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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Imagine a Harris administration with a dem congress packing the court and implementing a digital currency.... what control they would have given the state of AI.

Not on-board with the agenda ( expressed any anti-woke feelings online ) imagine the AI watching over the digital currency disallowing grocery store purchases based on your social score, no food for you until you apologize sufficiently and learn to virtue signal.

Imagine a Harris administration with a dem congress packing the court and implementing a digital currency.... what control they would have given the state of AI.

Not on-board with the agenda ( expressed any anti-woke feelings online ) imagine the AI watching over the digital currency disallowing grocery store purchases based on your social score, no food for you until you apologize sufficiently and learn to virtue signal.

It is Trump who has come out in favor of digital currency. Democrats want an enforceable code of ethics for the Supreme Court. Every other government agency has to have them. Might take adding seats to the SCOTUS to do so, as they, the right-wing majority, would just all it Unconstitutional. Will just have to see.
How is the American socialism you want not just a new form of fascism ?
If you had a true grasp of what fascism and socialism are and the form they take, you would never ask such a nonsensical question.

I could write a post as long as my first one today, but suffice to say that socialists seek to afford as many people economy rights as possible while fascists generally do not do so and restrict them from groups they deem enemies and they seek to co solidate power whereas socialists generally want it decentralized and held by the people. So in short, socialism is antithetical to fascism and if socialism ever started to become fascist, it would cease being socialism.

Have you not expressed support for women's choice? Yet you post that video of that nurse lady who makes the reductive take that leftist just want to kill babies and love death or whatever dumb crap she said? Doesn't strike you as strawmaning the left position or being reductive or dehumanizing her political opponents? Then she says we can't be parleyed with, well what's the alternative? Then the right accuses the left of fomenting political violence. Effing rich my man
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I’m going to need you to explain how protecting the values and culture you were bought up in. And being under attack in all different angles makes me a fascist. My first day of my new job was me being lectured to for four hours about how I’m privileged, how I don’t have to experience discrimination and racism. Me having to write down everything that I have to identify myself and how that gives me an advantage in life. How we need to do more to remove our national content and add their content into our curriculums.

If I ever get to visit America. I will make sure I get to self invite myself round to your house. I hope you wouldn’t mind. I mean, we need to be accommodating. Oh by the way. What you’ve got for dinner that day you might have to throw out as I don’t like it. In fact never have it again. You could do with getting a few books in that encompasses my background. I hope you don’t mind me teaching your kids a few things whilst I’m there as well. If you have the American flag out or the bible please remove it beforehand. Oh and I get priority to any food, medication and even your beds over your children and yourself.

Get the message yet. This is an extreme example but scarily not an exaggeration.
And to top it off. Don’t you dare complain. Otherwise you know exactly what you are.
And conservatives call us hyperbolic.

have gay people, people of color etc always existed in your country? Was excluding them part of the values and culture you were brought up in? Have trans people been breaking into your house and forcing you at gun point to get gender reassignment surgery? No? Well, let me know when that happens and maybe I'll show some concern. All I hear is you whining that you don't get to be dominate any more. When you have become accustomed to privilege over others, equality will feel like oppression to you.
Awesome, great to see we dove right back into the deep end of justifying hateful rhetoric and political violence from the left with "everyone I disagree with politically is literally Hitler, an essay"

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, especially when we're constantly being peer pressured to give up our nations to ungrateful invaders who are given a golden ticket to speed past hard working and honest immigrants who dare immigrate legally, make a mockery of the rule of law that citizens must adhere to, and totally fail to assimilate with the culture of the nation they invade.

I would love to see anyone from the western world try to illegally enter a foreign land and expect free medical care, food stipends, hotels paid for, transportation paid for, all while failing to learn the language or culture of the land, simply replacing the existing culture with their own. - you'd be in jail.

Newsflash: it couldn't happen without corrupt government funding it and helping make it so. Have you seen the bracelets illegals in the USA have been wearing lately? They're proofs of purchase. Each cartel uses a different color scheme bracelet to ID them like livestock and get paid to move them into the USA. Do they care many become slaves? No. Where does money to move them come from? Hmm.
Awesome, great to see we dove right back into the deep end of justifying hateful rhetoric and political violence from the left with "everyone I disagree with politically is literally Hitler, an essay"

There is nothing wrong with nationalism, especially when we're constantly being peer pressured to give up our nations to ungrateful invaders who are given a golden ticket to speed past hard working and honest immigrants who dare immigrate legally, make a mockery of the rule of law that citizens must adhere to, and totally fail to assimilate with the culture of the nation they invade.

