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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

I know you harbor a strong hatred for President Trump which is a shame, however we have much bigger and imminent issues facing the nation, the world.

Newsome and other democrat Governors have attacked our 1st amendment like never before, add to that all the democrat censorship which hasn't slowed democrat misinformation one bit and voters have plenty to be concerned about.

Trump will restore a great economy, Harris would only be more of the same which hasn't been good, not at all.

If Biden/Harris were serious about Harris getting elected, then they should have already ended the war against Putin/Russia, sadly ending the war against Russia is not even on their menu and that puts us on a dangerous pathway to destruction, we simply must not elect Harris for the sake of everyone we love because Putin will not concede, Putin will bring about nuclear armageddon if we don't cease and make peace and for that to happen our only choice is President Trump.

You don't get it at all. Ukaine isn't persuing a war against Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine and they are just defending themselves. If ending the war means gving Putin the territory he stole from Ukraine that's never going to happen. Putin won't destroy Russia over Ukraine. He knows starting a nuclear war with us would amount to the destruction of them. Look up mutual assured destruction.

You don't get it at all. Ukaine isn't persuing a war against Russia. Russia invaded Ukraine and they are just defending themselves. If ending the war means gving Putin the territory he stole from Ukraine that's never going to happen. Putin won't destroy Russia over Ukraine. He knows starting a nuclear war with us would amount to the destruction of them. Look up mutual assured destruction.
You don't get it, Putin is defending Russia from NATO creeping in closer and closer, the USA promised Russia after the Berlin wall fell and we let Germany join NATO that that would be it, that NATO wouldn't creep in any closer.... we lied and we were talking about letting Ukraine join NATO and talking about regime change in Russia when Putin finally invaded, we could have backed off and Putin wouldn't have invaded, but democrats wanted regime change, we pushed Putin, we need to back off and let Putin back out of Ukraine.

There's also a lot of corruption in Ukraine, Zelenski is dirty and so are the Bidens, plus our military industrial complex is getting paid to build weapons that we give to Ukraine..... if Russia was giving Mexico weapons to attack us I bet we would see things differently, we need to back off in exchange for Putin backing out of Ukraine, it's a simple deal that doesn't involve Ukraine giving up any property.

p.s. Putin won't nuke the USA 1st thing, he will nuke Ukraine likely with low yield nukes if they hit Moscow or if we give Ukraine longer range weapons systems and they hit Moscow, but if we didn't back off after that ( and I don't trust Harris to deescalate ) then we could see a doomsday scenario play out.

We have seen too many young Russians and Ukrainians die and we have wasted too much money ( some of it is in the Biden's offshore bank accounts ) all over Hillary's lost election temper tantrum, it's time for Trump to end this.
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You don't get it, Putin is defending Russia from NATO creeping in closer and closer, the USA promised Russia after the Berlin wall fell and we let Germany join NATO that that would be it, that NATO wouldn't creep in any closer.... we lied and we were talking about letting Ukraine join NATO and talking about regime change in Russia when Putin finally invaded, we could have backed off and Putin wouldn't have invaded, but democrats wanted regime change, we pushed Putin, we need to back off and let Putin back out of Ukraine.

There's also a lot of corruption in Ukraine, Zelenski is dirty and so are the Bidens, plus our military industrial complex is getting paid to build weapons that we give to Ukraine..... if Russia was giving Mexico weapons to attack us I bet we would see things differently, we need to back off in exchange for Putin backing out of Ukraine, it's a simple deal that doesn't involve Ukraine giving up any property.

p.s. Putin won't nuke the USA 1st thing, he will nuke Ukraine likely with low yield nukes if they hit Moscow or if we give Ukraine longer range weapons systems and they hit Moscow, but if we didn't back off after that ( and I don't trust Harris to deescalate ) then we could see a doomsday scenario play out.

We have seen too many young Russians and Ukrainians die and we have wasted too much money ( some of it is in the Biden's offshore bank accounts ) all over Hillary's lost election temper tantrum, it's time for Trump to end this.

