always good for actual racists because purity and all that yadda yadda. There is still a very big difference between conservative/nationalist and the fascist/racists they're often blanked together with.

States' right to vote for themselves shouldn't be taken away in my opinion. If it harms someone it'll be challenged up to the supreme courts and a decision will be made for all. Isn't that what happened with issues like segregation you mentioned? Many on the left are suddenly irked that the system works in this way because they didn't get their way on abortion rights recently. It's not a perfect system, but it's more customizable and imo safer for everyone when there's more individual entities empowered to make their own decisions.
Way worse? One evil lunatic in a car. Hardly representative of the entire right. That's like saying the Vegas shooter is the entire left's mascot.

By contrast BLM/antifa have had thousands participating in looting, rioting, violence, and occupations. Also BLM organizers were exposed as corrupt trash just taking donations to live lavishly while protesting oppression by the very type of people they'd become - privileged wealthy folks living in mansions. Hypocrisy.

These White Nationalists also did a whole lot of other stuff besides just that running over of the people. They used bear spray just like the rioters did at the Capital on 1/6/21.They harmed lots of people. Trump praised them calling them "good people."
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These White Nationalists also did a whole lot of other stuff besides just that running over of the people. They used bair spray just like the rioters did at the Capital on 1/6/21.They harmed lots of people. Trump praised them calling them "good people."
Maybe they did, I hadn't read about that. Did they shoot hundreds at a country concert or attempt to assassinate a former president though?

This is just wrong. Actually, Kamala Harris is more popular in many swing states that Biden was and all your Sky News of what she's said is perfectly alright, unless you think that Sky News can't sync up their video and audio. :LOL:
These White Nationalists also did a whole lot of other stuff besides just that running over of the people. They used bair spray just like the rioters did at the Capital on 1/6/21.They harmed lots of people. Trump praised them calling them "good people."
lol @ bair spray
I'm guilty of the occasional typo, but that's a doozy.
I think your brain mixed up hair and bear.

Kamala is a cackling idiot, well she is, that's not being nasty because it's true, she's not going to win.
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Wow I am actually shocked to hear a conservative admit that racists align with conservatives on immigration because they don't want brown people coming into the country. The next step is to realize how many racists mask their racism by simply claiming they only want to stop illegal immigration. This is harder to discern to be sure. Racists have praised tucker carlson for making their rhetoric palatable to average Americans.

No one wants to criminalize the type of nationalism that seeks to simply protect our country. That is the victim narrative, employed by fascists, as they must always portray themselves as the victim. Their nationalism goes far beyond that though. Part of what makes America America is the fact that we don't have a state religion nor discriminate based upon it. This is enshrined in the constitution. So when MAGAs support an explicit ban of an entire religion entering the country, they are spitting on the constitution and trying to turn the country into something different. Twisting regular nationalism into something America never has been, and should not stand for. This is why I brought up the ideological screening and banning of Muslims as evidence that they aren't just nationalists but ultra nationalist who want a revolution of the system, turning it into a nation that at least bans certain religions if not being outright Christian nationalist, which some like MTG have espoused. I hope this is clear now

So since I am the one fighting to defend the constitution from those like Trump who would see it overturned, who is the real patriot who takes pride in their nation huh?
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Tucker Carlson isn't all that bad. He just got cancelled because he showed footage of Jan. 6th that wasn't ever supposed to see the light of day.

There's such a fine line between wanting real immigration reform, laws enforced, and being racist towards immigrants because each individual harbors their own sentiment towards different people. You'd have to be a mind reader to know for sure which people are just racist.

It is to me very telling that we have a problem which isn't just fueled by racism when you see people who immigrated legally getting very frustrated with the current situation.. to many of us it's pretty simple I think: they're illegally here, even if they aren't committing a huge slice of crimes once here their very existence in such numbers flies in the face of the United States being a haven for legal immigrants from everywhere.
lol @ bair spray
I'm guilty of the occasional typo, but that's a doozy.
I think your brain mixed up hair and bear.

Kamala is a cackling idiot, well she is, that's not being nasty because it's true, she's not going to win.

This happens when my blood sugar gets low. I'm on insulin.
It is to me very telling that we have a problem which isn't just fueled by racism when you see people who immigrated legally getting very frustrated with the current situation.. to many of us it's pretty simple I think: they're illegally here, even if they aren't committing a huge slice of crimes once here their very existence in such numbers flies in the face of the United States being a haven for legal immigrants from everywhere.

You think THIS makes you seem rational?
Tucker got canceled because he spread election lies that contributed to costing fox News 787 million dollars

I don't think you need to be a mind reader to tell. There are ways they give themselves away. Here are some.

They resist reform that would make legal immigration easier or speed up the process. Like getting more immigration judges to handle the ridiculous case load and reduce the absurd wait times these cases have. They will also be against asylum seekers and want to send them back without truly evaluating the claim, they don't care if these people are fleeing violence. Some are more blatant. A supervisor of mine has said he wishes he could go to the border with his AR 10 and shoot anyone crossing the border. I've seen Hispanics told to go back to their country by red hat wearing MAGAs event hough they had no idea whether they were illegal, legal, or were 2nd or 3rd generation, born here. I've actually seen MAGA hat wearing people tell Navajo to go back to their country too. I have a friend who married a Columbian woman trying to immigrate here. She works hard and doesn't commit any crimes, but marrying her didn't even help. Now she faces deportation simply for admitting to trying Marijuana gummies, which are legal in this state.

A while back, the biden admin had a super restrictive immigration policy proposed that had the support of border patrol. Trump told his supporters not to vote for it because he didn't want to give biden a "win" on immigration. Trump doesn't care, he uses the issue to gain support and if it's solved, he will lose that very effective way of stirring anger. Not so different from how it is more profitable to treat many illnesses than to cure them, even when a cure is possible. (Actually I often suspect that democrats use the abortion issue in a similar way) Money and power is all Trump cares for. And staying out of prison I suppose

Regarding Jan 6th do you know how many MAGAs I have argued with who insisted that the people who broke in were Antifa disguised as Trump supporters? If they're puppets of biden, makes me wonder why they would try to hinder the certification of biden's win. Only recently have I stopped seeing that narrative now that Trump and the Republicans call them martyrs and political prolisoners and Trump promises to pardon them. I remember the fake jail cell they set up at cpac so all the republican officials could go have their little pandering pageantry. Got a spicy meme from it too1000007933.jpg
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The current asylum claim system is over the top free and open.. they made a smartphone app which allows people to claim asylum, show a QR code and enter the country based on a promise to follow up with immigration court at a later date. This is why we have so many illegals here and the number is exponentially increasing. Being against false claims of asylum in a massive scale isn't racist.