I would love to see anyone from the western world try to illegally enter a foreign land and expect free medical care, food stipends, hotels paid for, transportation paid for, all while failing to learn the language or culture of the land, simply replacing the existing culture with their own. - you'd be in jail.

Newsflash: it couldn't happen without corrupt government funding it and helping make it so. Have you seen the bracelets illegals in the USA have been wearing lately? They're proofs of purchase. Each cartel uses a different color scheme bracelet to ID them like livestock and get paid to move them into the USA. Do they care many become slaves? No. Where does money to move them come from? Hmm.
Can you explain how I was hateful or wrong in any of my comparisons to fascism please, or how my words inspire violence? I don't think you can. Meanwhile red posts a video of a woman who literally says that my side can't be parleyed with and then proceeds to encourage practice with guns.
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They are playing right now on CNN the political violence that has happened in our history. However, they cite far more now since Trump was inagerated in 2017 and since. This is the right's rsponse to not getting their way. Literally 18 million adults have said they would use violence to get Trump back into office. That is about 7% of the U.S. population.
Can you explain how I was hateful or wrong in any of my comparisons to fascism please, or how my words inspire violence? I don't think you can. Meanwhile red posts a video of a woman who literally says that my side can't be parleyed with and then proceeds to encourage practice with guns. You are pathetic

1. Nationalism isn't fascist. You are wrong.

2. Coincidences in the use of outdated symbols doesn't prove republicans to be fascist. I suppose the Asian nations who use the sun dial or whatever it's called are also dog whistling for Hitler? No. It's a symbol of power and some chose to adopt it. Opinionated, wrong.

3. Republicans and specifically Trump do *not* hate gays. We just went over this extensively before the thread was frozen. Some conservatives may find gays or gay themes to be degenerate in their private opinions as yes many religions have painted a broad picture of degeneracy, however they tend to still fight for equal rights and to allow individual states make decisions rather than the nanny state. Y'know what they say about opinions. This is you projecting your opinion on the subject again but I believe the record would find you to be far left-biased and incorrect.

The above examples stood out to me, I can address the entirety of your essay in time but I just got home from work and my eyes are tired. I am not as pathetic as the ongoing desperate attempts to paint modern conservatism in the United States under the banner of fascism, that in and of itself is hateful and suggests violence in rhetoric because we both know what people immediately associate with fascism and how most people believe it should be dealt with - swiftly and violently.
Have you not expressed support for women's choice? Yet you post that video of that nurse lady who makes the reductive take that leftist just want to kill babies and love death or whatever dumb crap she said? Doesn't strike you as strawmaning the left position or being reductive or dehumanizing her political opponents? Then she says we can't be parleyed with, well what's the alternative? Then the right accuses the left of fomenting political violence. Effing rich my man

Did you even read what I wrote above the video ?

I wrote: It's amazing how the other side sees everything exactly opposite.

What part of that made you think that I would agree with every word the lady in the video said ?

I believe in Freedom and the American Constitution and yes I vote Republican and consider myself to be a conservative, but I don't follow any party agenda exclusively, I believe in Freedom for everyone including mothers who want to kill anything growing inside their own body as I consider it to be theirs until " born " once born the baby is an American if born on US soil and the moment any part of that baby touches anything ( table/gurney ) then that baby has every right you and I have.

It is Trump who has come out in favor of digital currency. Democrats want an enforceable code of ethics for the Supreme Court. Every other government agency has to have them. Might take adding seats to the SCOTUS to do so, as they, the right-wing majority, would just all it Unconstitutional. Will just have to see.

If democrats ever pack the scotus then I can guarantee you mass civil disobedience to any unconstitutional laws passed by said democrats as I know there are Millions of Americans who will not comply, this could as you say paul..... get messy...... I believe you paul have said in the past..... politcs can get messy, well that would be extreemly messy in my opinion.
The BLM " mostly peaceful protests " were way worse than anything that happened on 1/6 and liberals were all upset when people took a stand against the violence..... as if resisting the BLM RIOTS was an act of aggression, you liberals are monumental hypocrites !

Truth is you just want want you want and are willing to use violence to get it, that makes you the aggressors !