You have a nonsensical view of world affairs. Zelenskyy is not corrupt and we should not abandon any democracy. Russian fighters don't want this war, but the Ukrainians are defending themselves just like we did in 1776 and 1812. Harris won't abandon the Ukrainians like Trump will. She is the best option for democracy everywhere. Hell, Trump would take us out of NATO.

Trump has been doubling down on his vile rhetoric about "murdering immigrants." He only cares about dividing Americans. The facts are that immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than the rest of America.
You are pushing the democrats false narrative, democrats are pushing the war because they want regime change in Russia, it needs to stop, we need Trump because Trump will save human lives and stop this war.

Trump will also work to build our economy and increase the quality of life of every American, not squander our efforts on foreign invaders who jumped our fence, some of whom mean us harm.

We are under attack from within by your radical democrats, Trump will also protect our Bill of Rights which democrats are constantly attacking, we don't need yes men federal judges who will enable the attack on Americans from within, we need Trump to appoint Constitutional judges.
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You are pushing the democrats false narrative, democrats are pushing the war because they want regime change in Russia, it needs to stop, we need Trump because Trump will save human lives and stop this war.

Trump will also work to build our economy and increase the quality of life of every American, not squander our efforts on foreign invaders who jumped our fence, some of whom mean us harm.

We are under attack from within by your radical democrats, Trump will also protect our Bill of Rights which democrats are constantly attacking, we don't need yes men federal judges who will enable the attack on Americans from within, we need Trump to appoint Constitutional judges.

Trump's SCOTUS appointments are the worst of all federal judges. You care mostly about 2nd Amendment rights and see reasonable gun control laws as against your interests. No one has been trying to remove Putin. That is also a false narrative. Trump would stop giving arms to Ukraine. That would be disasterous for them.

:LOL: Trump's plan for the economy is "drill, baby, drill." That's not an economic solution to anything. It is the xenophobic, homophobic, narcissistic, sociopathic nonsense Trump says because, he not only doesn't have a plan, he doesn't even understand the economy.
Tomorrow is the Walz Vance debate. Probably won't be as entertaining as Trump's last debate, but I'm going to watch it anyway. Nothing could beat the crap that oozed out of Donald Trump's mouth in that last debate.
You lie and carry the democrats false narrative because you hate Trump, but people are waking up to the truth and people are not going to vote for your deep state puppets in the numbers you need.

Congrats on hitting all the identity politics buzz words, just be aware that their power is wearing off the more you dems use them.
You lie and carry the democrats false narrative because you hate Trump, but people are waking up to the truth and people are not going to vote for your deep state puppets in the numbers you need.

Congrats on hitting all the identity politics buzz words, just be aware that their power is wearing off the more you dems use them.

You make it sound like Donald Trump is new to politics. He's not. You guys have run him every term since 2016. People already know everything they need to know about him. Only the MAGA base want him back. That's maybe, at best, 47% of voters.

Trump lost in 2020 by more than 7 million votes and he lost by 306 electoral college votes. Not only that, but Trump and his MAGA candidates are a drag on your party. People like Mark Robinson in NC and Kari Lake in Arizona.
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Trump got the most votes of any president ever with the exception of Biden, more than Obama ever got, Trump will get more votes this election...... will Harris get the most votes of any presidential candidate ever ??? I don't think so paul and my bet is you don't either.

Covid voting rule changes and mass mail out ballots got Biden all those votes, that and outright fraud ( boxes of mailed in ballots without dates ) but Trump actually gets big votes, much to Hillary's chagrin.
This time you don't have covid to exploit and cheating has become more difficult for your ilk.
Trump got the most votes of any president ever with the exception of Biden, more than Obama ever got, Trump will get more votes this election...... will Harris get the most votes of any presidential candidate ever ??? I don't think so paul and my bet is you don't either.

Covid voting rule changes and mass mail out ballots got Biden all those votes, that and outright fraud ( boxes of mailed in ballots without dates ) but Trump actually gets big votes, much to Hillary's chagrin.
This time you don't have covid to exploit and cheating has become more difficult for your ilk.

Yes, every election more people vote. That's just how elections work. If you go back 100 years you'll see numbers even higher now as compaired to then. I do believe Harris will win. You may not, but you'll learn soon enough.

