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The 2024 Election is coming fast, share your thoughts on the issues here.

Don't count your cackles before she sucks, lol. 🤪

Yeah, you think these personal attacks on Harris will help you? They won't. The only peope who respond to that are people who were goig to vote for Trump already. Just about everyone else...they turn off.
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It's not my fault she spread her legs and sucked her way into a position of authority, just to abuse her office and cackle at the common citizen held under her thumb, she could have been an advocate of the people, but Harris sought to lock em up and throw away the key.
It's not my fault she spread her legs and sucked her way into a position of authority, just to abuse her office and cackle at the common citizen held under her thumb, she could have been an advocate of the people, but Harris sought to lock em up and throw away the key.

Yeah, not only are you wrong, but Harris convicted many people who were trafficking women and young girls. She also went across the border to find people who were trafficking drugs and convicted them as well. Some were trafficking guns.
She did not, she didn't even go to the border until after she was shamed by that reporter, much less cross the border, she has no jurisdiction across the border, stop making stuff up.
She did not, she didn't even go to the border until after she was shamed by that reporter, much less cross the border, she has no jurisdiction across the border, stop making stuff up.

She did so go over the border as California's AG. She has photos and videos of that. You just don't like the narrative that she is beating Donald Trump.
Yep, she was ineffective and failed as border czar, failed as VP to have an impact.
What's worse are her inane ideas on our economy, government price fixing only hurts the consumer, we really don't need bigger government, it's plenty big and expensive enough already and we dam sure don't need ration cards and the government involved in our dinner planning.

With Trump we get a strong economy and the freedom to choose our own meals, to have an abundance of choices available, not empty shelves because suppliers can't make ends meet with government involvement in every aspect except they don't understand how a business works.

God help us if we have to rely on government owned farming, government owned supply chains and we get what government decides we need, not what we want.
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Yep, she was ineffective and failed as border czar, failed as VP to have an impact.
What's worse are her inane ideas on our economy, government price fixing only hurts the consumer, we really don't need bigger government, it's plenty big and expensive enough already and we dam sure don't need ration cards and the government involved in our dinner planning.

With Trump we get a strong economy and the freedom to choose our own meals, to have an abundance of choices available, not empty shelves because suppliers can't make ends meet with government involvement in every aspect except they don't understand how a business works.

God help us if we have to rely on government owned farming, government owned supply chains and we get what government decides we need, not what we want.

You know what will hurt consumers is Trump's tarrifs that he said he will impliment if elected. That is a tax on consumers all across the board. Did you even read that Politico article? I know one thing you won't like. Harris plans on universal background checks and a permanent assualt weapons ban.
Good luck with that, what you call assault weapons are in common use and are protected by our Constitution.
The best you could hope for would be a Clinton style AWB that blocks import and new manufacture but even that would be challenged in court, however it is likely within the potus perview to block import of specific weapons and possibly new manufacture, but existing would have to be grandfathered in as they are in common use and American gun owners will not comply with any registration schemes, any attempt to register will be fought and struck down in court. As for UBC's it will be difficult to enforce without registration.
Good luck with that, what you call assault weapons are in common use and are protected by our Constitution.
The best you could hope for would be a Clinton style AWB that blocks import and new manufacture but even that would be challenged in court, however it is likely within the potus perview to block import of specific weapons and possibly new manufacture, but existing would have to be grandfathered in as they are in common use and American gun owners will not comply with any registration schemes, any attempt to register will be fought and struck down in court. As for a UBI it will be difficult to enforce without registration.

UBI will be easy to enforce if the penalties are egregious enough. That is what I expect. Still haven't read that Politico article, have you?
