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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Without guns this wouldn't be a problem. You can say that people pull the trigger, but if there were no trigger to pull...

We've got to do a btter job protecting school kids. And, that desn't mean putting more guns out there or arming teachers.
You don't spell like someone who had any secondary schooling lol
Without guns this wouldn't be a problem. You can say that people pull the trigger, but if there were no trigger to pull...

We've got to do a btter job protecting school kids. And, that desn't mean putting more guns out there or arming teachers.

Without guns is not an option, not in America.

There is no option..... NONE WHAT SO EVER...... where 100 MILLION GUN OWNERS with 500 million guns and billions of rounds of ammo would ever be disarmed...... not going to happen paul.

Your liberal dreams of tearing down America as we know it and re-imagining it anew in the great reset isn't going to start with disarming 100 million Americans, no way no how !
Without guns is not an option, not in America.

There is no option..... NONE WHAT SO EVER...... where 100 MILLION GUN OWNERS with 500 million guns and billions of rounds of ammo would ever be disarmed...... not going to happen paul.

Your liberal dreams of tearing down America as we know it and re-imagining it anew in the great reset isn't going to start with disarming 100 million Americans, no way no how !
You can't reason with a libtard so why do you waste your time?
I get the feeling that paul just likes to irritate once his arguments have been dismanteled..... I mean he really can't be this ignorant and obstinate at the same time can he ?
You make more than typo's paul, lol.
The other day you spelled " border " as " bordor "
The o and the e are on opposite ends of the alphanumeric keyboard..... not a typo, maybe a mental glitch ?
You make more than typo's paul, lol.
The other day you spelled " border " as " bordor "
The o and the e are on opposite ends of the alphanumeric keyboard..... not a typo, maybe a mental glitch ?

You also know that I use insulin and my blood sugur goes low at times.
The DOJ today help a press conference to say Russia is using RT to interfer with the election, yet again. They didn't say who, but Propubica showed it was Dodald Trump who they are trying to elect.
I know you used to argue with your conservative father about politics and I expect this may contribute to your extraordinary obstinance and unwillingness to acknowledge the blatant abuse of our legal system against Trump, because I know you're not ignorant to it, you simply hate Trump so much that you pretend you don't see anything wrong with the obvious mockery of justice perpetrated to interfere with the election.

But I wasn't thinking about your blood sugar, although I vaguely recall you mentioning it.
I know you used to argue with your conservative father about politics and I expect this may contribute to your extraordinary obstinance and unwillingness to acknowledge the blatant abuse of our legal system against Trump, because I know you're not ignorant to it, you simply hate Trump so much that you pretend you don't see anything wrong with the obvious mockery of justice perpetrated to interfere with the election.

But I wasn't thinking about your blood sugar, although I vaguely recall you mentioning it.

My father died many years ago. Yes, my blood sugar does go low at times.
The DOJ today help a press conference to say Russia is using RT to interfer with the election, yet again. They didn't say who, but Propubica showed it was Dodald Trump who they are trying to elect.

Yea I am aware of what dems are up to, this Russia Russia Russia bullshit is an excuse to attack Elon Musk and our Freedom of speech.

Alright guys quit it with the typo insults. How petty can you be? FFS
I make typos all the damn time. Knock it off
Many diabetic people who use insulin often have problems with low bloosd sugar. I test my blood sugar at least 3 times a day.
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