You seem to think that only Republicans should be allowed to vote. :LOL: The more people vote the better for democracy. You also believe that the pandemic had something to do with Biden's victory. That's nonsense. Trump is just that unpopular.
A Georgia judge just struck down the state's restrictive abortion bans. This will likely head to that state's SC where it's not known what will happen. But, as of today, up to 22 weeks is when a woman can get an abortion in Georgia.
Abortion is now a State issue, that's what people wanted, fine with me.

LMFAO @ " Trump is just that unpopular " Maybe with North Western liberals, but not nationwide, Trump will do much better than you think paul and Harris simply won't get enough votes, watch and learn paul, people in the middle want a strong foreign policy leader, not a deep state puppet war monger.
Abortion is now a State issue, that's what people wanted, fine with me.

LMFAO @ " Trump is just that unpopular " Maybe with North Western liberals, but not nationwide, Trump will do much better than you think paul and Harris simply won't get enough votes, watch and learn paul, people in the middle want a strong foreign policy leader, not a deep state puppet war monger.

Trump and his supporters have been trying to define Harris, not at all well. Nothing has stuck. Keep throwing crap against the wall hoping something will. :ROFLMAO:
Regarding Russia and Ukraine. While it's true to say that the US has done things or supported others doing things that has provoked Russia in some ways, it's not true to say that putin invaded Ukraine only because of them wanting to join nato, or that his hand was forced as if he has no agency and geostrategic goals. If you watched his speech about the invasion you'd know that. He drones on about historical grievances, blood and soil, etc etc, it's not just about nato.

Trump isn't the victim of unfair justice, he has evaded it for far too long. If he were not as rich and powerful as he is he'd have been convicted long ago. He cares not for the 1st amendment. If he did, he wouldn't have tried to sue Bill Maher for making a joke, he wouldn't want to imprison flag burners, he wouldn't want to deport US citizens who exercise their right to protest in favor of Palestinians, he wouldn't try to ban an entire religion from entering the country, and he would've pardoned Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Daniel Hale, Chelsea Manning, and a number of others while president.

Elon doesn't care about free speech either

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I did watch Putin speak and he went into a long detailed history, but the reason Russia last invaded Ukraine was on account of Harris saying the US supported Ukraine joining NATO, that was apparently the last straw and who can blame Putin ? Would you want the enemies nukes 3 minutes away from your center of power ?

Trump is a victim of political lawfare, you just hate Trump too much to be honest about it.
Also the fact that money and lawyers have kept him from accountability in the past, doesn't make what Alvin Bragg did alright.

Musk supports Free speech, your content provider listed address against the X policy and your content providers excuse that " other have done it too " is an admission of guilt, not a valid reason to violate the rules.

Putin keeps warning us about a nuclear response to Ukraine hitting Moscow and I don't expect Harris to heed that warning should she become Commander in Chief, this is a major reason why we must reelect Trump, Trump will end the bloodshed and prevent nuclear war.
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I did watch Putin speak and he went into a long detailed history, but the reason Russia last invaded Ukraine was on account of Harris saying the US supported Ukraine joining NATO, that was apparently the last straw and who can blame Putin ? Would you want the enemies nukes 3 minutes away from your center of power ?

Trump is a victim of political lawfare, you just hate Trump too much to be honest about it.
Also the fact that money and lawyers have kept him from accountability in the past, doesn't make what Alvin Bragg did alright.

Musk supports Free speech, your content provider listed address against the X policy and your content providers excuse that " other have done it too " is an admission of guilt, not a valid reason to violate the rules.

Putin keeps warning us about a nuclear response to Ukraine hitting Moscow and I don't expect Harris to heed that warning should she become Commander in Chief, this is a major reason why we must reelect Trump, Trump will end the bloodshed and prevent nuclear war.

I watched Putin as well. He said the destiny of Russia was to gain back territories lost after the break up of the Soviet Union. He started his invasion in 2014. Harris wasn't even outside of California politics. Trump will stop supporting Ukraine which will be the worst for their democracy. Harris is the ONLY choice.