The BLM " mostly peaceful protests " were way worse than anything that happened on 1/6 and liberals were all upset when people took a stand against the violence..... as if resisting the BLM RIOTS was an act of aggression, you liberals are monumental hypocrites !

Truth is you just want other peoples tax money going to benefit you, that makes you the aggressors !


What was way worse was the violence brought by White Nationalists in Chralotsville, VA. They killed a person by running several people down in a car. Why is it you never speak about that?
Pack the court and you will see worse, that's my bet and a sound bet at that !

ok...... How about the black BLM activist ( Darrell Brooks ) who ran down all those people at the Waukesha Christmas parade ?
Killing many including some of the dancing grannies.

He Killed 6 people and injured 62 people.
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What was way worse was the violence brought by White Nationalists in Chralotsville, VA. They killed a person by running several people down in a car. Why is it you never speak about that?
Way worse? One evil lunatic in a car. Hardly representative of the entire right. That's like saying the Vegas shooter is the entire left's mascot.

By contrast BLM/antifa have had thousands participating in looting, rioting, violence, and occupations. Also BLM organizers were exposed as corrupt trash just taking donations to live lavishly while protesting oppression by the very type of people they'd become - privileged wealthy folks living in mansions. Hypocrisy.
Ok red, I wasn't sure what your words referred to or meant above that video.

I am glad you support birthright citizenship. I do as well. Trump does not. Yet another way he disrespects the constitution.

Stardustsprinkles I'm sorry I called you pathetic. I edited it out but not fast enough, I am trying to be more civil here.

You didn't comprehend what I wrote if you think that it said that garden variety nationalism makes one fascist. I said ultra nationalism does, and yes, it is a key component of fascism. I then laid out how MAGA is ultra nationalist, like trying to unconstitutionaly ban an entire religion from entering the country and ideological screening. Name one fascist movement that was not ultra nationalist.

Outdated symbols? By who's reckoning? you refer to what America will be after trump wins as a "reich" often do you? Also, I did specify that these by themselves do not conclusively prove that the Republicans in question are fascist, but is merely one piece of evidence pointing in that direction. The context is important, did you even look at the imagery? Looked pretty fascist to me. Desantis' campaign released that, not me. Again, you should be asking, why are fascist staffers drawn to these campaigns? When people point out racism by MAGA, I often see MAGA bring up that the KKK was founded by democrats. This is true but ignores the southern strategy that happened after. If anyone really thinks the KKK is Democrat, I encourage them to go to a KKK rally and tell them they are democrats to their face and see what happens. Also, the leader of the KKK ENDORSED trump. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS?

I would actually agree that Trump himself doesn't particularly seem to hate gay people, but he does clearly hate trans people, and he is happy to gain power from support of those who do hate gay people, like his previous vice president. Trump once said of pence on gay people, "he wants to hang them all". Many Republicans do hate gay people. I suspect the Supreme Court will soon overturn their right to get married. Hear me now, quote me later. Sorry, fighting for equal rights while letting states make decisions? Are you serious? Then why is it the red states that pass laws restricting them? If Republicans really wanted equality for them, wouldn't they fight for it nation wide? Should we allow individual states to decide if businesses are allowed to refuse service to black people as well? Do you consider any of your points before you make them? Maybe say them out loud first?

No, the attempts by anyone who remotely agrees with me (or who i agree with) to compare Conservatism in America to fascism are far from desperate or pathetic.

Regarding BLM leaders, I actually agree with you that they were proven to be drifters and became what they claim to hate. What you don't understand, is that BLM is not a monolith. Most of the protests across the country were peaceful. Some of those turned violent after the police initiated the violence. I saw so many videos of them shooting peaceful protestors and clearly identified press. Many rioters and looters were merely opportunists capitalizing on the chaos. While I don't condone looting and rioting and certainly violence against humans, I think some is understandable. Would you make the statement that it's never ok? Really? What did you think about the Boston tea party then?

Finally, to be clear, my preferred outcome would be to change the hearts and minds of fascists so that they aren't fascists anymore. I was conservative when I was young and hated gay people, even believing like my mother that they deserved to be executed, and look how far I have come.
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Darrell Brooks was angry due to the fomenting of political violence by BLM, I watched the entire trial where Brooks went out of his way to be an arrogant horses ass.

Everyone treated the murdering sicko with respect and professionalism in spite of his flippant attitude towards the witnesses of his actions as he cross examined them on the stand.
