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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

You are wrong about everything you just said.

Some .... not all but some doctors are pushing child dope when the child could benefit from counseling and/or proper discipline.

Redflag laws are unconstitutional, they violate our 2nd amendment, the takings clause of our 5th amendment and our 14th amendment rights at the very least.

Non-citizens are voting and it needs to stop.

The numbers of non-citzens voting are so tiny that it is extremely rare. It carries a ten year prison sentence and few are willing to take that chance. You don't like red flag laws...that is far from unconstitutional. Name one red flag law that's been removed because it was uncontitutional. None have. You know little, if not anything, about what any child might need. It would be helpful if you followed J D Vance's policy that you should at least have had a child. :ROFLMAO:

Non-citizens should not be voting, we need ID for everything, voting should be no different.

Redflag laws are unconstitutional and will be challenged in court..... many unconstitutional gun laws and regulations have been overturned through the court system.

Children are less healthy today due to food additives and overzealous medical treatments using mood altering drugs.
Non-citizens should not be voting, we need ID for everything, voting should be no different.

Redflag laws are unconstitutional and will be challenged in court..... many unconstitutional gun laws and regulations have been overturned through the court system.

Children are less healthy today due to food additives and overzealous medical treatments using mood altering drugs.

This is just Republicans trying to make it more difficult for voters to vote. There hasn't been any widespread fraud that could ever overturn any election. This is more aboujt keeping minorities from voting. Name a single red flag law that was overturned. Not one has. And there are some over 6 years old.
You just hate any law that stops you from doing what you want.
And you just don't like anything that challenges your idea of correct as downloaded from the mainstream media daily. Of course they don't want you to think pharmaceuticals play a part in shootings or messing up kids in general, over half of their advertising revenue comes from big pharma.

In reality pharmaceuticals do play a large part in shootings and mental health issues for us all. Over half of the people in the US are on some form of antidepressants. ADD/ADHD meds have risks and benefits, typically over-prescribed at a young age but they are vital in treating a very common mental issue for millions. Stimulants erroneously prescribed to young people can cause a lifetime of dopamine imbalances. Fun fact: nearly all mass shooters have been on an antidepressant medicine. I've experienced the antidepressants personally - they can make things seem much better at times but if you can't / don't take steps to better yourself eventually they make everything much darker and more depressing in your life, additionally they make you more likely to take risks you otherwise wouldn't. Depression medication can become an express lane to suicidal and even homicidal ideation without proper support and mental health check ups. Most people don't get that. They just get prescribed and the ignorant family doctor keeps pushing higher doses and refills over the phone.. it's dangerous and should be restricted, one day it will as evidence stacks up. It's just like the opiate or benzo epidemic.

We need more common sense mental health care options just as badly or worse than we need more gun control in the country. Problem is y'all don't wanna hurt big pharma's profit margins so you use guns themselves as a scapegoat for the terrible things people can do with guns.
Lawsuits are ongoing, twice a NewYork redflag law was ruled unconstitutional in court with it recently being upheld in appellate court, it will be appealed.
And you just don't like anything that challenges your idea of correct as downloaded from the mainstream media daily. Of course they don't want you to think pharmaceuticals play a part in shootings or messing up kids in general, over half of their advertising revenue comes from big pharma.

In reality pharmaceuticals do play a large part in shootings and mental health issues for us all. Over half of the people in the US are on some form of antidepressants. ADD/ADHD meds have risks and benefits, typically over-prescribed at a young age but they are vital in treating a very common mental issue for millions. Stimulants erroneously prescribed to young people can cause a lifetime of dopamine imbalances. Fun fact: nearly all mass shooters have been on an antidepressant medicine. I've experienced the antidepressants personally - they can make things seem much better at times but if you don't take steps to better yourself eventually they make everything much darker and more depressing in your life, additionally they make you more likely to take risks you otherwise wouldn't. Depression medication can become an express lane to suicidal and even homicidal ideation without proper support and mental health check ups. Most people don't get that. They just get prescribed and the ignorant family doctor keeps pushing higher doses and refills over the phone.. it's dangerous and should be restricted, one day it will as evidence stacks up. It's just like the opiate or benzo epidemic.

We need more common sense mental health care options just as badly or worse than we need more gun control in the country. Problem is y'all don't wanna hurt big pharma's profit margins so you use guns themselves as a scapegoat for the terrible things people can do with guns.

Show me your stats that prove pharmaceuticals are responsible for gun violence.
Oh I'd live to hurt big pharma's profit margins and those of the health insurance companies too, by institutions Medicare 4 all and doing government bargaining with the drug companies to get lower prices, you know, like virtually every other nation does, but when I suggest it, it gets called socialism and communism so maybe we need a MAGA to suggest it so it will magically not be those things
If you're too broke to get an identification card in your state of residence maybe we don't need you to vote in our election. Minority or not, that's a useless human being in society especially as far as civil duties go.

There's all kinds of organizations who will pay for your ID - you just have to make a call. You don't need to pass a test or anything, you can get a state issue non-driving ID by showing up with a qualifying document and a few dollars.

It's only a good idea if my people suggest it? You mean like the entire platform of Kamala's fraud campaign lol
Oh I'd live to hurt big pharma's profit margins and those of the health insurance companies too, by institutions Medicare 4 all and doing government bargaining with the drug companies to get lower prices, you know, like virtually every other nation does, but when I suggest it, it gets called socialism and communism so maybe we need a MAGA to suggest it so it will magically not be those things

I use GoodRX to get a much lower price on RX meds, amazing how much of a difference it makes and no government overreach or politicians stuffing their pockets to get my savings.
Show me your stats that prove pharmaceuticals are responsible for gun violence.
Not that you're gonna digest any information you don't already agree with but here ya go.

"A 2020 large-scale study did show a link between SSRI use and violent crime (Lagerberg et al., 2020). The authors suggested a “biologically plausible explanation” for adolescents in which the SSRI can increase restlessness or agitation which, in combination with the disorder that led to the SSRI prescription in the first place, could result in higher aggression."

Also my personal experiences, working specifically with mental health's toughest cases four days a week, talking to other professionals in the field of mental healthcare, as well as seeing the overprescribing and lack of available follow up care firsthand? Yeah I'd say I can safely, very confidently make these assertions.
I use GoodRX to get a much lower price on RX meds, amazing how much of a difference it makes and no government overreach or politicians stuffing their pockets to get my savings.
Ah yes, and far better to have insurance companies stuffing their pockets with your savings I suppose
Turns out the shooter is a 14 year old student. He is in custody and it has been reported that he will be tried as an adult.
Not that you're gonna digest any information you don't already agree with but here ya go.

"A 2020 large-scale study did show a link between SSRI use and violent crime (Lagerberg et al., 2020). The authors suggested a “biologically plausible explanation” for adolescents in which the SSRI can increase restlessness or agitation which, in combination with the disorder that led to the SSRI prescription in the first place, could result in higher aggression."

Also my personal experiences, working specifically with mental health's toughest cases four days a week, talking to other professionals in the field of mental healthcare, as well as seeing the overprescribing and lack of available follow up care firsthand? Yeah I'd say I can safely, very confidently make these assertions.

What degree in health care do you have? If none, your opinion is just that. Your opinion. I'll check your assertions about SSRIs.
