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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Most people are happy to live and let live, most gun owners I know just want to be left the fuck alone, it's liberals who want to hold everyone to the lowest standard as if we were all potential maniacs.

It's when our rights are attacked that we feel justified in pushing back, but for democrat politicians the gun issue is too tasty to ignore, it's something they can hype and frighten people with to get votes, a problem they offer to " fix " only their " fix " would only create more problems needing more control to " fix " ........ it's all about controlling us wage slaves.


Most people are happy to live and let live, most gun owners I know just want to be left the fuck alone, it's liberals who want to hold everyone to the lowest standard as if we were all potential maniacs.

It's when our rights are attacked that we feel justified in pushing back, but for democrat politicians the gun issue is too tasty to ignore, it's something they can hype and frighten people with to get votes, a problem they offer to " fix " only their " fix " would only create more problems needing more control to " fix " ........ it's all about controlling us wage slaves.


Just like the First Amendment, which isn't absolute, neither is the Second Amendment. Universal background checks are supported by a majority of Americans including gun owners.
The 1st amendment is absolute.
You can shout " FIRE " in a crowded theater, there just needs to be a fire and you can speak the word fire in a theater, there is no law against speaking the word " fire " the law is against creating a hazardous/dangerous condition...... not our speech.

The 2nd amendment is absolute " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED " but infringing laws have been passed, some are no longer in effect and some still are while the threat of more are on the horizon, but they are all infringements and will be fought and eventually overturned/nullified.

Universal BGC's will result in universal registration, otherwise how can you prove you did or didn't sell something prior..... and when you must register and account for something..... it's not really yours anymore..... then you will be made to jump through hoops to keep your mandatory registration valid or forfeit your item.
No Most gun owners do NOT want UBC's and we will not register, in New York the vast majority of AW owners have not registered as required to do by their " safe act ".
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The 1st amendment is absolute.
You can shout " FIRE " in a crowded theater, there just needs to be a fire and you can speak the word fire in a theater, there is no law against speaking the word " fire " the law is against creating a hazardous/dangerous condition...... not our speech.

The 2nd amendment is absolute " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED " but infringing laws have been passed, some are no longer in effect and some still are while the threat of more are on the horizon, but they are all infringements and will be fought and eventually overturned/nullified.

Universal BGC's will result in universal registration, otherwise how can you prove you did or didn't sell something prior..... and when you must register and account for something..... it's not really yours anymore..... then you will be made to jump through hoops to keep your mandatory registration valid or forfeit your item.
No Most gun owners do NOT want UBC's and we will not register, in New York the vast majority of AW owners have not registered as required to do by their " safe act ".

You are trying to add conditions to your argument to validate it. That is nonsense. There are many laws including Libel and Slander laws that show what you say is not true at all. You can even commit crimes saying things that aren't true. There isn't any justification for you saying the Second Amendment is absolute.

Do you believe convicted felons should own guns? BTW, Trump is now in that class.
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Liable and slander are when you cause harm by making public something to be that isn't that causes harm or loss, you can say the same things by simply adding ( In my opinion : ) or ( there is no confirmation to the rumor as yet that : ) and then say anything you want.

It's just like saying something in 2nd or 3rd person, such as ( A person could do this or that. ) That is not a threat, but if you say ( I will do this or that to so and so the next time I see then at " name of place " ) Then that could be a threat.

Point is you can say any words you like, a person can even burn our flag or walk down the street saying the N word, they are a jerk in my opinion for doing either, but it is their right to do so.

Yes there is " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED " this makes every gun law ( small arms ) ever written unconstitutional, we will see our rights fully restored and fully respected.

p.s. paul, You have slandered the hell out of President Donald Trump, if you believe what you say then you should start apologizing now and make it clear that everything you have said about Trump is just your opinion spoon fed to you by the liberal trash you read..... actually I support your right to say whatever you want, even though most of it is nonsense and political hype.... and undoubtedly slander.

reply to your edit: Yes convicted felons should have their rights fully intact as soon as they are no longer in protective custody ( In prison/Jail ) as soon as they have paid their debt to society their voting rights and 2nd amendment rights should be fully restored.

Hunter Biden should not have been convicted as the law is unconstitutional..... for that matter all drug laws are unconstitutional as far as personal possession and/or use.

Selling drugs can be regulated or giving drugs to minor could be banned and is already otherwise illegal as causing harm to a minor, but personal use and possession should not be illegal..... if we choose to slowly kill ourselves with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, overeating, ect.... that's our own choice, we are supposed to be a Free people.
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Liable and slander are when you cause harm by making public something to be that isn't that causes harm or loss, you can say the same things by simply adding ( In my opinion : ) or ( there is no confirmation to the rumor as yet that : ) and then say anything you want.

