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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You know that is not what I meant about lasers. I have had many way over 5 mW lasers for years. I would personally rather be blinded in one eye than die, but that's your prerogative.

I've been shot at.... I did not like it, but I didn't die and I don't want to restrict everyone just because some kid stole a rifle and took shots at me with it.

I don't want to ban drinking and smoking just because I don't like it.

I'm afraid of being trapped under a car..... but I don't want to ban cars.

We need to raise better kids, not restrict guns or limit magazine size, that's a useless stop gap that won't solve our problems.

You sound like the type who would be in favor of restricting foods by type for people who are overweight, for their own good and to save the planet.
Because overweight people will burden the healthcare system and wasting food harms the planet.

Maybe government should tell everyone what they can own..... hell not own,nobody should own anything.... right paul ?
They will own nothing and be happy...... sounds like that old lie... blacks were happier when they were slaves because they had food and housing provided..... how is you can see it wasn't true for blacks, but you think everyone should be a borg controlled by groupthink ?

Universal healthcare, universal housing, universal income...... comes with universal being told what to do and how to live.... for the good of everyone and to save the planet.
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Nuclear families are still allowed. Religion is and has always been cancer, no legitimate basis for morality.

Yes education is breaking down. Republicans are seeing to that.

I'm generally pro gun. Torn on whether full auto should be allowed for everyone. I'm sympathetic to some arguements from both sides.
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Full auto is only effective at very short range...... you ever shot a full auto ? It's hard to hit anything at any real distance.

It used to be handguns that the liberals were afraid of, but now it's "assault rifles " if they could ban semi auto rifles then next it will be handguns again and eventually all guns.

A select fire firearm is no more deadly than a semi auto, people are just afraid of what they don't understand.
It was the gangsters in the 20's that provoked government .... well gave politicians an excuse to pass the NFA.
More gangsters were killed with revolvers, but the valentine massacre simply got attention.

People are greedy for more than money, people are greedy for control and politicians exploit peoples fears to control said people.
It's all about control, 1st they will control full autos, then semis, then all of it, just look at so many other nations, they don't have gun rights until teir crime gets really bad, then they get gun rights for a while.

Freedom is the greatest thing a person can have and personal responsibility empowers freedom, lack of one = lack of the other as people vote to fix problems while looking only 1 move ahead.

If we raise better more responsible people then we can all have more freedom.
Sorry I was anti religion but now I see people needed it.

Anyway for me full auto is just fun, if going to war against a superior enemy what a soldier wants is stand off distance, not spray and pray which means your ass is in the grinder.
Better to talk about it and vote out the control mongers who will bring war, Trump is not the bad guy in the Trump/Biden pool.
Yes Trump has a huge ego, I wish he didn't because it frightens people and his jokes are turned into political hay by dems who will say anything today.
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I've been shot at.... I did not like it, but I didn't die and I don't want to restrict everyone just because some kid stole a rifle and took shots at me with it.

I don't want to ban drinking and smoking just because I don't like it.

I'm afraid of being trapped under a car..... but I don't want to ban cars.

We need to raise better kids, not restrict guns or limit magazine size, that's a useless stop gap that won't solve our problems.

You sound like the type who would be in favor of restricting foods by type for people who are overweight, for their own good and to save the planet.
Because overweight people will burden the healthcare system and wasting food harms the planet.

Maybe government should tell everyone what they can own..... hell not own,nobody should own anything.... right paul ?
They will own nothing and be happy...... sounds like that old lie... blacks were happier when they were slaves because they had food and housing provided..... how is you can see it wasn't true for blacks, but you think everyone should be a borg controlled by groupthink ?

Universal healthcare, universal housing, universal income...... comes with universal being told what to do and how to live.... for the good of everyone and to save the planet.
That's hilarious that you use the "Blacks were happier as slaves", as that is what some in the GOP have said. Most people believe in closing the gun loophole that allows criminals to sidestep the background check. That's a fact. When the Democrats win this year it's time to go after the SCOTUS. No one has done a worse job than they have in limiting rights.

As far as education goes, Oklahoma has now said the bible should be taught in public schools. BTW, they are dead last in education.
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Full auto is only effective at very short range...... you ever shot a full auto ? It's hard to hit anything at any real distance.

It used to be handguns that the liberals were afraid of, but now it's "assault rifles " if they could ban semi auto rifles then next it will be handguns again and eventually all guns.

