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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Harris got the debate questions ahead of the debate, she told ABC what questions not to ask, and the moderators picked on Trump and Trump still got higher numbers...... face it paul, much of Biden's base never wanted Harris and they still don't, plus there are 100 million gun owners who know how Harris hates our 2nd Amendment rights, also Trump gave us a Great economy and strong foreign policy, Harris is just a diversity hire who failed as border czar, she's proven that she's not able to oversee our Southern border, much less our entire country.

P.S. Trump got more votes than Obama, Harris couldn't even win her primary.

:LOL: Of course Trump got more votes than Obama. That's how elections work. But, he lost by more than 7 million votes in 2020, and by 305 EC votes. Harris' polls are doing far better than Biden's were and she also did the NABJ today, which Trump flubbed badly. You just don't get it.

No you are conflating Biden with Harris, they are not the same to your base.
Your polls have a very wide margin of error as was evident when Trump beat Hillary, a race the polls had Hillary ahead by double digits.
You really should stop drinking the democrat kool-aid or you're going to be sick come the election. 1726643041885.png
LOOOOOL The attack is not over yet, Hezbollah has somehow been completely infiltrated and compromised. This morning there were yet more explosions, this time the secure radios used by Hezbollah members also exploded. Many more fighters were neutered! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Even if this was Israel, which they have neither confirmed nor denied, but it seems probable, this kind of attack should cause way less collateral damaged than massive air strikes or a ground invasion. By far the majority injured are going to be the Hezbollah members that were issued the sabotaged radios and pagers.

You guys know how when fascists take control, they often have their political opponents killed? Why do I mention this? Oh, no reason in particular.

Oh look, Laura loomer said on Tim Poole that when Trump takes power, democrats should be executed for "treason". Who is it she has been palling around with again?

Now, we know from red complaining about Alvin saying he was going to go after trump for crimes that that must mean it's biased and decided before hand, prejudice lawfare. When right wingers do similar though, it's different.

Love how trump is ramping up the fascist rhetoric.

Saying the Haitians are illegal (theyre not) and that they came under biden (many came under trump) and that they're raping and sodomizing, and for some reason will be deported to Venezuela. Now the KKK is spreading flyers calling for all the hatians to be kicked out. Meanwhile we see interviews with businesses owners speaking of how good the hatian employees are, how they always show up and do a good job and aren't strung out on drugs unlike many of the locals. Revitalized local churches. Man if I didn't know any better, I'd say their demonization is based on racial hatred and lies. Glad that trump is repeating lies from neo nazi groups like blood tribe, it's so wholesome to see, we love our neo nazis right guys?1000010647.jpg
I loved that cute little joke about ilhan omar, insinuating that she's a terrorist (presumably because she's a memeber of the Islamic faith) and that violence against her would be funny and justified. Which group is inspiring political violence again? My former congresswoman Lauren boebert made a similar joke with a fake anecdote about her getting into an elevator with Ilhan and being relieved that Ilhan didn't have a backpack. Get it? Because she's Muslim and they're always terrorists with bombs? Get it? Hahahaha, what a hoot

Thought I'd share this with you fine folks, a friend of mine shared it and it's kind of accurate lol. I do distinguish between liberals and conservatives but they do both be ridin' capitalism's D. Also conservatives are lucky that there is so much leftist infighting and purity test type stuff, otherwise you guys would win far fewer elections. Conservatives are much better about circling the wagons because policy doesn't matter to them as much as feelings and narrative and mythos
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No you are conflating Biden with Harris, they are not the same to your base.
Your polls have a very wide margin of error as was evident when Trump beat Hillary, a race the polls had Hillary ahead by double digits.
You really should stop drinking the democrat kool-aid or you're going to be sick come the election. View attachment 78687

Harris has been getting better poll approvals than Biden did. That, and the fact that Trump is not wanted elected by most is why he will lose. But, keep telling yourself he'll run away with this. Can't wait for November. You guys are gonna lose the House as well.
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The thousands of pagers going off in Lebanon has been reported all over the place as being from Israel. Even the White House has warned Israel not to continue with this. More have been remotely detonated today. Of the 12 killed yesterday, two were children. Today at least 9 were killed and more than 300 ingured. Yesterday more than 2700 were injured. Now, walkie talkies have been exploding as well.
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The pagers and radios were one thing, I was assuming they had been tampered with at some point in the supply chain. If this report is true though and all these other devices are exploding too - this is getting a bit creepy. Hopefully there isn't some purely external, purely software attack that cause cause stuff to explode like this.

Really hoping that however this was done absolutely required the devices in question to have been tampered with in advance or we're gonna have all kinds of lunatics blowing random people up.