It's just like saying something in 2nd or 3rd person, such as ( A person could do this or that. ) That is not a threat, but if you say ( I will do this or that to so and so the next time I see then at " name of place " ) Then that could be a threat.

Point is you can say any words you like, a person can even burn our flag or walk down the street saying the N word, they are a jerk in my opinion for doing either, but it is their right to do so.

Yes there is " SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED " this makes every gun law ( small arms ) ever written unconstitutional, we will see our rights fully restored and fully respected.

p.s. paul, You have slandered the hell out of President Donald Trump, if you believe what you say then you should start apologizing now and make it clear that everything you have said about Trump is just your opinion spoon fed to you by the liberal trash you read..... actually I support your right to say whatever you want, even though most of it is nonsense and political hype.... and undoubtedly slander.

reply to your edit: Yes convicted felons should have their rights fully intact as soon as they are no longer in protective custody ( In prison/Jail ) as soon as they have paid their debt to society their voting rights and 2nd amendment rights should be fully restored.

Hunter Biden should not have been convicted as the law is unconstitutional.

So, you believe a felon who has over and over used a gun violently should be able to own a gun. That is nonsense!

There are countless videos of Trump saying just what I have criticized him for.
NO paul, I believe a felon who has used a gun violently over and over should be imprisoned for life or put to death.
If the person is redeemable then once they have paid their debt. they should have their rights fully restored.
If they are not redeemable or able to be trusted around sharp objects or with cars and trucks, matches and gasoline...... it's not just guns that are used to cause harm, if they are not redeemable they should be turned into spare parts to save someone else.
This damned system just deleted much of my argument. One cannot imprison someone or execute them for just using a gun in a threatening way or just used a gun to rob a person. You will never get what you are advancing as, even this rightwing SCOTUS, upheld the right to ban guns from domestic abusers.\

Your last statement is nonsense. No one is going to get the right to get a gun after a felony conviction. EVER!
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Guess what paul...... those people who use a gun violently again and again are already felons and they will use knives, clubs, their bare hands to continue to do crime, to threaten and rob.

What difference will it make if the gun they use in their next crime was technically not illegal for them to posses or not ? No difference. What you are after is the total banning of all civilian guns because criminals will always get guns, they will steal them from homes/cars/ect...

Also a felony today can be doled out for such small things, a persons rights should not be lost for life any more than they should be locked up for life.

The SCOTUS upheld temporally banning the possession of guns from someone under a restraining order. People convicted of domestic abuse are already banned which is also wrong because it's a lifelong prohibition unless you can afford to have your record expunged, nobody should be deprived of their rights for life unless they are to be deprived of their life.

No paul, you're not going to get what you want, not without amending the Constitution which takes 2/3 of the house and 2/3 of the senate and ratification by 3/4 of the states.
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Guess what paul...... those people who use a gun violently again and again are already felons and they will use knives, clubs, their bare hands to continue to do threaten and rob.

What difference will it make if the gun they use in their next crime was technically not illegal for them to posses or not ? No difference. What you are after is the total banning of all civilian guns because criminals will always get guns, they will steal them from homes/cars/ect...

Also a felony today can be doled out for such small things, a persons rights should not be lost for life any more than they should be locked up for life.

A gun makes a person five times more likely to be shot in the home than a home where there is none. That is irrespective of knives and clubs, bare hands, etc. I have never said that I want to ban all guns. That is a nonstarter. You are just trying to change the subject.
IDGAF about your stats, they are likely not credible anyway, just like the way shooting stats include suicides and mass shooting stats include arguments where 1 person gets shot..... but regardless of your stats, people still have their rights, they can choose to own or not.
IDGAF about your stats, they are likely not credible anyway, just like the way shooting stats include suicides and mass shooting stats include arguments where 1 person gets shot..... but regardless of your stats, people still have their rights, they can choose to own or not.

I know you don't give a f@ck, but felons will NEVER be allowed to own a gun. EVER!
Wrong, felons can get relief from disabilities and have their rights restored and they can also have their records expunged.
My point is you shouldn't have to spend money to get your rights back once your debt to society has been paid.
Wrong, felons can get relief from disabilities and have their rights restored and they can also have their records expunged.
My point is you shouldn't have to spend money to get your rights back once your debt to society has been paid.

I don't believe many people believe that owning a gun is a right any felon should have. Can you imagine a rightwing state trying to allow that? That would be the end of that government. In fact until Miranda, the 5th Amendment wasn't even a right. Many states used beatings and intimidation to force a person to confess.