A select fire firearm is no more deadly than a semi auto, people are just afraid of what they don't understand.
It was the gangsters in the 20's that provoked government .... well gave politicians an excuse to pass the NFA.
Well gangsters are a problem, but I think I agree with most of that. Of note is how suddenly conservatives are concerned with mental health when it comes to guns, but only when it's a trans person who does a shooting. Normally, it's dangerous to let the government determine who is or isn't mentally fit to own a gun, which I am actually sympathetic to.
If you ask me, any Free American should have their rights.
Pay your debt to society, get set free from prison, have your vote, your gun, all your rights.
In a mental facility or the military, you are under someone elses protective custody.... get released, you should have your rights.
Either a person is too dangerous or not, why restrict guns but not cars and gas cans/matches ? Because it's about bigger control and not preventing mental people.bla,blabla
That's hilarious that you use the "Blacks were happier as slaves", as that is what some in the GOP have said. Most people believe in closing the gun loophole that allows criminals to sidestep the background check. That's a fact. When the Democrats win this year it's time to go after the SCOTUS. No one has done a worse job than they have in limiting rights.

As far as education goes, Oklahoma has now said the bible should be taught in public schools. BTW, they are dead last in education.

Pack the court huh..... it has to be all your way or you want to change the rules huh ?
Don't suppose that would piss a whole lot of people off ?
Might be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Well, I know you are a true MAGA Trump supporter. No one has ever said that cars should not be regulated or the gas that they run on because there were never meant to kill anyone. That should be obvious even to you.
Pack the court huh..... it has to be all your way or you want to change the rules huh ?
Don't suppose that would piss a whole lot of people off ?
Might be the straw that breaks the cammles back.

Look who's talking about packing the court. That is hilarious coming from you.
Look who's talking about packing the court. That is hilarious coming from you.
Trump did not pack the court.
Elections have consequences and it was democrat Harry Reid who nuked the filibuster allowing Trump to appoint 3.... so deal with it !
Well, I know you are a true MAGA Trump supporter. No one has ever said that cars should not be regulated or the gas that they run on because there were never meant to kill anyone. That should be obvious even to you.
I didn't say that, you are attempting to put words in my mouth by twisting what I said.
My point is why restrict a persons 2nd amendment rights but allow them access to cars, gas cans and cigarette lighters if said person is a danger to self and others ?
Trump did not pack the court.
Elections have consequences and it was democrat Harry Reid who nuked the filibuster allowing Trump to appoint 3.... so deal with it !
McConnel held up Obama's nominee for over a year, then did verbal gymnastics to get Barret on the court before Biden took office.
I didn't say that, you are attempting to put words in my mouth by twisting what I said.
My point is why restrict a persons 2nd amendment rights but allow them access to cars, gas cans and cigarette lighters if said person is a danger to self and others ?
Guns are clearly meant to kill. Nothing else you mentioned is.

Project 2025, a Republican wish list is hoping to eliminate all abortions in this country if they ever gain power again. It is scary what they are trying to do.
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Guns are not ONLY meant to kill people, you can target shoot ( marksmanship ).
You can hunt for food.
You can defend yourself/family/home.
You can collect, display, ect...

Gasoline and cars can be used too kill as can kitchen knives and baseball bats..... the can all be used to kill.

Remember the asshole who ran all those people down at a Christmas parade in a truck ?
That wasn't the 1st time.
Sure wish someone in that crowd would have had a gun and shot that asshole before he ran down the dancing grannies, because having heard that makes me sick.
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In point of fact, we do regulate cars, a license is needed to drive.

I remeber when Trump appointed the last scotus judge near the end of his term. Was sad to see partisan hacks like Lindsey Graham who supported blocking an Obama appointment because it was so close to an election, flip when convenience dictates to rush trumps through. He even went on record during Obama saying he'd do the same if a republican was president and an election was near. Then when confronted about his blatant hypocrisy, did the congressional equivalent of strumming his lips with his fingers while blowing raspberry

Driving a car is a privileged, not a Constitutionality recognized right.

That's politics, but it's not packing the court by adding to the number of justices which hasn't been done in.....decades ??
It better not be either or the other party will do the same, we will all be in a mess where everyone's whole world changes each election, as if it's not bad enough now.

@ paul, They will never ban all abortions, hell I would march against that, a lot of Republicans would.
Heck sometimes I wish the dems would play as dirty as the Republicans when it matters but all too often they're weak and pathetic. The whole, "when they go low we go high", doesn't do anything for me. And they always seem to go high when the Republicans are doing something that screws the American people. When deference to the establishment and civility politics works against you. This was one of my biggest problems with Bernie sanders
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