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Turns out J D Vance called the city manager of Spingfield, Ohio nine days ago to ask if the rumors about Haitian immigrants were eatig pets from the White citizens there. He was told, unequivocally, it was not true. Yet, he continues to push this narrative. Looks like the truth is not as important to Trump and Vance as picking a fight. Even if these immigrants are legal and were asked to come there to work.
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The pagers and radios were one thing, I was assuming they had been tampered with at some point in the supply chain. If this report is true though and all these other devices are exploding too - this is getting a bit creepy. Hopefully there isn't some purely external, purely software attack that cause cause stuff to explode like this.

Really hoping that however this was done absolutely required the devices in question to have been tampered with in advance or we're gonna have all kinds of lunatics blowing random people up.

Some crazy guys on the internet are saying it's a manipulation of the software overloading the battery.. but batteries don't explode like that. I've seen the photos of the pager explosions' victims. They have three or four fingers removed, holes blown in their pelvis/torso. No way just a battery did that. If it was just the battery we should all be sleeping with our phones in a faraday cage.
Trump will win, this is why the dems can't stop the verbal assault and gaslighting.

paul, only a rigged election would install Harris and give dems control of all of congress at this point.
For the sake of the country I sincerely hope that isn't the case.

Trump will win, this is why the dems can't stop the verbal assault and gaslighting.

paul, only a rigged election would install Harris and give dems control of all of congress at this point.
For the sake of the country I sincerely hope that isn't the case.

Trump has been instisting if he loses the election was rigged. We've all heard this before. He didn't lose in 2020 because it was rigged. He just lost. If he losing again, it will be because he lost yet again.
Trump is not losing.
Not all black voters are buying into the Trump hate, not all black voters are poor people dependent on the welfare state.
That said I would love to get some universal income and free quality healthcare when/if needed.
However I am, not willing to give up my rights/liberty in exchange for social assistance and I know our government can't afford to do it, universal healthcare would be dismal and universal income would only be paid out if the recipient met an ever growing list of criteria.
Basically I would rather be free to struggle and that means I need a strong economy, not what we have today..... by the way the fed rate cut is not a good thing, it means the economy is in trouble.
Trump is not losing.
Not all black voters are buying into the Trump hate, not all black voters are poor people dependent on the welfare state.
That said I would love to get some universal income and free quality healthcare when/if needed.
However I am, not willing to give up my rights/liberty in exchange for social assistance and I know our government can't afford to do it, universal healthcare would be dismal and universal income would only be paid out if the recipient met an ever growing list of criteria.
Basically I would rather be free to struggle and that means I need a strong economy, not what we have today..... by the way the fed rate cut is not a good thing, it means the economy is in trouble.

So, why did Trump say he was going to make the government pay for IVF? Trump is making claims he has no intention of keeping. I have Medicare myself. Glad that Trump won't be around to defund that or my Social Security.

The fed cut the rate because inflation is approaching the target 2%. That IS a good thing.
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Trump has not failed to do what he said, he hasn't been sworn back in yet.
Democrats want to replace social security with UI and then squeeze UI down to very little for very few, so if you have a savings account, no UI for you.

Kamala Harris said in a live on-air interview that she smoked pot in college and she definitely enjoyed listened to SnoopDog and Tupac while smoking pot.

Harris graduated college in 1986
Harris graduated grad school in 1989
Harris passed her bar exam in 1990

Harris served as deputy District Attorney of Alameda county California starting in 1990

SnoopDogs 1st album " Doggy Style " was released in 1993
Tupacs 1st album Tupocalypse was released in 1991

This means Kamala Harris was smoking pot while serving as deputy DA and locking people up for smoking pot.
Trump has not failed to do what he said, he hasn't been sworn back in yet.
Democrats want to replace social security with UI and then squeeze UI down to very little for very few, so if you have a savings account, no UI for you.

Kamala Harris said in a live on-air interview that she smoked pot in college and she definitely enjoyed listened to SnoopDog and Tupac while smoking pot.

Harris graduated college in 1986
Harris graduated grad school in 1989
Harris passed her bar exam in 1990

Harris served as deputy District Attorney of Alameda county California starting in 1990

SnoopDogs 1st album " Doggy Style " was released in 1993
Tupacs 1st album Tupocalypse was released in 1991

This means Kamala Harris was smoking pot while serving as deputy DA and locking people up for smoking pot.

Well, lets examine Donald Trump's time in office. He got us into a trade war with China because of his tarrifs. These NEVER bring down prices as they are passed on to consumers who pay them as an added sales tax. He managed to make farmers here unable to sell thier crops and used all of those taxes he got to give it back to farmers who couldn't sell their crops to China. Yep, that's what happened.

He intends on doing it again...this time raising trillions. Guess who will be paying for that. He doesn't understand what a first year economics student knows. Tarrifs are taxes paid by American citizens.

Now, Trump is proposing that the salt tax he raised on NY he will repeal. That is hilarious! He signed that tax into law to punish Democrats in states that didn't vote for him.

Marijuana? Really?! Who the hell cares? It is becoming legal in every state where it comes up. :LOL:
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